Cats.... *clears throat*
Now in other news...Hurricane Irene's winds destroyed a greenhouse in North Carolina, leaving the owner, Pander Pillbox, without the business that has been his life for one hundred and thirty years. However, the winds seem to have picked up some of his potted plants. Bowls of petunias have been dropping repeatedly after risk-takers in the Northeast who have been bungee-jumping off seaside cliffs. Mr. Pillbox requests that anyone who happens to notice a bowl of petunias flying through the air, specifically after a someone vertically descending from a cliff, to return it by UPS to his greenhouse. "So that I can start over for the thirty-fifth time in my life," Mr. Pillbox says. "I've been doin' this for years and years, sonny, and those petunias always find an excuse to get away from me. Think my socks could be the problem? My wife says...well, smell 'em anyways, Mr. Reporter Person, and tell me what you think--"
The interview with Mr. Pillbox seems to have been cut short. Now, on to sports news for the weekend....