Fairy Girls

Lioness_Aslan said:
"She's never done anything to you and there are two against you."

"Yeah, 2 against 1... Or not... You choose... But I fought on my own against my father and mother togethre, and see, I won."
Lioness_Aslan said:
"No you didn't. You failed. You failed your heart, you failed your family and you failed your love."

"Good, good, good... I didn't fail my heart, and I certainly didn't fail my love..." She looked far away, into the direction of her home. "But my family... Well, my family tried to kill me, and I wanted to live, so I killed them instead. Their own fault."
Lioness_Aslan said:
"You said it yourself, It doesn't matter so don't go killing people and leave my sister alone"

"Well, that day I discovered all my powers. I mean, I did know i had them before, but i didn't know I was that powerful. And, since i'm evil, I have to use them, and i do. By killing innocent people. Including you!!" She immediatly threw a fireball at Naida, she didn't miss. But it was only a small fireball, cos she didn't have the time to make it bigger so it would kill her immediatly.
Lioness_Aslan said:
Naida felt the pain seering up. It was no use discussing with her. "Even I have some powers." and she sprayed darla some water on her.

Darla's arm turned red. Well, her wrist. There was a mark, and it burned. But Darla was strong enough to fight along. She threw another fireball at Naida, this time bigger, and she shimmered away. She hung in the air, invisible, while shimmering. She never knew she could stay there as long as she wanted.
Lioness_Aslan said:
ooc: What? You turned invisible?

ooc: I didn't really... But during the shimmering, you become invisible for a second, and i just found out I could stay in that position.