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HEYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome here!!!! We are all dutchies who live in different parts of Holland. Amsterdam is cool. You should take the boat to make a trip through the citycanals.
Amsterdam's big. For me. XD Whahaha. But cool. Have fun!

Lieke: What the..? XD I'd most likely talk about 30stm! :D

And yeah, I'm moving to America, most likely, when I'm done studying.. ^^
Welcome here Narniabeaver2005, Amsterdam is great, i'm sure you'll like it:)

Vanessa: TAKE ME WITH YOUUUUUUUUU :eek: *puppy dog eyes* You're so lucky, Helsinki, Canada and the US, that's so cool!!!
Lieke: What the..? XD I'd most likely talk about 30stm! :D
What do you mean?
After Sunset said:
And yeah, I'm moving to America, most likely, when I'm done studying.. ^^
I'm not going to do that, i don't think i would completely fit into american society... But maybe i'm going to emigrate, but i don't know yet, maybe i'll like it in the us so much when i'm studying there that i will stay ;)
Ageing of population? XD

I'm just going to Portugal. XD Whahaha.

And well, I think I would.. I mean, I'm ALREADY being called "The American Girl" at school.. O.o
Ageing of population? XD

I'm just going to Portugal. XD Whahaha.

And well, I think I would.. I mean, I'm ALREADY being called "The American Girl" at school.. O.o
Yeah, it's a big problem, and since i'm into politics and stuff i like to think about a solution:D

OOOOOOH :eek: then i'll come with you too!!!

I'm going to Germany.... on my bike

O.o .... yeah... O.o o.O hehe:D

btw Laura, come over and post in the 100000 post game (link in sig):D
Yeah, it's a big problem, and since i'm into politics and stuff i like to think about a solution

OOOOOOH :eek: then i'll come with you too!!!

I'm going to Germany.... on my bike

O.o .... yeah... O.o o.O hehe

btw Laura, come over and post in the 100000 post game (link in sig):D

XD I know.. But I wouldn't talk about it. :D


I've done that too many times already.. I don't like Germany.. O.o

You know, I posted there most! XD
XD I know.. But I wouldn't talk about it.


I've done that too many times already.. I don't like Germany.. O.o

You know, I posted there most! XD

I like it, though i don't like the language that much, but i'm going to ride from here to there with a friend of mine, and it's going to be great:D it's 300 km, so not that much...

I know, but still... we're not there yet :eek:

I like it, though i don't like the language that much, but i'm going to ride from here to there with a friend of mine, and it's going to be great:D it's 300 km, so not that much...

I know, but still... we're not there yet :eek:


O.o We mostly just ride over to Venlo and then we cycle 40 km.. XD How long will you be.. cycling? XD

I know. XD We won't be before PC. XD
Most people are idealize the american society. But I can tell ya, it will be extremely difficult to enter the US and if you do....make sure you have a lot of money and I mean a lot!
Having been there last year and having seen how many people live, I would say I love New York and I will have no problems om mezelf aan te passen but still I will never idealize the american style. People think life is better there and there are not as many rules as here and blablabla (tja, ik kan wel een hele lijst op gaan noemen :D) but we are here better off than there. Ik ken iemand die potdorie 300 dollar per maand verdiend voor 24 uur werk!!!!!! That is not even the helft van what I earned when I was still working 24 hours :eek:
Life insurance and medical care is important and extremely expensive. I can understand why you want to move laura, but DON'T IDEALIZE IT!!!!! ;)
I ant to move too. I am going to do everything I can to move but I am not focused on going to the US alone. Maybe Canada is an option too.
Yeah Lieke! Spring maar in mijn bagage :D
I do not idealize it, i don't think i ever want to move to the US, but i want to go to university there for a year or half a year, not because i think that schools are better there (i don't think that) but because 1. i want to see the US, and see what is really true from what i think of Americans (everyone has prejudgements about other countrys: Dutch people are down-to-earth, cheap and liberal, Americans are very emotional and hug-you-like and do a lot of 'i'm proud to be an American'-stuff) and i really want to know what's true and what isn't, because you can't really tell from what you see/read on internet or television, it's just not the same as actually being there. Also i want to go to an English speaking country, and i don't think i want to go to England, it's just too close...
I know too that it is very difficult to enter, but if i go there for my study then i'll go with some organisation, so it isn't that hard...:rolleyes:
Also about the medical care and such things, i wrote an article about that for economy classes, and i was like WHOAA They don't have insurance like we do here, and if they have it they usually pay for it a lot more :eek: Not fun...

MGGT said:
I ant to move too. I am going to do everything I can to move but I am not focused on going to the US alone. Maybe Canada is an option too.
Yeah Lieke! Spring maar in mijn bagage
I want to see Canada too someday (though i'm afraid HB's influence there will be so big that they wouldn't let me in...)

GREAT!!! :D *jumps in*

And i don't think i'm going to move at all, you know i want to find a job in politics, and i don't think that it's easy to do when you're in another country, making a carriere in politics... though i might work at the NAVO, the EU or at an ambassade... I don't think EU:rolleyes:
From my experience during the time in New York city, I have noticed the people are nice and warm. me and my mum were walking down the streets ( I believe it as between 5th and 6th avenua) when a guy spoke to us about the wheater. How he missed snow. We said we were from Holland and he said: It is a beautiful country. I have seen a lot about it on the news. The new Yorkers are very relaxed and never hestitate to help you out. I think it is a city I wouldn't have problems with to live in. But I am not a specific country orientated. I am looking forward to see Canada and Finland too!
If someone would ask me to move to the US to live there for 4 years, I would do it. But the same with canada or even Britain.
Come on Lieke, jump in my suitcase!!! We are going to the Niagara falls :D
Heya people! Long time since I've been in the Dutch thread, but I'll need to come here once in a while to say hello, don't I? :D

Concerning the US and A (I love to say that :p) I'd like to visit it sometime. Just a few months ago I was thinking of moving there, but well, I found out I'm better of where I am right now. There are alot of problems in the US that I personally find distastefull, like lack of gun control, insurance stuff, and politics overall, but oh well, I still like the people and the nature (We don't have to pay for a health insurance over here :p) ... Nice seeing you folks again!

(PS. What about Norway Vanessa? :p)
. Doffen
Hey Doffen!!!! If you ever go to the Us of A, go to NYC. The people there are friendly and don't look at you like you are weird. During christmas there were 3 guys in the subway singing christmas songs in a-capella :D
I would love to go back there if I could. But it will be Helsinki first followed by Toronto.
Yep, the gun laws are devastating and the healthcare is extremely expensive. They do have insurances but don't ask how much they have to pay. I always make sure my insurance is excellent when i am going on a holiday ;)
We have to pay taxes here for our healthcare, and a bit by ourselves, but not even near to the sum that the americans have to pay :eek:

Hello Doffen, i don't think we met before, my name's Lieke, 16 years young:D and a Dutchy. Nice to meet you! :)

Vanessa, the Niagara falls, i'm definately going with you:D
Tsssss.............Lieke....you have been away from here too long :D Doffen posted here a while ago very often.
Yep, we have to pay premies every month. But we are happy to know we have an insurance.
Yeah! I am going to see the waterfalls. Because it is only one hour away from Toronto. It means we are finally going to experience a white Christmas again.
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