Fairy Girls

Arya flew down a series of passages and somehow ended up in the garden. "Okay, maybe there is somethin to do out here..." she said, looking around.
ic:The night was over. Naida slept a little and went down to the bottom of the ocean to see if someone needed her help. Seeing she had nothing to do she went to the castle. Maybe she could find someone to talk to there.
ic: She had nothing to do. No one was there and she couldn't even water the water plants. They had all the water they wanted. Naida decided to go to the nearest dry land. There would be lots of people. She shaked her fairy wings for a bit and went up. She flew and found herself in a forest.
ic: Naida was really surprised when she heard a voice. She was even more surprised to see a girl holding up a flame. "Don't hurt me. I'm Naida, ruler of Aquaworld. I had nothing to do and came to visit the dry land. Please I don't want to fight."
Arya put her fireball down, and it vanished. "Oh, so your Naida. I've heard about you. I'm Arya. Princess of Ember. I don't want to fight either, it was for pretection." she said with a smile.
ic: Good so she had met another ruler. "Good so you are a princess too. I am happy to see you don't want to fight. Would you mind showing me around here? I rarely come on the dry lands."
"Sure!" Ayrasaid, pleased that she had something to do. She took Naida to the Ember Castle and showed her the rooms. "So, what's it like, in the ocean?" she saked anxiously.

I g2g....BE ON LATER!
ic:"Really nice. Yesterday it was really beutiful. I was swimming at night and the moon was shining it was wonderful. The only thing is that you cannot water the plants! :D If you want to come I will be pleased to show you around my castle. I only have to get you some magic dust so that you can breathe underwater."
Lioness_Aslan said:
ic:"Really nice. Yesterday it was really beutiful. I was swimming at night and the moon was shining it was wonderful. The only thing is that you cannot water the plants! :D If you want to come I will be pleased to show you around my castle. I only have to get you some magic dust so that you can breathe underwater."

"Really?" Arya said excitedly. "That would be...amazing. But, I've never been underwater, or even in water before. I don't know what would happen, so I'm a bit frightened." she admitted.
ic: Illusen decided to find Cloud and ask If he would like to be her bodyguard.
Illusen went off to find Cloud.Illusen asked the animals in the wood s to tell her where he was and they told her that he was in the cottage over there.
"thank you my animal friends"Illusen said flying off.
ic: Illusen knocked on the cottage door."Cloud its me"Illusen said.The door
opened."Hello Illusen"Cloud said letting her in."So would you like to be my bodyguard?"Illusen said."Okay do I have to move into the castle?"Cloud said.
"Is that a problem?"Illusen said."Um no"Cloud said packing his things.Cloud got all his clothes as other things."Okay lets go"Illusen said opening the door.
Amy I am this Fairy now
ooc - oh and just to let you know SweetieGirl Kate and Cloud have met before a few years ago but they haven't seen each other since then :D if you don't want that to be so then too bad thats what you're going to have to deal with if you want to fall in love with him
Lady Larien said:
ooc - oh and just to let you know SweetieGirl Kate and Cloud have met before a few years ago but they haven't seen each other since then :D if you don't want that to be so then too bad thats what you're going to have to deal with if you want to fall in love with him
ooc:I'm fine with it and you can just call me Amy thats my real name

ic: Cloud put his arm around Illusen.Illusen was blushing