At least gair understands the meaning of the word

In the real world of course it's inconceivable an act of genocide could be morally justifiable. But the fictional universe of Dr Who is not the real world. In the real world we don't have xenophobic killer aliens intent on the eradication of all other sentient life. At least I hope not:)
Wow! I think that I am seriously lost in this conversation!

The Daleks were hearless vicious things! Not people! They had, and were capable of, no human emotion.
You can't murder a machiene.
At least gair understands the meaning of the word

In the real world of course it's inconceivable an act of genocide could be morally justifiable. But the fictional universe of Dr Who is not the real world. In the real world we don't have xenophobic killer aliens intent on the eradication of all other sentient life. At least I hope not:)

No, just a bunch of crazed religious zealots, but since they are not aliens, I guess we are not allowed to defend ourselves and kill them all first.
But it had been seen in an episode in an earlier series that there was hope for the daleks! There was the one in Area 51 that learnt to feel emotions. A truly merciful person will look for a way, no matter how hard, to repair rather than destroy. The easy option is to say, "kill them all, it'll make the universe better off!". I'm just glad God didn't decide to do that with us!!!
As alway, so called "socially conscious" people don't believe that good people have the right to defend themselves and kill first. We should all love one another no matter how evil some of them are and how they only look at good people as just a chunk of meat.
Why don't we all go to San Quentin and hug with our fellow humans and sing Kumbaya?

So of course everytime the Doctor has to eradicate some evil, somehow he turns into the monster. I guess it is true that no good deed goes unpunished (by socially conscious people).
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LOL I agree! We have a cell phone that's 'for all the kids' and instead of calling it 'Alaina's' phone or 'Gabes' phone' or 'Jo's phone' we call it TARDIS. :D:cool:
LOL..I call phone booths Tardis..and my grandmother(whos never seen the show) always looks at me funny...:D

Next time you spend time with your granmother, bring Dr. Who DVDs and say: "Granma, I'm going to show you why I called phone booths Tardis, ok? Let's spend some quality time!"
I think the very first episode of the new set of series. With the Nestine conciousness and all the shop dummy's attack. That's pure Dr Who IMO, and isn't too weird or thought provoking to unsettle new viewers.

By the way in answer to a question WAY back, my fave compaion of the new series is Donna.
Fifth Doctor was Peter Davison, who was also in the rural-England series "All Creatures Great and Small." I believe Davison was the first Doctor ever to get kissed by a female companion--a goodbye kiss from Nyssa.
The boy who died thwarting the Cybermen was Adric. I always wanted them to do a story in which Romanadvoratrelundar emerged from E-Space in a Tardis of her own construction, learned about Adric, and therefore--since doing so would not interfere with HER personal timestream--boarded the ship Adric was on before it crashed, saved him, and then had him as HER companion.
It was like foreshadowing the large casualty rate that would occur among friends of the Doctor in the renewed series we see now.
I've only seen Christopher Eccelston and David Tennant as the Doctor.

I have a policy against watching a show that the main character dies! :eek: It's just unbearable!
Well, with "Doctor Who," THE main character DOES die, over and over and over; but he still has a couple of regenerations left.