Duffer Boot Camp!

Welcome!!! I think you've started off just right, and I look forward to seeing your progess in Dufferdom! :D
Is this a prospective duffer I see? :D
If you ask me, the very best place on the forum is Dufferland, where we push people off cliffs, whalesplat them, run into cactus, fight over Cheese Whiz, and talk to walls. If you want to learn Duffer lore, the Order of the Can and the Encyclopedia are helpful places, but much of dufferhood is just random and crazy fun. ;)

*duct-tapes Shadow to train going off the cliff*

(no malice meant, merely a traditional greeting :))
*sprays Lossy with CW* *duct-tapes Lossy to a train going off a cliff into a field of cacti* *whale-splats Lossy* *tells the wall to fall on top of Lossy* *drops a bowl of petunias after*

By the way, that was just a traditional greeting, nothing more. Oh, and I'm not paying your medical bills for any of it.... :D
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Yes, it was, 'cuz Douglas Adams is a duffer, though he may not have been aware of the fact.

The whale-splat was also a reference, for as everyone knows, whales have a nasty habit of falling out of nowhere.

And Glen, that rather reminded my of the welcome part Oly threw for me when I first joined. It is not fun. :mad:

*stampedes Glen with a herd of Stan the Cookies and Sushi the mad-buffaloes*
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Yes, it was, 'cuz Douglas Adams is a duffer, though he may not have been aware of the fact.

The whale-splat was also a reference, for as everyone knows, whales have a nasty habit of falling out of nowhere.

And Glen, that rather reminded my of the welcome part Oly threw for me when I first joined. It is not fun. :mad:

*stampedes Glen with a herd of Stand the Cookies and Sushi the mad-buffaloes*

Ack! Typo! And there's only one Sushi, and he would never stampede me! *hugs Sushi*

Come to think of it, I never got properly welcomed...just dragged back into the Insane Asylum after I had come in of my own accord. Most of the big duffers were gone by the time I started posting in here. (I didn't do anything in dufferland when I first became active on TDL because I couldn't make heads or tails of the posts. My days of innocence....)

*seals Lossy in the mod lounge* *evil laugh*
Everyone thinks that the great duffers have already gone by the time they learned dufferhood, which is not true. You know Queen Derny, don't you? You know Freckles, don't you? And someday, some youngster will probably come on here and bemoan never getting to know Glenburne. :rolleyes: New great duffers are always in the making. There are always Old duffers which have found a life (sad sad world we live in. but they tell tales of the greats all returning one day, and everyone will live dufferly ever after).

*sends DLF after Glen with the promise of cookies*
I do know Freckles, and someone really needs to go after her and drag her back in here. She's been out in the sane world for a couple weeks, and we have a duel to finish.

By the way...I already stole the cookies you're promising. Too late! Too late! *quacks*
Oww! That broke the slingshot in my pocket! Now what am I supposed to tell my little brother?

Me: Yes, I stole your slingshot. So what?
Little brother: So what? You broke it. Do you know how long I spent making that? You've ruined my life!
Me: Which has lasted for how long at this point?
Little brother: If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you. As if you're that old yourself. *smirks* Oh, wait, you are.
Me: *locks little brother in closet*

You're causing us family dis-harmony by cliff-splatting me. *is horrified*
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Hello. :) To give you a traditional Duffer greeting:

*drops Prince Shasta off a cliff into a field of cacti* *whalesplats* *drops bowl of petunias after*

*tries to fix little brother's slingshot* *fails*
*throws slingshot in Queen Derny's blackhole*

*waits at the other side of it*

*new sling shot comes out*

A little bit of science is always helpful.
I didn't realize the blackhole could do that. Are you sure that Derny's blackhole isn't actually the Soda Machine?
no, most things never come back out. I'm pretty sure it's GG's stomach. But if you can tweek time and space just the right way, it can be pretty useful sometimes.
Hallo there my fellow Duffers! I just arrived here in Dufferland where I belong. I think this is going to be much fun indeed!

Hullo! I'm just as new or possibly newer than you are, though I've already been ducktaped to a train headed off a cliff and been caught in the crossfire of a cheese wiz war...

How's it going?
Hello again, Shadow.

And welcome, Shasta, I see you've decided to venture into this brave new world. :D Glen's already greeted you properly, I see. And sorry for forgetting you for the moment to fix Glen's sling shot. We duffers can have an awfully short attention span some times. :o