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Had lots of stuff to do... second appointment at the dentist (which I survived, but I'm recovering as we speak) and wrapping up my work at therapy for one... I'm glad for the holidays now, cos I'll have more time to spend with you then. :)

Pfff, and being in love doesn't really help much. It's distracting! :p

:\ Busy bee, you are..

Glad you're here now! :D

I know. Really. :rolleyes:
Well, here I am again.. I haven't been on very much the last days...
but it's almost holiday, then I can be online again!:D
Get well soon, MGGT. *hugs*

Wow, I could do with some serious inspiration... haven't written anything in days, simply because my whole emotional being is caught up in that love-thing... but yeh, I'm enjoying it a bit much at the same time. :o
Pretty good, actually. Still tired/weak cos of the dentist issues again, but I'm doing better already and I think I'll actually have quite a speedy recovery this time around. Furthermore, well, I can't really think that straight anymore because it feels like my days as a single woman might be over and done with. :rolleyes: Which is sorta scary, but also a loooot of fun.
I replied but got the same error as usual :rolleyes: Eva, how are you doing girl? laura, guess with whom I sms? Ene laura :D

Ilse....pm is on the way!!!!!!!!!!

YAH!! ^^ I actually had to tell a long story.. But that would've cost too much. XD

Eva: Eee. XD Just get better. XD

Abnd you too Vaness!
Pretty good, actually. Still tired/weak cos of the dentist issues again, but I'm doing better already and I think I'll actually have quite a speedy recovery this time around. Furthermore, well, I can't really think that straight anymore because it feels like my days as a single woman might be over and done with. Which is sorta scary, but also a loooot of fun.
That's great for you! Being in love is great! And if you have the feeling that it's going to work out: that's even better. :)

Laura: :eek: i think that's not going to happen soon... but... if the Dutch take over the world it might:D *makes plans*

Vanessa: do you have like an emailadress, 'cause i just realized that i haven't got you on my list... which isn't good, because there must be someone i can talk about the greatness of Elrond :D Get better soon!
Excuse me????? You mean this weird stupid elf who refused to pick up the phone when I called him last week to say Gil-Galad had won the Tour de Rivendell???? He is still mad because at the big elfconvention, Gil-Galad was chosen unaniem as de meest legendarische elf ooit :D
My email is mrstook@msn.com ;)

*Throws head on desk and fals asleep*
Excuse me????? You mean this weird stupid elf who refused to pick up the phone when I called him last week to say Gil-Galad had won the Tour de Rivendell???? He is still mad because at the big elfconvention, Gil-Galad was chosen unaniem as de meest legendarische elf ooit :D
My email is mrstook@msn.com ;)

*Throws head on desk and fals asleep*
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