Fairy Girls

Polly Plummer 94 said:
Where do you get those pictures from?
OOC= I think there from Final Fantasy :D

IC= Andrina felt alone. There was nothing for her to do around here. She walked silently next to a pond, then looked up. She could feel someone else's presence close by, and it wasn't a Water Fairy.
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bramble walk a way from her sister starting to cry again what is wrogn with me I get in to much trouble these days now my father is mad at me what should I do I know I run away some were no can fine me
queen hannah said:
bramble walk a way from her sister starting to cry again what is wrong with me I get in to much trouble these days now my father is mad at me what should I do I know I run away some were no can fine me
Andrina heard crying, and walked around and found Bramble
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She asked, kindly
Jill Pole Queen of Narnia said:
Andrina heard crying, and walked around and found Bramble
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She asked, kindly
I got in troble with my father he find out I was was a fire fairy I wish I listen to my sister I don't know what to do now
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
Zan smield acruel smile. "You think that you can win? haha...never..." and he poured the rest of the water out. Arya felt teh pain again, but this time, shedidn't know if she could bear it. SHe screamed in agony. He stopped pouring for a second. "Oh, do you want me to stop?" he asekd, mimicking a little fairies voice.
"Stop it!" screamed Tatiana. She couldn't stand seeing this happen. "Stop it right now! You're a horrible, horrible thing!" she yelled at Zan. She was furious! How could anyone be so terrible? Then, Tatiana had an idea.
"Please," she whispered. "Please...leave Arya alone. You don't want to hurt her." When Zan did not reply, Tatiana continued. "Please..." she circled Arya and Zan. "Leave her be. She never did anything to you." Tatiana had turned on her charm, her irresistability. If all went right - and if Zan was as weak for love as any other faerie - he would fall in and come for Tatiana, leaving Arya alone for a minute or two while Tatiana worked her magic.
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
"Stop it!" screamed Tatiana. She couldn't stand seeing this happen. "Stop it right now! You're a horrible, horrible thing!" she yelled at Zan. She was furious! How could anyone be so terrible? Then, Tatiana had an idea.
"Please," she whispered. "Please...leave Arya alone. You don't want to hurt her." When Zan did not reply, Tatiana continued. "Please..." she circled Arya and Zan. "Leave her be. She never did anything to you." Tatiana had turned on her charm, her irresistability. If all went right - and if Zan was as weak for love as any other faerie - he would fall in and come for Tatiana, leaving Arya alone for a minute or two while Tatiana worked her magic.

Arya saw Zan look up. He walked away, towards another fairy. Then, her world went black. Zan looked at the Fairy in intrest....(lol) "Wh ydon't I want to harm her? Of course, though, if it makes you happy...." he said, falling completely head ove rheels.
bramble want to her sister sis what i'm I do with father can you please talk to him stell crying he hates me I know he does what can I do uyou need to talk to him
Tatiana could see that her trick was working. Zan was moving away from Arya.
"Why don't I want to harm her? Of course, though, if it makes you happy...." he said. He glanced at Arya.
"I don't want you to harm her," said Tatiana, beckoning Zan forward. "Because she is my friend. And I will be most upset if you touch her anymore."
Zan looked at her, confused. "I never touched her in the first place." he said, matter of factly. "But I know what your saying, and I understand it." he said, still following Tat.
bramble stell crying what i'm I do I stell run away or some thing Its like no love me any way. yea thats it I run away again she want up to the land I will die if I have to
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Bramble was land she can't be on land or she will die but no one is listen to her any was stell crying why can my father just listen to for once I don't know were my sister is she put a water bubble arond her so she can breth
ooc: oh no! what ever shall we do? lol...
ic: "Good boy," said Tatiana to Zan. She knelt by Arya's head. "Arya?" she whispered. She untied the ropes around Arya.
"Heal," she whispered and traced Arya's wounds. They healed instantly.
ooc:They were roots of trees...lol. Yes..WHat???:D

ic:Arya felt, within her mind, her skin healing. "Waht now? Some new kind of torture?" she asked herself.