Fairy Girls

Alvin noticed Darla looked to Robin in a way she had only looked at Alvin himslef before. "You love him, don't you?" He asked to Darla. Darla stuttered. "I... Uhmm... I.. I'm sorry Alvin. It's just... When you.. Left.. I moved on after a while..." Alvin walked out. He was angry, and sad, but in a way happy too. Happy Darla found love again. Darla got sad too, she still loved Alvin too. It was such a mess. She shimmered out, to a random street, where it was crowded, full of fairies. She stood there without moving for a second, and then she started to throw fireballs. At least 15 fairies got killed. After a while she saw Robin, and she looked mysteriusly at him. "What are you doing here??!" She asked angrily. "Uhmm.. I was just looking for something to eat tonight, your Majesty." Robin answered. Darla looked around her. Dust was everywhere. "You know, Robin. I should kill you." At a moment she actually did want to kill him and threw a fireball at him. But just before he hit her, Darla shimmered in front of him and got hit by the fireball herself. Nthing. Not even a scratch. But still, she started to bleed, but not because of her own fireball. She was hit by something else. Water, light... Could be anything.
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
Without glancing at Bramble, Neptune said a quick hello to her.
"Come, Bramble," whispered Tatiana, pulling her half-sister along with her. "Cala is sick."

"ok what ever you say sis" looking confused
Darla fell, right into Robin's arms. Suddenly Alvin appeared. "You!! Go away from her!!!" He screamed at Robin, who now was scared. Alvin could kill Robin in one second, just because Robin was human and Alvin fairy. So Robin putted Darla slowly and gentle on the floor and backed away. He didn't say anything. "Seer!! Come here, NOW!!" Alvin called for the Seer, who immediatly came. She saw Darla and healed her right away. When Darla stood up, the Seer nodded to her and disappeared. She saw Alvin, and on the opposite direction Robin. "Do I really need to kill him? So we can live on." Alvin asked Darla. "No!! Don't. If you will do that, my love can never come back and I will probably kill you.. Again.." Darla looked down, sad. She waved her hand just in the air, and Alvin shimmered away. She turned to Robin, who was still terified. "Robin, I have to talk to you." Darla said after she walked into Robin's direction. She grabbed his hand and moved it up. "I.. I love you Robin." She said, just looking at his hand she held in her own hands. "But.. Your Majesty.. I'm just a human. I'm not worthy of you." Robin protested. "Robin! Don't you know how love feels?? Even I do! And I'm evil. I love you, okay? I can't stop it, whatever I do. And belive me, I tried." She started crying. "But, your Majesty, then what do I do know?" Robin aksed with a shaking voice. "Nothing. You do nothing. Otherwise Alvin will kill you immediatly." A fairy worker walked far away, but Darla could still see her. She let one hand go of Robin's hand, and threw a fireball at the fairy worker. She screamed and then turned into dust. "He'll kill you just like that."
*Kate walked into the forest, searching for Tidus**she went to the lake* "Tidus? Are you there?" "Yes, I'm here." *Tidus walked out of the forest**Kate smiled sweetly*
ooc: I have a question: I'm playing 4 parts now, and I think that's a bit too many, so.. Maybe if a guy could take over at least one part, I would find that really... Handy... But of course, I need permission first... *lol*
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
"No," said Tatiana, hurrying to catch up with Neptune. "He's angry with me, he found out about my little above-water escapade..."

"oh sorry about I hope he won't fine out I was there to"
queen hannah said:
OOc: ok I try to ok I think the war is over and every one is at home

I'm not at home... I'm in a city... I just killed pretty many people cos I had a fight with Alvin about Robin, and then Robin came... Blablabla...
OOC: no one has posted for a while, so I will try to make some drama again.

IC: Emmy was walking around and realized that she was lonely :eek: !! So she went to all the other kingdoms of the worlds, and gave a message to each messenger. This is what it said...
Dear Royal Queens and Princesses​
I have decided that we should make a tea group, a sewing group, a fighting group or anything like that, I think we could all use some new friends, and some fun!!​
Please RSVP to The Queen of Ember, Signed Emmy​

OOC: It may be cheesey but it was the best I could think of :eek:
ooc: Okay, you said ALL, so that includes me.. :D

ic: When Darla got home, she got a message. From Emmy. "Fighting group? Good idea, Emmy. Very good indeed."
Lucyroksmysoks95 said:
OOC: no one has posted for a while, so I will try to make some drama again.

IC: Emmy was walking around and realized that she was lonely :eek: !! So she went to all the other kingdoms of the worlds, and gave a message to each messenger. This is what it said...
Dear Royal Queens and Princesses​
I have decided that we should make a tea group, a sewing group, a fighting group or anything like that, I think we could all use some new friends, and some fun!!​
Please RSVP to The Queen of Ember, Signed Emmy​

OOC: It may be cheesey but it was the best I could think of :eek:

Arya went up to her Queen. "Fighters? I though t all ofthis was supposed to be peaceful, not that any one listens to it..." she said, her anger getting the better of her.
Darla decided to shimmer to Emmy. When she got there, Emmy wasn't the only person there. Arya was there too. "Hello Arya, haven't seen you for a long time..."
Arya nodded." Same here....Darla!" she sai, cutting offher other coversation. "Hoe great to see yo uagain!! How has life been treating ya?"
"Oh life has been great. Parents dead, husband dead and now alive again.. You know. Oh wait, I forgot, you don't." she laughed.