Fairy Girls

Tatiana gazed out toward the water from the blacony of the Castle of AquaWorld.
The Castle of AquaWorld was in a large bubble so that - though it WAS the world of water - no water could get in.
A few mer-maids and mer-men flittered past. Tatiana wasn't a mermaid. She was a Water Faerie to boot.
"Tatiana," said a deep grave voice from behind her. Tatiana jumped and turned. King Neptune stood behind her. A beatiful Water Faerie stood next to him. It was one of his many wives, Clairessa. Though Neptune had a lot of wives, none of them was his queen. Neptune's favourite wife was Clairessa. Before he married Clairessa, his favourite wife had been Tatiana's mother, Eau. Then...Eau passed away. Clairessa married Neptune and carried on Eau's duties.
Clairessa had a sharp profile with beady black eyes searching for guilt in Tatiana. Tatiana dispised Clairessa for the simple reasons that she always thought Tatiana was up to no good, and that she took Eau's place at Neptune's right side.
"Father," said Tatiana, curtseying. "Clairessa."
"Tatiana," nodded Clairessa. Though it was custom for Clairessa to curtsey, she did not.
"Tatiana, Xavi's death is not something that should put a stain in your heart," said Neptune, who clearly noticed nothing of Clairessa's absence of curtseying. "There are plenty of - ah - 'fish in the sea' as the...above-water dwellers say."
"But father," said Tatiana. "Xavi is not dead!"
Neptune chuckled. "Ah, my daughter. What a silly thing for you to think. Of course he is dead. I hung him. You watched it, though you did so reluctantly. You watched him die."
"But Father - "
"Tatiana. Listen to me. I had to hang Xavi. His proposal to you was...not of my consent and I had to stop it. I know he would have done anything to help you."
"Father!" said Tatiana. "You listen to me! Xavi is not dead, I saw him only a few minutes ago!"
"Tatiana stop all this rubbish immediatly," snapped Clairessa. "We all watched that infernal imp be hung and that is that!"
"Clairessa this is a conversation between my father and I and I beg you to stay out of it!" cried Tatiana.
Clairessa opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again.
"Tatiana, listen to me," said Neptune. "This has been a long day - a terrible day for you. I am sorry that Xavi is dead, but I did not approve of the proposal to marry you! I would much rather you marry a man high in politics such as Teta or Ven of the Cor - "
"Father! I want to marry Xavi and I will! Don't say I can't because he isn't alive anymore, because I know he his! I watched him be hung, I know, but I saw him just a few minutes ago in my bedchamber!" shouted Tatiana.
"Tatiana - " stormed Neptune. "Get to bed - now!" He pointed at the door next to the balcony. The door lead to Tatiana's chamber.
Tatiana gave one more furious glance at her father and Clairessa and vanished.

ok can i change part of my bio? instead of having tatiana be an orphan she has parents
ooc: Wow! Nice story Queensusanofnarnia! Why don't we make it that we princesses have the same father but different mother?
ic: Naida was in her room, brushing her long hair. She heared a knock on the door.It was her father, King Neptune. "Daughter,you know what happened to Xavi don't you." Naida nodded slowly, "That wasn't a good thing to do father." she replied. "It was good for your sister. He was no good to her." he said. "But father, she loved him."
"Love doesn't mean nothing to me." Neptune said. "I can clearly see that.Dad how could you marry lots of wives and not love them? That's not what marriage is for. A wife isn't a servant." Naida replied. "You and I have different meanings of wife in our dictionary then. I just came here to tell you not to do like your sister. Marry someone who is rich and a gentleman. You will rule here after me. You need a decent man."
"Father, I don't want to argue but if I find someone who isn't rich but nice in heart then I will marry him. Please father I don't want to end up like -" she was going to say you but she didn't continue.
"Where you going to say like me! If I hadn't married all these woman then you and all your sisters wouldn't be born! Is that what you think I am? Do you think I only chose them because they were good servants! I chose them so that my own children would be the same. Now I will go and don't you dare say anything else to me regarding this subject."
Naida closed her mouth. She really wanted to shout at him but she found it better staying silent and reading a book.
"Where in eh wold are you taking me?" Arya asked Zen, a boy who ahd just taken her from her home. "I'm not taking you anywhere," he said. She looked at him cofysed. Then, it clicked. "Your.....you're one the .....the......" she stuttered. Zan finished her sentance for hr . "Assasins? Yes..."
Arya stopped. "I'm not going anywhere besides home now." she said, and turned arund. Zen made tree roots swipe up, and the ytangled around her feet, forcing her ot hte ground. "I'm afraid I can't tlet you do that." he said. He took out a wineskin of water. Arya looked at it, afraid.
She started yelling for help, praying for someone to hear. Zan poured some of the water onto her skin, and she screamed. IT really does hurt.. she thought.
she turn arond she heard some thing again she went to see what it was she saw a outher fairy with some one she went up a little closer she saw she was in truble she said stop
Aquaria heard screams while she was flying aroung she then followed the screams to find ayra, " stop right there!" aquaria then waved her hands and made him freeze.
Arya watched as Zan freezed instantly, and she felt the pain on her side and arm, where the water had been poured. "Bramble! Aquaria!" she tried to yell, but it came out ina whisper.

