Odd. Does meditating cause boots to fall out of the sky upon your head? *medidates* *boot falls from the sky* Evidently so. *examines contents of boot* Hmmm... it seems to contain Derny's black hole, the last page of the Fearsome Book of Ferocious Ferrets (detailing the tail of the last Ferocious Ferret's final stand against the Aardvark Army), the golden scepter of Holyboy, King of the Duffers (only it's not really a scepter, it's a teapot, but don't tell anyone because they haven't figure it out yet, alright? - oh, and it's not really golden, it's just covered in Cheese Whiz), a fur stocking cap (made out of beaver fur - the only problem is that they didn't bother to skin the beaver before the made the cap), a flaming marshmallow, a cliff, a fishing rod with a whale at the other end, Stan the Cookie, a small, bucolic farm, the Three Blind Mice, the DLF's second cousin twice removed (it was coming to visit the DLF, but the train broke down and it got knocked off a cliff by an avalanche and somehow ended up here), the Lost World, (not the book, the actual thing), Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, Sparky the dragon, forty-two cans of Cheese Whiz, a small, very angry-looking gnome, the Seven Dwarfs and their mine, King Arthur (he's been having a hard time returning to England - he wandered into Dufferland and hasn't found the way out yet, but he's having so much fun looking for it that we just haven't had the heart to tell him there isn't one), a partridge in a pear tree, Ben the Egg, and a very confused water-buffalo (a friend of WHB's). All in one boot. Perfect! *sets boot on fire and begins to stir with a piece of string cheese* Just the right ingredients for Dufferland Stew!