Fairy Girls

ic: "Shhh!" she hused Arya. "Quiet, we don't want Zan to hear you. I've just healed your wounds and I'm luring Zan away. While I do that just pretend to be unconcious. When he's far enough away - we'll go."
After Darla left Enya's house, she said: "I need to kill someone... NOW!!" An old woman walked by. She had a walking stick, and she looked very ill. "Shall i take away all your pain?" Darla asked the old woman. "Yes... Please... " The old woman answered. Darla threw a fireball at the old woman who immediatly turned into a bit of dust. "Better..." Darla said and she took a deep breath....
Naida was at the palace, still waiting for her sisters. What if something was wrong? Should she go or should she stay at home? Father would be furious if he found them all gone. She couldn't betray her sisters.
ic: She was really confused and preoccupied. She really,really wanted to go and see how her sisters were but then what if their father would find out? It wasn't good when father was angry. "That's it. I can't stay here and not do nothing. I will go." She whistled and flipper came. "Please flipper, send me to the nearest land as soon as possible and please don't tell father." Flipper nodded and as she hung on, the dolphin swam as fast as she could. They arrived and naida kissed flipper. "Thanks, and please do not mention anything to father." Naida walked a bit until she heared someone shouting. She hid.
Lioness_Aslan said:
ic: Naida heared someone scream. She looked behind her and saw her sister, Bramble running. "Bramble! What's wrong?"

I was just walking I saw onw of the fire fairy and I the she know i'm here