Fairy Girls

GeNtLe SuSaN said:
"Glad to meet you!" she said. She was a little nervous, for a Water fairy could kill a Fire Fairy like that. "Beautiful out, isn't it?"
ooc: lol i love your banner stalking lol ! :D

ic: "quite aquaworld looks beautiful at this time of year" Aquaria said to Ayra
"Brilliant." she replied. "Fire World, so bright, and everything sparkles. Magnificent..." she said, her voice trailing off. "Shouldn't....shouldn't you be....ermm........underwater?" she asked, not wanting to agrivate Aquaria
"not really if i dont want to be under water i come up here and maybe do some exploring or just fly around"she said with a sweet smile
"Oh, that's cool. I wish I could do that!" she said. "But, if I touch water..." she dipped a finger in the ocean and a hissing noice and smoke came from it. " I go out." she said. "Do you like it up here?" she aksed, curious about the water fairy.
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
"Oh, that's cool. I wish I could do that!" she said. "But, if I touch water..." she dipped a finger in the ocean and a hissing noice and smoke came from it. " I go out." she said. "Do you like it up here?" she aksed, curious about the water fairy.

" oh yes i love it up here! i feel so free" she said twirling in the air
under water i cant fly as free because of the friction on my wings "and becaus many of the other fairys cant go under water soo i come up here sometimes to see all my fellow fairies"
Sportygirl7702 said:
" oh yes i love it up here! i feel so free" she said twirling in the air
under water i cant fly as free because of the friction on my wings "and becaus many of the other fairys cant go under water soo i come up here sometimes to see all my fellow fairies"

"Glad to hear it!" she exclaimed. "Maybe my father would allow me to have you visit the Fire Palace sometime..' she said..
ic: Naida was in the castle sleeping when flipper, the dolphin woke her up. Naida played a little with flipper and tried to find something to do.
Arya went into the Fire Castle. She took a series of passageways that would take her to her room, without her having to worry about bumping into he fahter. SHe got to her room, and the coast was clear. She opened it, and stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh....hello father." she said.
Sportygirl7702 said:
ooc: ohhhhhhhhh you in trouble! lol :p

ic:Her father looked at her sternly. "Where were you? Were you by the ocean again?" he asked her. She hung her head and nodded. "Yes." she mumbled. She knew her fahter was going to be in a rage. He was. "ARYA!! You could've been killed!" Your light could have gone out, you could have lost all of your fire abilities, and a Watewr fairy could have gotten you!!" he yelled. "NO!! I talked to a water fairy!" she said. Her father's eyes went red. " What did you say?" "I TALKED TO A WATER FAIRY!!!!!!" she sid again." and didn;'t you notice that all the things that COULD HAVE happened, didn't?" she pointed out. Her father stormed out. "I'll send your mother up." he said, and slammed the door.