Yeh, you'll be disgusted to here that I know nothing of Dr.Who before the new series :eek: Much to my regrer of course, but then my excuse is I wasn't alive!!

So CF, what regeneration is the Doctor on now and thus how many has he got left??

And ****SPOILERS**** was that one in the last eipsode this series a proper regeneration, ie. does it count cos he kept the same body!?!
I'm pretty sure that the David Tennant Doctor is the tenth incarnation (original birth plus nine regenerations), which leaves him three more lives. If anyone thinks I'm off by one, it's because the eighth Doctor, Paul Gann, was only seen onscreen in one TV movie, otherwise only getting to play the role in radio-theater format during the long TV hiatus; but Paul Gann's Doctor IS part of the continuity, for the TV movie showed Sylvester McCoy's Doctor being regenerated INTO him after being mortally wounded.
Ah, Doctor Who! I didn't know that it was shown in America as well! :D

Hay - I met Sylvester McCoy about 5 years ago! He came to our school coz we had one of the original Daleks in our school library. :D
That's cool Tazzy! Was the dalek a prop for filming in the series?

And waterhogboy, no I am not disgusted. In fact I didn't know anything about the series until I started watching the current "second" season with David Tennant. I have read about it though but not much. Although I was "alive" during the earlier shows, I did not have proper access to TV and really did not watch much anyway.

I am not sure how many episodes I am behind but I know the last one I watched last Friday (7/11) was when they were trapped in this craft by a city of diamonds or something and there was an entity trying to steal the Doctor's voice. So I have not seen the regeneration one. It might be the one today since my son says that this is the one where Rose comes back. I will be back later to post on it.
That's cool Tazzy! Was the dalek a prop for filming in the series?

And waterhogboy, no I am not disgusted. In fact I didn't know anything about the series until I started watching the current "second" season with David Tennant. I have read about it though but not much. Although I was "alive" during the earlier shows, I did not have proper access to TV and really did not watch much anyway.

I am not sure how many episodes I am behind but I know the last one I watched last Friday (7/11) was when they were trapped in this craft by a city of diamonds or something and there was an entity trying to steal the Doctor's voice. So I have not seen the regeneration one. It might be the one today since my son says that this is the one where Rose comes back. I will be back later to post on it.

You still have three episodes left in the series, including the final two parter. My mum and her friend were trying to name all the ten doctors yesterday and they could only get 8 i think...

And tazzy!!! I'm comign to your school!!! I WANNA SEE A DALEK!!! Actually my mum's threatening to buy me a dalek helmet for Christmas but I think I've convinced her not to!
William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker (no relation to Tom), Sylvester McCoy and Paul Gann played the Doctor prior to the latest continuation. Paul Gann, remember, was only seen on TV in one movie-length adventure, then played the role in two or more audio dramas. This leaves the leather-jacketed guy, and then David Tennant. Also, VERY early in Who History, there were two Doctor Who theatrical movies, with Peter Cushing playing a version of the Doctor's first incarnation. At some point, somebody even produced a STAGE PLAY of the Doctor. I guess that wouldn't be so hard: just do a scene inside the Tardis, while stage hands change the main set, and then the lights go up on the world the Tardis has just "materialized in."
I think it was Paul Gann they missed and couldn't get Colin's second name!

My dad used to go to Patrick Troughton's son's church, or something like that...
And ****SPOILERS**** was that one in the last eipsode this series a proper regeneration, ie. does it count cos he kept the same body!?!

I saw the episode last night and no, I don't think that was a "proper" regeneration at all. His death really never happened because Donna, going back in time, never happened to turn right. Right?
N-P, in view of your Jane Austen graphic: I'm a guy, so I can't be a Jane Austen _heroine,_ but I favor Colonel Brandon from "Sense and Sensibility."
You do get it NarniaPrincess. At least you are watching it. What public channel is Dr. Who being shown? I would like to catch at least some of the episodes I have not seen.
I saw the episode last night and no, I don't think that was a "proper" regeneration at all. His death really never happened because Donna, going back in time, never happened to turn right. Right?

No that's not the one I mean. What did you think of that episode. I liked it!!

"Why are you looking at my back!!"
Oh, that was awesome. Sometimes I am so out of it that now I wonder if I have some crazy giant bug stucked to my back!
Could that be the reason why I sometimes catch people stealing glances at my back or looking over and around my shoulder?
BarbarianKing said:
That's cool Tazzy! Was the dalek a prop for filming in the series?
I think it might've been used in the older series, which was probably why everyone was so fussed about it.

And tazzy!!! I'm comign to your school!!! I WANNA SEE A DALEK!!! Actually my mum's threatening to buy me a dalek helmet for Christmas but I think I've convinced her not to!
Ahahahaha XD
Could that be the reason why I sometimes catch people stealing glances at my back or looking over and around my shoulder?

No that's just cos you left the iron on your shirt and it's got a big mark...

...anyhoo. If you noticed in that episode, they are sent to Leeds. Now, this seems to be a punishment for them, but I must implore to you all that Leeds is much nicer than that and that wasn't even filmed in Leeds. Honestly - it is nicer...:(
W-H-B, don't be too sure that B-K doesn't have one of those things riding on his back. If it were visible, it would show perfectly any dandruff that fell from B-K's head, and THAT would cause people to stare.
Well, I'm going to Leeds next year when I go to Europe and see if you're right about that.
And Copperfox, maybe that thing likes the smell of Head and Shoulders!:)