Fairy Girls

Naida couldn't sleep.She had a bad dream. There was a man in it, his hair was black and his eyes were blue. He was hurt, nearly dying. Naida couldn't save him then a blinding light ... and Naida woke up. She was sweating. She couldn't sleep anymore so she got up and went for a swim. That wasn't nice either. She was still thinking about her dream. "Who was that man?".
Darla looked outside, where she saw a guy about her age mowing the grass. She was in love with him; she already was. "Oh Robin... If only you knew.."

ooc: I'm 59! :D
ic: As Naida was swimming, she saw something shining on the ocean floor. She dived for it. It was a sea shell but not a normal one, it was made of gold. Naida opened it up and a wonderful tune was heared. It was some sort of lullaby. Naida looked at the inside of the shell. There was a mirror and a little pearl. She tried to pick up the pearl but instead the pearl began to lighten up as soon as the princess had brushed her fingers to it. Then magically, in the mirror the same boy in Naida's dream was reflected. She was becoming curious. Then the boy began screaming and once again she saw him dying, he was drowning somewhere in the sea! She recognized the place. It was Dying Waves! There were many whirpools there! Naida hurried off to Deathly Wave. She saw a figure and grabbed him by the hand. Then she went on the shore. She didn't care if her father would punish her for coming on dry land, this man needed help. Naida mixed some Algea to form a medicine and she stuffed it into his mouth. The man's eyes began to open bit, by bit. "Where am I?" the man said. "You are safe. I have saved you. I am Naida, who are you?" Naida said.
"I am Alvin. Thank you fair lady. I am still feeling a bit sleepy." Alvin said.
Naida could do nothing now. Maybe if she could only find a way to build him a bed...
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Darla felt as she was getting stabbed. Like someone she killed gained life again. It was her latest ex-husband. "*beep* ALVIN!!!"

ooc: Little more life in it... :D
ooc: *lol* Your ex-husband! :D
ic: Naida walked around and found a deserted cottage. No one was living in it and there was a bed. She helped Alvin get up and put him in bed. "Thanks." he said. "Stay here for the night. I must go but I will come back in the morning." Naida told him. AS Naida was going away,Alvin grabbed her hand, she turned around "Where are you from?" Alvin said to her. "Aquaworld but I'm afraid you can't come. Goodnight and Bye." she got out. Naida swam away till she arrived at the palace. She went into her bedroom and opened stared at the golden sea shell. Who's was it? What exactly were its' powers? She thought. Naida kept thinking until she fell asleep.
ooc: Yep my ex-husband, whom I killed... *lol*

ic: Darla called for the Seer. As soon as she arrived, Darla became to yell at her: "Why the hell is Alvin still alive??!! I killed him!!!" She was so angry. This might mean too her parents gained life again...
ooc: Good One! :D
ic: Naida woke up in the morning. She was still thinking about Alvin as she went down for breakfast. Her father was at the table too. "How come you are so early?" Neptune said. "Well, I had a bad dream." she said. Naida ate the food up. "Father, I am going for a swim." "Yes daughter, but don't be late for dinner." he said. "No I won't Bye." Naida swam away and went to the cottage. The man was still asleep. She decided to make him some tea from the few ingredients that there was. The man woke up and Naida gave him the tea. "Good Morning. If I may ask you...Where are you from?" Naida said. "Well, I am from land and I have a long story..." Naida listened as he told her how his own wife tried to drown him. He never mentioned the name though. "What is your Wife's name?" she asked. "I had two wives actually. My wife used to change from minute to minute. You never knew if she was good or bad. My Darla..." then he stopped. "Darla?" Naida knew that name! It was the same girl! "Yes. I loved her and she did too but people change...people change..." Naida was scared. His wife was the same Darla but could she really drown her own husband? Maybe she really was that bad.
ooc: Sorry I had to go back then... And good part!!
ic: Darla couldn't sleep. She sat in front of the window whole night, just looking outside and thinking Alvin was alive again. She still loved him, and she never really meant to kill him, but he was in her way. And at the night she killed him, Darla saw him as her father. She wanted, no, needed to see him today. So she went to the Seer (yes the Seer is very important), she could see where he was. "He is in... Aquaworld." Darla immediatly shimmered away, to Aquaworld. There she saw him. "Alvin!!" she cried.
Arya looked around the forest. She decided that it would be best to confront her father herself, so she flew off to her home. She got therer, and she could feelteh heat of his anger a goood distance away. "Oh boy..." she said. She flew up through her window, and opened the door. She went downstairs to the throne room, and stood by the door. sHe could hear her father's voice, and he was obviously in a meeting. "Why would Arya just take off...she could be anywhere?! Dead....flattened, or even WET!!" he yelled. "Well, now or never.." she thought, and opened the door.
Darla suddenly saw Naida looked at her very mad. She wanted to say something, but she just didn't know what. "Sorry Naida, for taking back my husband." She shimmered out, and took Alvin with her.

ooc: She calls him husband, and not ex-husband, because they split up when he died, and since he's not dead anymore... And can we set Alvin up as a part... Like, the first guy here... Cos otherwise I will have to play 3 and a half characters (The Seer, Darla, Robin (will come in later) and Alvin half...)...
When Darla and Alvin arrived at the castle in Darkar's Shadow, Darla was still crying. "I never stopped loving you..." she whispered. She stood up. "Seer!! Heal Alvin!!" The Seer entered and obeyed Darla. Alvin took a deep breath "Anything else?" The Seer asked. Darla shook her head a little, just so the Seer could see it. The Seer left. Darla softly kissed Alvin, and he kissed her back, just like her killing never happened. They hugged. "I love you.." Alvin said in Darla's ear. She only grabbed him even more tight, and she was still crying.
Naida was confused. Was Darla in love with Alvin or did she take him to kill him once again? She decided to go to the palace again. She saw bramble. "Hello sister."
After a few hours Alin was all back to his old self; half evil. And darla always made that part grow, just as now. Alvin was already ruling over darkar's Shadow again, he was evil King again. Of course, Darla had complete power over the country, but shared it with Alvin.