Español - Spanish

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Hola todos, yo he estudiado español a un año y media. Me gustan español mucho y me gusta estudiarlo. Creo que español es bastane fácil pero préterito indefinido y préterito imperfecto son muy difícíles!

(hope this makes any sense at all :) )

Yo creo que indefinidos e imperfectos son dificiles en cualquier lenguage. Ahora mismo estoy aprendiendo el italiano y lucho en esas areas :(
Chicos presten atencion a esto:


We cannot guarantee the safety, privacy or dignity of people posting in languages other than English. For this reason, this thread and all other threads in the International Forum must either be in English or a meeting place for email, chatting, or instant messaging people off site.

Even though this policy was prompted by some recent incidents, it is not being done to punish many people for the actions of a few. We are working to ensure adequate protection and guidance for you from our forum leaders.


I don't want that the mods close this thread :(

So, I know that almost everybody who post in this thread speaks spanish, but is true, if the mods don't understand what we are saying it could a big mess in the forum!!!

Guys how is everything going?
Hola, cómo estás? Y Feliz Nevidad todos :D En mi clase de español mandaba una carta de Navidad a una chica en España que es una amiga de mi maestro :)

(I really hope this makes sense :) )
Hola --Bueno como estan. Yo vengo de Puerto Rico--La Isla del Encanto--Soy Boriqua!!

Oh! Ques La que? Bayamon in da house :D

Yes, Sunny, that did make sense :)

Only one teeny, tiny correction. Since you wrote your sentence in past tense, instead of mandaba, you use mand`e or le mand`e which is the past tense of I sent her.
Buuuenas!! Como estan todos por aquí? :D yo tengo ya un año aqui en el foro y pues la verdad hice una vez una thread(sp?) que se llamaba Spanish Speakers, soy de Venezuela... De verdad comprendo perfectamente que los moderadores no quieran que se hable en otro idioma ya que no pueden garantizar que no se esté hablando nada malo, pero, realmente no tenemos porque!! :D

Dear mods, I guarantee you we wont speak anything wrong on this thread, we just ask eachother things about ourselves telling from what contries we are. We understand your reasons, but, there's nothing to worry about :).
Buuuenas!! Como estan todos por aquí? :D yo tengo ya un año aqui en el foro y pues la verdad hice una vez una thread(sp?) que se llamaba Spanish Speakers, soy de Venezuela... De verdad comprendo perfectamente que los moderadores no quieran que se hable en otro idioma ya que no pueden garantizar que no se esté hablando nada malo, pero, realmente no tenemos porque!! :D

Dear mods, I guarantee you we wont speak anything wrong on this thread, we just ask eachother things about ourselves telling from what contries we are. We understand your reasons, but, there's nothing to worry about :).

Tu no te habias mudado a Inglaterra? Creo que e hablado contigo antes.
(Didn't you move to England? I think I have spoken to you before.)

O, lo mejor que podemos hacer es traducir en ingles lo que escribimos en espa~nol. Asi no enojamos a los mods.(The best we could do is translate into english everything we write in spanish so that we won't anger the mods)
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Tu no te habias mudado a Inglaterra? Creo que e hablado contigo antes.
(Didn't you move to England? I think I have spoken to you before.)

O, lo mejor que podemos hacer es traducir en ingles lo que escribimos en espa~nol. Asi no enojamos a los mods.(The best we could do is translate into english everything we write in spanish so that we won't anger the mods)

I have yet to figure out what the exact ruling is on this issue, but for right
now it would be excellent if you could translate everything into english.
I'll get back to you all as soon as I can on what the new rules will be.

<3 Chelsea
Gracias Chels!
(Don't think I need to translate that :P)

Cuales son las tradiciones navide~nas de ustedes?
(What are some of your Christmas traditions?)

Una de la tradiciones que creo que los puertorique~nos tienen es celebrar la navidad en el 24. Por lo menos asi lo hacemos en mi familia y tambien los amigos mio. El 24 ES el dia en que nosotros nos reunimos con la familia, comemos una cena bastante grande, cantamos, parrandiamos (:p) abrimos regalos, etc...
(One of the traditions that I think puertoricans have is celebrating Christmas on the 24th. At least that's what my friends and family do. The 24th is THE day that we reunite with our families, eat our big dinner of the year, we sing, "Parrandeamos", open presents, etc..)

En el 25 nosotros cogemos el dia para descansar, dormir, comer leftovers, y quizas ir a un servicio en la iglesia si lo tienen. :)
(On the 25th we tend to relax, sleep, eat leftovers, and go to church at night if they have service.)
I just saw this TV show thing where one of the characters has a baby who only speaks Spanish and tries to speak with it.
Hola como estan?! Que pidieron para navidad?
Hello how are you?...what did you ask for christmas?

Yo pedi ropa, zapatos... y bueno, varias cosas :D
I asked for clothes, and well, some things...
HolaS, y Felíz casi navidad!
Hi!, and happy almost chrismas!

Yo no sé que puedo pedir para esta navidad..... Paz y amor!
I don't know what can I ask for this chrismas.... Peace and love!:)




Ya sé! un abrazo de una chava que me gusta! nwn
I know! a hug from a girl that I like... nwn
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