I g2g....
With love and magic
Lioness_Aslan said:
ooc: Wow! Nice story Queensusanofnarnia! Why don't we make it that we princesses have the same father but different mother?
ic: Naida was in her room, brushing her long hair. She heared a knock on the door.It was her father, King Neptune. "Daughter,you know what happened to Xavi don't you." Naida nodded slowly, "That wasn't a good thing to do father." she replied. "It was good for your sister. He was no good to her." he said. "But father, she loved him."
"Love doesn't mean nothing to me." Neptune said. "I can clearly see that.Dad how could you marry lots of wives and not love them? That's not what marriage is for. A wife isn't a servant." Naida replied. "You and I have different meanings of wife in our dictionary then. I just came here to tell you not to do like your sister. Marry someone who is rich and a gentleman. You will rule here after me. You need a decent man."
"Father, I don't want to argue but if I find someone who isn't rich but nice in heart then I will marry him. Please father I don't want to end up like -" she was going to say you but she didn't continue.
"Where you going to say like me! If I hadn't married all these woman then you and all your sisters wouldn't be born! Is that what you think I am? Do you think I only chose them because they were good servants! I chose them so that my own children would be the same. Now I will go and don't you dare say anything else to me regarding this subject."
Naida closed her mouth. She really wanted to shout at him but she found it better staying silent and reading a book.
THANKS! Yeah, I like the idea of one father, differant mothers...(btw, great story!)
Tatiana sat on her bed. She stared at the wall , tears trickling out of her eyes. Then, after a few minutes of this, her sight became blurred and she blinked furiously.
"Stupid Father," she muttered. Then, something winked - something bright and shiny - out of the corner of her eye. She turned and saw, on her bedside table, a small picture frame that held a picture of Xavi.
"Aaah!" screamed Tatiana, seizing the frame and chucking it against the door. She heard it shatter and watched it fall, her last memories of Xavi. Except -
"What was that for?" said a voice. Tatiana turned back to the bedside table and saw Xavi standing there.
"Oh, Xavi," she gasped. She wanted to run and throw her arms around him, but she knew it was no good.
"What's wrong?" he asked suddenly, for Tatiana sank onto the bed and bawled.
"Oh, stop it," sobbed Tatiana. "I know it's not true, I know it's not true!"
"What's not true?"
"You're not real anymore...Father's right...I watched you die, I watched you be hung, and you're dead now..."
"No, I'm not! If I were dead, would I be sitting here?"
"Of course not," said Tatiana, ceasing crying. "But - if you aren't dead, what are you?"
"A spirit. Nothing more than vapor, but solid as you are. But I am missing Life."
"How is that possible?" asked Tatiana.
"My Life was taken away, but my body and spirit still remain. I need you to help me find my Life."
bramble home to get help she yelled help! help! some one help! sheeeee needs help she when to her to asks for help sis sis I need your help help
queen hannah said:
bramble home to get help she yelled help! help! some one help! sheeeee needs help she when to her to asks for help sis sis I need your help help
"What the?" muttered Tatiana, glancing out the window. She saw nothing. Then, her door bashed open. Xavi disappeared.
"Bramble," she gasped. "What's wrong?"
queen hannah said:
arya is in truble she needs our help! please help
"Bramble," cried Tatiana. "What have I told you about the Fire Faeries? You are not supposed to associate with them - wait, Arya?That's the Fire Faerie I met at the Ball! Alright, I'll help!"
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
"Bramble," cried Tatiana. "What have I told you about the Fire Faeries? You are not supposed to associate with them - wait, Arya?That's the Fire Faerie I met at the Ball! Alright, I'll help!"

I know I know I'm sorry sis you told me lots of time but gold you can help can you forgive sis