Fairy Girls

Tatiana sat disparingly in her throne, clutching the arm rests. They were made of liquid water, but yet it didn't ever spill. Like - liquid water metal.
She watched as a cord tightened around her lover Xavi's throat. Then, she turned away as he let out a spluttered gasp and hung limp by the rope.
(At the castle....)"Your room is right here Cloud.Goodnight"Illusen said."Goodnight My Queen Illusen"Cloud said closing her door.Illusen just
giggled.When Illusen got to her room she went right to sleep.
Tatiana closed her eyes and tears leaked between her lids, burning her cheeks as they ran down her soft skin. She blinked a few times and wiped her eyes.
It was Teta, the man her father wanted her to marry. But she, Tatania, wanted to marry the man she just watched be hung, Xavi. It was too late now.
Tatiana looked up. "Don't," she whispered angrily. "Call me 'Tat'." For that was Xavi's name for her.
"I'm sorry Ta - Tatiana," said Teta. He was handsome, rich, and everything a woman would want. Anything but caring for the woman he loved. He would love her and throw her away when he didn't want her anymore, and she'd run right back to him. He would feel as though no other woman could resist him. He'd had...let's see, five, six, seven, eight wives now - all of which ventured Above Water and never returned.
"Dratted Earthmen," he would say each time this happened. "They enchant the Women of the Water, luring them from their husbands..."
ooc - ugh i can't take it no more i need a boyfriend in this rp lol it makes it funner kinda lol :p

ic - *Kate walked to a secret pond that only she knew about* *she got on her kness very close to the water and watched the water butterflies (hehe they sound cool)* "Hello" somebody said. "AH!!*Kate fell in the water* *the person rushed over to the edge of the water* "Let me help you up" *he stuck his hand down* *Kate grabbed it* "Thank you" she said. *Kate got out of the water* "I'm Tidus" said Tidus. "Hi, I'm Kate. How do you know about this place?" said Kate. "I was just walking through the woods and found it" said Tidus. "Oh, ok. Well, I should be getting home now. It was nice meeting you, Tidus." said Kate. "Yes, It was nice meeting you." said Tidus. *they then kissed* ( :rolleyes: )
Lady Larien said:
ooc - ugh i can't take it no more i need a boyfriend in this rp lol it makes it funner kinda lol :p

ic - *Kate walked to a secret pond that only she knew about* *she got on her kness very close to the water and watched the water butterflies (hehe they sound cool)* "Hello" somebody said. "AH!!*Kate fell in the water* *the person rushed over to the edge of the water* "Let me help you up" *he stuck his hand down* *Kate grabbed it* "Thank you" she said. *Kate got out of the water* "I'm Tidus" said Tidus. "Hi, I'm Kate. How do you know about this place?" said Kate. "I was just walking through the woods and found it" said Tidus. "Oh, ok. Well, I should be getting home now. It was nice meeting you, Tidus." said Kate. "Yes, It was nice meeting you." said Tidus. *they then kissed* ( :rolleyes: )
ooc: lol

ic:Illusen couldn't go to sleep.Illusen decided to go to the pond and clear her
mind.She saw Kate with a guy and THEY WERE KISSING!"I'll talk to her tomorrow."
Tatiana glared at Teta. He had brilliant green eyes, wavy hair that was so blonde it was looking green, and a rosy complexion.
"What do you want, Teta?" she snapped, jumping up from her chair. Her gown flowed gracefully to the floor and it settled round her ankles.
"I was asked to come to the hanging," he said. "Asked by your father."
"King Neptune has no right to ask you to come to the hanging of my fiance!" said Tatiana loudly. As the words 'hanging of my fiance' sunk in, she began to sob. She shook so bad her knees buckled.
"Tatiana!" gasped Teta. He grabbed her shoulders. "It's ok," he whispered. He kissed her forhead and she jerked up and out of his reach, her face tearstained - she no longer was crying but her face furious.
She slapped him straight across the face. "Never touch me with your sorry lips that have touched a million other woman's!"
"I should go now." said Kate. "Yes, you probably should. I hope we see each other again." said Tidus. "We will . . . I promise." said Kate. *Kate turned and saw Illusen!!* "What are you doing here?!?" she said.
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
Tatiana glared at Teta. He had brilliant green eyes, wavy hair that was so blonde it was looking green, and a rosy complexion.
"What do you want, Teta?" she snapped, jumping up from her chair. Her gown flowed gracefully to the floor and it settled round her ankles.
"I was asked to come to the hanging," he said. "Asked by your father."
"King Neptune has no right to ask you to come to the hanging of my fiance!" said Tatiana loudly. As the words 'hanging of my fiance' sunk in, she began to sob. She shook so bad her knees buckled.
"Tatiana!" gasped Teta. He grabbed her shoulders. "It's ok," he whispered. He kissed her forhead and she jerked up and out of his reach, her face tearstained - she no longer was crying but her face furious.
She slapped him straight across the face. "Never touch me with your sorry lips that have touched a million other woman's!"

Arya felt anger. She didn't know where, but she could sense oit far away. "I wonder what's happening..." she thought.
Tatiana ran out of the hall, leaving her dread and horror and anger at Teta behind her. She pushed through the crowed of townspeople quickly, their green, blue, and purple hair flying in her face as they jostled her around.
She ran until she reached the Front Hall of the Castle of Water. She raced up the Grand Stair case and down the many halls to her room. She flung open the door and stopped dead in her tracks.
Xavi was sitting in a chair by the window, looking out at the many mer-people swimming past.
"Funny - Humans don't believe in what is real," he said quietly, not looking at her. "Like people coming back from the dead, Tat."
"I came to the pond to clear my head until I saw you and that guy"Illusen
said."I don't think you should trust him yet"Illusen said flying back to the castle.
Tatiana flung open the castle doors and rushed out into the clear water. She twirled for a bit and then swam upward.
A few minutes later, her head surfaced and she saw, her eyes gleaming, a Fire Faerie crouched by the bank. Tatiana's eyes grew wide and she plunged back into the water.
She swam as fast as she could to the castle, pulled open the doors, and ran to her father's throne room.
"Tatiana!" he exclaimed, but not because she was dripping wet. No, she wasn't wet at all: in fact, Water Faeries have a special power that the second they get out of water, they are dry.
"Father - a faerie," she gasped. "Up above the water, a Fire Faerie."
SweetieGirl said:
"I came to the pond to clear my head until I saw you and that guy"Illusen
said."I don't think you should trust him yet"Illusen said flying back to the castle.

ooc - hehe Hullo!! I dunno if I can stay on long. I think my mom is going to take me and my brother to Best Buy to get X-2. It's kinda on sale. :p

ic - "Bye Tidus" Kate said walking back to the castle. When Kate got back to the castle, she went straight to her room, shut the door (more like slammed it lol), and went to bed. (after all it was like really late by now) When she woke up the next morning, she couldn't believe that all of that had really happened last night.
Aquaria awoke from her slumber and flew to her balcony she looked out on the ocean while the sun was gently sparkling apon the ocean. "what a beautiful day it is" she said to herself
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
Arya still stood on teh waters edge, looking out upon the ocean in, a scared look in her eye.

Aquaria flew from her balcony and on to the surface of the water. Aquaria then saw Arya " hello fellow fairy how are you this wonderful day?"