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How long are you going to schiermonnikoog? I have been to terschelling once. With school. And I live at walcheren and indeed. Goeree is not that far away from me. It is the host of my newly made site but it has a lot of bugs to fix :mad:

one week;) but I think that will be long enough.. because it will be very expensive if it would take place longer..
well, than I can visit you when we go to Goeree!:D

blegh, the site kicked me off:mad:
I had it before. I thought they had fixed it?? :eek: When are you going? maybe you can go to the pijlerdam!!! It is not far away from me :D

well, I'm going to Ooltgensplaat.. I know that's on the right side of Goeree:rolleyes:
but, how are you doing? long time not spoken to you.. I've missed you!!
Ik ben zo druk bezig joh :eek: Pfwoeee!!! I am happy when the season is over already :D So many things at work and at home and then arrange the holidays etc. And how are you doing sissie? It won't take long before you have holidays!!
Ik ben zo druk bezig joh :eek: Pfwoeee!!! I am happy when the season is over already So many things at work and at home and then arrange the holidays etc. And how are you doing sissie? It won't take long before you have holidays!!

When do you have holiday then? now?
I'm good.. tired.. en ik ben het helemaal zat met school:p
I will be happy when we have holiday:)
And I felt a bit sick yesterday.. :(
I have holidays not earlier than at the end of November. We will have hoogseizoemn waiting. The 21th the germans of the part who are coming to Holland have holidays and then it starts :rolleyes: And in September it is already a bit calming down :D I can understand you are through with it. But hold on....holidays are waiting for you!!!!!!
I have holidays not earlier than at the end of November. We will have hoogseizoemn waiting. The 21th the germans of the part who are coming to Holland have holidays and then it starts And in September it is already a bit calming down I can understand you are through with it. But hold on....holidays are waiting for you!!!!!!

Ohja.. hoogseizoen.. allemaal duitsers en japanners:p
well, only three weeks left and then I have no lessons anymore:D
Only still one testweek:(
Hey, I have to go soon, so I can't stay online very long anymore:(
Here two weeks and then they all have holidays. I hate highseason because all the traffic is coming on the road I always have to take.
I can't stay on long either. I am so tired and tomorrow I have a busy day!!!
Here two weeks and then they all have holidays. I hate highseason because all the traffic is coming on the road I always have to take.
I can't stay on long either. I am so tired and tomorrow I have a busy day!!!

Hey, I have to go now...
Byebye!!!! Have a good night of sleep;) Love you lots!!!! *hugs* Love you sis!
Do you remember the topic I made at the prayer forums? You replied there too. My mom was gevallen. I will check it out at the homepage.

Oh.. I think I forgot about that.. sorry:o
But I have prayed for her! Because I know I pray for everybody where I type it;) How is she doing now then?
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