Fairy Girls

Let the RPG START!!!*You hear Trumpets*

ic:Queen Illusen was at her balcony thinking of the man she saw the other
day.Spiky Blond Hair,Hansdome and strong(Lady Larien I'm referring to Cloud.
He's hot)."I wonder who he is"Illusen said.looking at the stars.

ooc:If you don't know who Cloud is then here he is:
ooc: YAY!
ic: It was a clear night sky, Naida the princess of Aquaworld was swimming in the ocean. The moon shined upon her and it was a beautiful night. Nobody could ruin this. Everything was silent. It was just the way Naida liked it.
IC: Darla was sitting her room in the castle of Darkar, looking outside. "Seer??! Why is it so beautiful outside?? I hate it!!!" Seer: "I can't do anything about it. Your ex-husband had power over the weather..." Now darla got really pissed: "Don't talk about him!!! He's dead, and he'll stay that way!!" Darla got a flashback; she threw a fireball at her ex-husband. "I will always love you." he said. Then Darla blinked her eyes and got back into reality; she didn't regret what she had done, but she did miss him. But he was too good.
enya sat on her bed crying angry tears. for the 10th time, when she asked when she was going to become queen, her fathers answer was not what she wanted. Her father was not very old and still very healthy, he had told her for the 10th time she would rule when he dies or was too sick and old to be king anymore. It made enya so mad.
she looked out at the beautiful senery out her window, one of the many times she wished it wasn't so peaceful. why isn't it raining? she thought my whole life is ruined it ought to be raining
Darla shimmered to her garden. She was thinking of her ex-husband. "useless." she said to herself. then she shimmered to another Land, in the same room Enya was standing.
EFC 4ever said:
your welecome.*enya dries her eyes* so uh...whats new with you?

I think you already know about my parents - they're dead. But I really need a new husband, they give me strength...

ooc: For Aquaria: I like the left one better...
It was a clear night in The Kingdom where Princess Emily was angry at her brother King Trian the 2nd punished her for seeing John the poor fairy that was selling his food for money and Emily knew in her heart she loved him more than anything so she started to leave when her brother's wife her sister-in-law told her she should go to John and have a life with him so that's what she did :)