Fairy Girls

Lilith said:
"Aren't we then??" Darla said just to make Emmy angry...
No you arn't, because you are a fairy... good thing you arn't a filthy pirate :rolleyes:

You may look for your sister in peace... and after you find her let me know so I don't mistake you for someone else again :)
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Lucyroksmysoks95 said:
OOC: how can you have a fire ball???? :confused:

IC: *Makes a bigger fire ball*

ooc: I'm evil... I chose fireballs as one of my powers... My mother was a fire fairy...

ic: "Wanna fight or something??"
Lilith said:
ooc: I'm evil... I chose fireballs as one of my powers... My mother was a fire fairy...

ic: "Wanna fight or something??"
*stares at Darla not saying anything*
*glances at bramble glad she wasn't getting into this*
*fire ball grows even bigger*
Lucyroksmysoks95 said:
*stares at Darla not saying anything*
*glances at bramble glad she wasn't getting into this*
*fire ball grows even bigger*

*lauhgs* How big do you wanna turn that thing??
Lucyroksmysoks95 said:
It grows with my temper, Emmy informed her

Cool... No real controle... *shimmers behind Emmy* I do have real controle...

ooc: I g2g now... So please, can we go along tomorrow... Pretty pretty please!!
Lilith said:
Cool... No real controle... *shimmers behind Emmy* I do have real controle...

ooc: I g2g now... So please, can we go along tomorrow... Pretty pretty please!!
sure... and if I can control my temper (which I can) I can control my fire ball sizes
Lucyroksmysoks95 said:
sure... and if I can control my temper (which I can) I can control my fire ball sizes

You really can control your temper?? I see that...

ooc: really g2g now!! BYEBEY!!!!!!! LVOE YA!!!!!
Lucyroksmysoks95 said:
*see's water bubble*
*immediatly puts up fire sheild*
OOC: you do know that water can kill a fire fairy right???

OOC yea

ic: then she got out her water bubble and put it arond the fire fairy