Elijah Wood is so cute!!

I've read that he gonna played as a college student in a new movie called "Murder in Oxford" or something. He gonna help his tutor to investigated a murder case and solved it by math :D

For everyone who hates math...be prepared...I'm afarid that you gonna love math after watched this movie :D
*hugs Mya* This is the best words that I read for today... :D

Yep...I totally crush with this "Honey-ball" guy (my lovely fellow Cris who gave that name :D) and he also my candidate for Prince Rilian in The Silver Chair :D

Sorry..spamming.... :p
Haha good spamming ;) *Hugs*
When I watched HR I was like my oh my he's gorgeous, very evil but very attractive lol.
Omgh I hope so. That would be cool.
YOU WATCHED IT???:eek: Wooot.....awesome!!!Yep...he made a great performances in HR and OMG......why I've been so late to know about him :D
A demonic angel.....he could played like that...Gosh....*staring at my sig*

I'm sorry again...s-p-a-m-m-i-n-g :D
Haha lets see.
Maybe him and Elijah could act in some creepy wierd movie like Elijah did in Sin city. There ya go no more spamming lol. Yeah I watched it recently. Awesome movie. Didnt much like the ending. I was hoping he would go after the final guy too. Its way better than the other movies.
I think Lij and Gaspard already played in the same movie ("Paris Je't Aime") but they have different stories.

Ending of HR do you mean? :D
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WHOA!! Sin City!! I have seen it and it is extremely violent. Lijah was so cool as this mean Kevin :D I have around 14 movies with Lijah :eek: I liked him the most in Hooligans and Everything is illuminated. In Eternal sunshine he was more a freak :eek: