Fairy Girls

It was late, yet Tatiana still stood by her balcony. She watched several of her subjects swim past quickly. She sighed. Then, a cold hand reached on top of her's.
"It is a sad thing," said a voice in her ear. "That such a young girl loses her love so quick."
"Oh, Xavi," whispered Tatiana, turning to face him. "I know, I know...It is all my fault...marriage ruined, like many others, our love..."
"No, no," said Xavi. "It is not your fault. Your father sought it fit that I died. And he was right. I was not of royalty, and therefore not eligable to marry you. It is my fault."
Tatiana felt tears well up in her eyes. She blinked. "Oh, Xavi," she whispered again. She let the tears run down her cheeks.
OOc: every one have a boy friend why is that I don't have one if I do have one don't know what to name him

Ic;bramble was stell crying every one....ee
queen hannah said:
OOc: every one have a boy friend why is that I don't have one if I do have one don't know what to name him

Ic;bramble was stell crying every one....ee

ooc: I didn't name 1 myself... LA did... *lol*
"I promise. Now let's get inside I want to show you something." They got inside and Naida took the golden shell out of her pocket. "Look. This is a magical Shell, it showed me a man in need of help and it was right. I saved him."
Alvin felt like he was stabbed, and Darla exactly knew why. The shell. It has opened. She saw it when she brought Alvin home. "Calm down Alvin. It'll al be over soon."
queen hannah said:
OOc: every one have a boy friend why is that I don't have one if I do have one don't know what to name him

Ic;bramble was stell crying every one....ee
I don't gots a boifriend. Me fiance died. :( WWWAAAAA! (in the rpg - not in real life! i'm just 13..haha)
Lioness_Aslan said:
"I promise. Now let's get inside I want to show you something." They got inside and Naida took the golden shell out of her pocket. "Look. This is a magical Shell, it showed me a man in need of help and it was right. I saved him."

Bramble just look at her " I just went to know one thing" she turn arond
While Darla and Alvin sat on the floor, cos of Alvin's pain, the gardener. "My queen, I..." he started. "I'm sorry. I'll come back leter, your majesty." Darla stood up. "No, stay." She was in love with the gardener. She still loved Alvin, but she moved on. "What do you need?" Robin, the gardener, answered. "Uhmm.. I wanted to ask you, your majesty, if I were allowed to get some more fairy-workers??" Darla thought about it for a second. Then she said: "Fine. I want my garden to look awful, and if you need more fairy-workers for that, then take them." "Thank you your majesty..." Robin left.
"Don't cry," said Xavi. He wiped Tatiana's tears away. Then, she jumped a mile when a thunderous voice came into the hall.
Neptune threw open the doors of Tatiana's front room, where she was. He stormed over to her, grabbed her shoulders, and shook her.
"WHERE WERE YOU? DID I NOT TELL YOU TO STAY IN YOUR ROOM? AND HELPING A FIRE FAERIE! HOW COULD YOU?" he bellowed at her. She gasped and thought she was going to faint. A scuttle behind her father sounded while he waited for her to answer, and a maid appeared, breathless and crying.
"Sir!" she wailed. "Sir she's only just a girl! You can't possibly expect - "
"SILENCE!" roared Neptune at the maid. She fell back. He turned to Tatiana again and shook her slightly. "Well?" he barked. "Do you have anything to say?"
Tatiana shook her head, biting her lip to stop tears. She gulped.
"Sir!" another maid came rushing in.
"FOR THE LOVE OF - " began Neptune in a thunderous shout, but he stopped when he saw the maid looked as though she'd die of fright.
"Sir - it's Lady Cala, your fourth wife! You must come quickly!"
Without a glance at Tatiana, Neptune rushed from the room behind the second maid. Cala was his second-favourite wife, for he had been married to her longer than any of his other wives (the first, second, and third wives had all died). Tatiana followed her father out.
Arya opened the door, and saw her father watching her. He was silent. She walked up to him, her head hanging in shame. When she was close enough, she said. "Hello, father. I am sorry for disobeying you..." He looked at his daughter, tears welling up. He was happy to see her back, safe and secure. HE dropped his septar, and took her into a huig. "Oh, my daughter. I thought yo uwere dead! What happened to you?" heasked, as he could feel a small scar where the water was poured onto her. She sighed. "An assasin.." the room gasped. "Poured water on me...but a water fairy helped me, and without her, I would've been dead!!" she said, before her father got to mad.