Duffer Boot Camp!

*meditates* *finds cliff* *jumps off* *walks on water* *sinks* *meditates* *drowns* *walks underneath the water* *meditates* *flies underneath the water*

Fish: That's called swimming, you idiot!

*flies underneath the water*
*meditates* *goes fishing* *catches a boot* *tosses back in* *meditates* *catches a Glenburnita* *tosses back in* *meditates* *catches a boot* *gives up*

*spits water at the Lossy-tree* *meditates* *re-splats Lossy-tree* *triad* *hugs Sushi* *meditates* *wonders what happens if a cheese falls in the forest and nobody hears it* *meditates* *decides that the cheese turns into a cactus* *flies underneath the water* *smacks into fish*

Fish: Look, we're a multi-cultural society down here, but having multiple personalities doesn't cut it. So cut out, will you?

*tries to speak* *bubbles* *personality split* *personalities meditate* *personalities rejoin* *meditates* *pulls Lossy-tree in water* *meditates*
Odd. Does meditating cause boots to fall out of the sky upon your head? *medidates* *boot falls from the sky* Evidently so. *examines contents of boot* Hmmm... it seems to contain Derny's black hole, the last page of the Fearsome Book of Ferocious Ferrets (detailing the tail of the last Ferocious Ferret's final stand against the Aardvark Army), the golden scepter of Holyboy, King of the Duffers (only it's not really a scepter, it's a teapot, but don't tell anyone because they haven't figure it out yet, alright? - oh, and it's not really golden, it's just covered in Cheese Whiz), a fur stocking cap (made out of beaver fur - the only problem is that they didn't bother to skin the beaver before the made the cap), a flaming marshmallow, a cliff, a fishing rod with a whale at the other end, Stan the Cookie, a small, bucolic farm, the Three Blind Mice, the DLF's second cousin twice removed (it was coming to visit the DLF, but the train broke down and it got knocked off a cliff by an avalanche and somehow ended up here), the Lost World, (not the book, the actual thing), Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, Sparky the dragon, forty-two cans of Cheese Whiz, a small, very angry-looking gnome, the Seven Dwarfs and their mine, King Arthur (he's been having a hard time returning to England - he wandered into Dufferland and hasn't found the way out yet, but he's having so much fun looking for it that we just haven't had the heart to tell him there isn't one), a partridge in a pear tree, Ben the Egg, and a very confused water-buffalo (a friend of WHB's). All in one boot. Perfect! *sets boot on fire and begins to stir with a piece of string cheese* Just the right ingredients for Dufferland Stew!
*ignores stew* *ignores fish*

Fish: Look, you're sittin' on my-- *grunts* *pushes*


Fish: Would you please--


Fish: Whatever. *meditates*

The confused water-buffalo must have been in the same metaphorical boat as Stan the Cookie, the confused elephant. Or maybe this boot incident is that metaphorical boat and there's a time warp involved somehow...
No time warp. Just meditation. *meditates on confused water buffalo*

Sushi: *is offended* *jumps into water* *drags Glen out*

Okay, so I am supposed to think nonstop about you....

Sushi: *glares*
The confused water-buffalo must have been in the same metaphorical boat as Stan the Cookie, the confused elephant. Or maybe this boot incident is that metaphorical boat and there's a time warp involved somehow...

I think he was just confused because he was in a boot. Not the usual situation for a water buffalo, confused or otherwise.
Caspian: *steals boot* *throws boot into the chocolate Mt. Doom*
Dorthy: You're obsessed with the chocolate Mt. Doom aren't you Caspian?
Caspian: *nods* *steals meditating, meditation, medication, medicine....*
Dorthy: Has anyone seen Caspian's brain? Or a brain that I could use to replace his? Or a rubber duck? Or a yo-yo? Or maybe an eraser....
And a boy named Jack comes out of his house, his jaw slack. "Mother, the b-beans! They grew into a tree this time!"

And his mother says, "Great. What's up there now, an ogre? And, in all seriousness, Jack, why on earth can't you learn from your mistakes? That was the second cow you made a bad deal on in as many weeks!"
Last edited:
Good evening, gentlemen and ladies of Edith's Editing Club.

On today's agenda is the above post posted posthumously by Ms. Glenburne (born Glenburg III. of Glenbrook). As we all know, it has been edited. (For all those who are not familiar with the vast and complex terminology of the EEC, "editing" is another word for "modifying", which is, in this context, a less powerful variety of the "modifying" the moderators are capable of. On the limits of editing, see the Duffer Encyclopaedia (2nd Edition))
The question we are here to discuss at the present time (00:15) must of course be: which word (or was it a whole phrase) did Ms. Glenburne edit, and for what reason? Let us summarize again the four main reasons for editing a post:

1) a typo
1a) an ordinary typo
1b) an extrarodniary tyop
2) general dissatisfaction with the ways of the world, which has been channelled down to a single word (even smileys fall victim to editing for this reason)
3) a confused mind (on a scale from 1 to 10 ranging from "odd notions about the use of cough syrup" to "founding member of insane asylum")
4) a bear

In Ms. Glenburne's case, we can safely discard reason 1 (she does not do typos) as well as reason 4 (her strategy of identifying each bear she meets as a typo and turning it into a beer is, as of yet, unrivalled).
We are thus inclined towards reasons 2 or 3. Since the EEC always hopes for the best, let us assume that she has a confused mind strength 8 or possibly more, and replaced the word "mods" for "mistakes".
Seriously, who learns from mistakes? Except if they are punished by mods, of course.

Meeting adjourned.
Kind regards,
Ms. Edith Freckles

PS: Alright alright, I'll try to go to sleep again...
On the limits of editing, see the Duffer Encyclopaedia (2nd Edition)

Hmm... can't find said entry. You writing one sometime soon?

You know, I'm actually rather glad that Glen and Oly weren't of the same time. They would have had too much fun together... *shudders at thought*
Meeting adjourned.
Kind regards,
Ms. Edith Freckles

Edith? So...do you go by Edie, or Ed, or Eddie? Eddie Freckles...hmmm....

And don't insult my edit button. It's my lifeline. I keep it in a very special place inside Sushi's left horn. (Do not start pulling at the horn to see if it will come off; it doesn't. However, Sushi has been known to gore those he dislikes, and he usually dislikes people who yank on his head, trying to tear his horns apart.)

Note to self: Keep Sopespian from seeing this post, or he will definitely attempt the above prohibition.

Note to self: Keep Sushi away from Freckles, or she might uncapitalize him, and then I would have to go look for her edit button....
Oh! You've been around (or absent) for quite a while! Welcome back, Captain Roses.

*uncapitalizes sushi*

*attemtps to find Glen's edit button by yanking on horn*

*is thrown off cliff by sushi*


*donates sushi to GG*
Sushi is busy composing a sonata in objection to your illegal assault on his person. He plans for its premier to be during the annual "March Madness" protest in Washington (the purpose of which is to legitimize Dufferdom in the eyes of the world, and to ensure an end to discrimination against Duffers everywhere). The sonata will be styled after the commonalities of the Romantic period in classical music, although Sushi is planning to include several tone clusters to show the relevance of his sonata to the modern period.
Sushi has never hurt a cat in his life. And I spent part of this morning stroking a [shedding] cat. Must you distract us? Sushi is stuck on the second movement of his sonata. He can't decide whether he wants to put the melody in the bass clef.