Duffer Boot Camp!

I didn't think even PotW could contaminate aspirin. Perhaps I was incorrect. It did taste a bit off, and I have been getting up before 8, by choice, which probably indicates that something is wrong....
Well, I think I've only had one, but my mother says that she's not the same person she was before my brothers were born.
She is. Also she could give GG a very good lecture on Why One Should Not Eat Non-Food Items, or Food Products with Artificial Preservatives.

(In other words, PotW's cheese whiz is out.)
Talk to her about one of her fandoms, and it lengthens remarkably. Maybe someone should try lecturing her on Why Faramir and Remus Lupin Do Not Eat Non-Food Items, and Why You Should Do the Same.
Only if you'll quit eating things ironically. Otherwise, you would be basically asking for people to let you starve.