Fairy Girls

"Killing someone?! Then you must go back to the palace. I will search for your sister." Naida whistled and flipper came. "Here flipper will take you back."
SweetieGirl said:
If you'd like to be a fairy girl then PM me with these answers
Your Charactar
Your element:
A pic of what you look like:
The bio of your character:

Fairy Girls are beautiful fairies that men fall for.The size of a Fairy Girl is about as tall as human girl.You help peopel in need.You can be evil too.
You can help people that need a miracle.Here are the Lands:

Nature's Creation(Forest)
Illusen Queen of Nature's Creation(SweetieGirl)
Princess Kate(Lady Larien)

Snow and Ice(of course snow!)
Princess Enya(EFC 4ever)
Princess Isabelle(Sisteuber)

Princess Naida(Lioness_Aslan)
Princess Andrina(Jill Pole of Narnia)
Princess Aquaria(SportyGirl7702)
Princess Tatiana(QueenSusanof Narnia)
Lady Elashia(Fender Stratocaster)
Princess Bramble(queen hannah)

Darkar's Shadow(Evil)
Darla Queen of Darkar's Shadow(Lilith)

Sunny Bright(Light)
Queen Elle(GondorGirl)

Emmy Queen of Ember(Lucyroksmysoks95)
Princess Emily(JohnCenaLover290)
Princess Ayra(Gentle Susan)
Here are things you can be:
Queen Fairy(only one in each land)
Princess Fairies(as many in each land)
Lady Fairies(a lot in each land)
Peasant Fairies(a lot)

ok this is all about me!...not like that!!!!!...you know!
this is me' character
Element:Nature's Creation(also has the abilaty to be invisible)
picture:its the one on my avatar
Bio:She's outgoing and very smart and very giving and kind...but she has an unknown past and people never get to know her that well even if she is kind she loves children and children love her.she is princes of the green land.
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Lady teyrna said:
ok this is all about me!...not like that!!!!!...you know!
this is me' character
Element:Nature's Creation
picture:its the one on my avatar
Bio:She's outgoing and very smart and very giving and kind...but she has an unknown past and people never get to know her that well even if she is kind she loves children and children love her.she is princes of the green land.
is this ok if im princess of that land(whoever is Queen of the growing land)?
Lioness_Aslan said:
Naida immediatly realised that she was bad. "Excuse me? What did you say?"

Darla came back to the real world. "wh-What?? Never mind!! You..." She screamed. She made a fireball, ready to throw it at Naida. She didn't want to throw it at Naida, but in her mind she thought Naida was her mother, who she had already killed...
Lioness_Aslan said:
Naida immediatly threw some water at her. "I don't want to fight." she said kindly. Something was wrong with this girl.

"Don't you dare challenge me!! Or are you ready to lose again?!!" Darla didn't really hear what Naida said. She only heard the word 'fight'...