Leeds is a wonderful city. I think you'll love it. And truly I'm not biased!!

So what are peoples' views on the next series. What major events could happen, who will be in it, will it be Tennant's last???
N-P, in view of your Jane Austen graphic: I'm a guy, so I can't be a Jane Austen _heroine,_ but I favor Colonel Brandon from "Sense and Sensibility."
I can definately see you as Colonel Brandon, Copperfox. :)
Have you read the book and seen the movie (Emma Thompson version)?
You do get it NarniaPrincess. At least you are watching it. What public channel is Dr. Who being shown? I would like to catch at least some of the episodes I have not seen.
It's on PBS, which is OETA in my state. It's on at 10:25 Friday nights! We always tape it for my brothers, mostly we stay up to watch it too though. :D
Narnian Princess, thank you! I do consider it a substantial compliment to be compared with the honorable and generous-hearted Brandon. I have been in a position like his (vis-a-vis being snubbed by the opposite sex) in my lifetime, and I loved it that Alan Rickman got to portray him, showing that he could not only play villains but also play a REALLY likeable good guy.
Ok. I saw the first part of the season finale. Don't give me any spoilers please. I will watch the second part next Friday.
What do you mean you stay up? 10:25 on Friday night is early!
Not early to start a TV show... besides, I don't mind staying up, its Mom that minds. :cool:
Last week was Tooth and Claw... oooo! Werewolf! :eek: :D
Narnian Princess, thank you! I do consider it a substantial compliment to be compared with the honorable and generous-hearted Brandon.
He was a pretty swell guy... not my favorite Austen hero, but a good guy!
I have been in a position like his (vis-a-vis being snubbed by the opposite sex) in my lifetime, and I loved it that Alan Rickman got to portray him, showing that he could not only play villains but also play a REALLY likeable good guy.
I don't think I've seen him in anything else. He was a bad guy in a Die Hard wasn't he? I'm trying to remember if I saw that one.
Okay, I've seen it all. It was good seeing Sarah Jane again; but the political correctness was so thick even a Dalek weapon couldn't penetrate it. And some other things that I won't specify REALLY annoyed me!
Oh i probebly posted hear before but i LOVE Dr Who and i also think Daivd Tennant is jit along with John Barrowmen even if he is gay

Loved the last episode of the series but so upset their not doing another series next year cas davids taking a year off to do something else

I don't know who that other guy is. I am going off to watch the second part of the 4th season finale. Right now. 8:30 PM California time. Bye.
Narnian Princess, Alan Rickman did make his name by playing the villain in "Die Hard." Then he was the evil Sheriff in "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves"--were it was he, not Robin, who did the stealing, stealing focus from the wooden Kevin Costner with his great line delivery. ("I'll cut out your heart with a spoon!") Next he played the villain in "Quigley Down Under," but this time with a hero--Tom Selleck--who could match him in acting. So by the time they let him play a good guy, Rickman must have really found it a refreshing switch.

Speaking of the very idea of being a good guy: at almost the VERY start of the revived Doctor Who series, the writers, who are somewhere light-years to the left of Karl Marx, got right into their heavy-handed moral-equivalence nonsense, the kind of tripe that ALWAYS ends up making the GOOD guys out to be MORE at fault. Thus they insisted that even THE DOCTOR HIMSELF, regardless of his centuries of pacifist credentials, must be made to feel ashamed of himself for wanting to kill a cute, charming, cuddly little Dalek--whom Rose indignantly DEFENDED against the "warmongering" Doctor! That the writers would thus beat their anti-militaristic dead horse PROVES, to me, that they are among those who want the whole free world to go round-heeled and fall down under the feet of tyrants and terrorists. THIS is the political correctness I said annoyed me in the recent season finale--with armed forces of the Earth made to look stupid and wrong even for trying to fight back when the Daleks were violently attacking the whole human race!
I don't think it's the idea of fighting back that the writers are highlighting as wrong at all! It's the idea that the only way to sort problems out is with a gun in one hand and a big red button under the other.
captain jack harkness.
sorry to be pendantic.

by the by - Rose, Donna or Martha as the best companion? sorry if this a duplication of an earlier question - I haven't read all the posts, am trying to preserve the tiny bit of me that isn't a super-geek.
From what I saw, I think Donna had better chemistry. Certainly, Rose was romantically infatuated with the Doctor, but then it's practically a requirement for female characters to feel that way. I felt that Donna was a better personality fit for the Doctor than anyone since Sarah Jane--whom, by the way, I was glad to see in the big finale story.
I loved the Sarah Jane Mysteries which were like a spin off with Sarah Jane saving the world but just on earth i thought they were really good

And i really enjoyed Torchwood too, OMG that was brill!!!!
>> I don't think it's the idea of fighting back that the writers are
>> highlighting as wrong at all! It's the idea that the only way to
>> sort problems out is with a gun in one hand and a big red button
>> under the other.

If they were confronted on this issue, today's ultra-hyper-leftwing BBC writers (remember their _constant_ mocking of _all_ faith in a personal God) would _claim_ that this was all they were doing; but their _actual_ message is that, except when they occasionally and randomly feel like making an exception for a favorite character, THERE IS NOT EVEN _EVER_ any justification for good guys to have ANY guns OR red buttons--while the bad guys are perfectly free to have both. This is the same mentality which has caused the British government literally to _forbid_ honest citizens to defend themselves against predatory criminals--with a 100 percent inevitable _and_ predictable result of predatory crime in Britain increasing.
John Barrowmen plays "Captian Jack Heartness"

ah, ok. Thanks.

CF: At least in the US, the courts are slowly, although not completely (coward justices imo), affirming the right of the people to bear arms. More work needs to be done.

Anyway. I finally saw the end of season 4 and right after, I found out that season 5 comes out until 2010. That's a long way off.
I loved the original series of Dr Who. This revamped version is O.K. at least in some stories but not as good as the old one.

I'm getting really sick of the way people keep slagging of the BBC on this forum. They operate in a pluralist society and have to give equal treatment to all viewpoints. That is something I believe they really try to do and as a result they are hated by all sides.

Religious groups attack them for giving too much time to atheists, and atheists for giving too much time to religious groups. The right wing hate them for being too left wing, the left wing hate them for being too right wing!

In a way they have an impossible task, trying to balance all sides, but I think they do a fine job. Every year when I pay my £120+ licence fee I wonder if it's worth it. Then I remember the Proms, Choral Evensong, the Daily Service, Carols from Kings, Building a Library and a thousand other things that make my life richer spiritually and culturally.

God bless the BBC. Long may it continue!
But as far as I've seen on "Doctor Who," giving time to all viewpoints is exactly what they NEVER do. On "Doctor Who," private enterprise is ALWAYS clumsy or outright wrong, soldiers are ALWAYS fools at best, and faith in God is ALWAYS a fraud. Nor have I seen any view very far from these views in ANY of the BBC programs that have made it onto American TV screens, with exactly two exceptions, both made possible by the prestige of Mr. Lewis: the CoN, and "Shadowlands."