Fan-Fic, a different side of the heroes of Narnia

oxford girl

New member
This is the first fan-fic I've ever written, so dont expect perfection.:p I hope you like it.


She slowly opened the door, the noise from the banquet drifted up through the floor. Odd time for a banquet, she thought. She looked up and down the corridor, then, making sure it was safe, she walked in, closing the door behind her. The room she entered looked like something out of a fairytale, the walls were panted with ocean scenes, the ceiling looked like a clear blue sky. Her feet sank into a floor that felt like sand, this was truly a magical room. A few moments late her eyes focused on something in the center of the room, a cradle. She slowly walked toward it, carefully not to make any noise. Her hair fell out of it’s bun as she walked, she veil that had covered it fell to the floor. Her black hair, flecked with red, cascaded down her shoulders. She stopped at the edge or the cradle and cautiously peered in. Her eyes fell on the most beautiful baby she had ever seen. Her hair was the color of coal, her eyes the color of the clear eastern sea, and her skin, her skin was radiant as the sun. The woman gently picked her up, wrapping a blanket around her.​
“Hush, hush,” she said as she baby started to whimper. The baby eyed her with thoughtful eyes. “You will be a wise girl, my daughter.” She looked around quickly, scanning the room for something, she saw what she wanted. Holding her daughter with one arm, she grabbed a basket off a table with the other. She walked over to the window and looked out. They were waiting. She looked down at her daughter, she knew she had to do this; she had to save her daughter. “I love you darling.” She gently placed her baby in the basket. Her eyes started misting over as she tied a rope around the handle of the basket. Then, as an after thought, she put her necklace, a gold chain with a locket, in the basket. She tenderly touched her daughter’s cheek. “Good bye Cara,” she whispered. Then, gently, she lowered the basket out the window. The basket suddenly got lighter. She looked out the window, they had the basket, she smiled sadly and dropped the rope. She stood for a moment, then turned and walked out of the room and headed back to the hall. The final banquet before our destruction, she thought as she walked. Her face smile was back in place as she walked back into the hall and took her seat. No one seemed to notice her absence. She picked up her fork and stabbed it into her meat, then picked up her knife. She stared at it for a moment, she was tempted to take it and run, or better yet, kill herself before they came. She shook her head, I cant do that, they rest of my people are here, I will die with them. She looked up suddenly, she felt someone watching her. Her eyes searched to room till she found who. The King, her husband; he was staring at the knife she was still holding. She smiled and nodded slightly. A look of relief washed over his face, he knew is daughter was safe. The Queen looked down at her food; she gracefully started cutting her meat, trying not to think about what was coming.​
Her fork was almost to hear mouth when the sounds of fighting reached her ears. She looked at her husband, they were nearing the end. She watched as he stood up, followed by his knights. They drew their swords in unison. So this is how it ends, she thought. She heard the doors of the hall start to splinter. The men started poring in, armed with swords. She knew they would all die. I love you my daughter, she thought, as a sword pierced her heart.​

Comments are appreciated
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Thanks Nicki. :)

Chapter 1​

Darkness. It was all around her. There was no way to escape it, it enveloped her. She turned, they were coming for her. She plunged into the darkness, not knowing where she was or where she was going, she just ran. They were getting closer, she could her them. Their boots clanging, their armor clinking as they ran. Her blood pounded in her ears, her breath can in gasps. They were almost to her; she could feel their breath on her neck. A strong arm grabbed her, holding her still. Her scream was muffled by a hand.​
Cara jerked awake, her eyes snapped open. She sat up in her bed, covered in sweat and gasping. Her eyes focused on the other people in the room; her parents and two brothers.​
“You’re awake!” Her mother exclaimed, her brown eyes filled with worry. “What happened? We heard you scream.”​
“Nothing, I’m fine,” Cara said, she smiled slightly, “I must have had a bad dream.” Her brothers laughed, “you still have nightmares,” they teased. Cara stuck her tongue out at them. Her father nodded, “all right Cara. Get dressed and come to the kitchen, or you’ll miss breakfast.” Cara smiled, thankful that no one had asked about her dream. “Yes papa.” Her father nodded and ushered her mother and brothers out of her room, then closed the door as he left.​
Cara slowly swung her legs over the side of her bead and stood up. Light from her window poured in her room, illuminating everything. She ran her fingers through her sweat soaked black hair. She shivered slightly and walked over to her dresser. A basin of water sat on the top; she dipped her hands into the cold shimmering water and splashed it onto her face. Cara looked at down at her hands as the water trickled off her face, her hands were shaking. She gripped her dresser to steady herself.​
Cara looked up; she heard her parents and brothers talking in the other room. She shrugged off the feeling of dread the dream always left and quickly changed. She tossed her night clothes onto her bed and quickly brushed her hair. Her hair seemed to disappear on her black clothes. She looked through her room once, making sure everything was as it should be, then opened her door and walked to the other room.​
“Ah, there you are,” her mama said. Cara smiled slightly as she looked at her mother. Her pale skin, brown hair and eyes were strikingly different from Cara’s black hair, blue eyes and almost glowing skin. Cara looked around at the rest of her family; they all looked like her mother. She didn’t look even slightly like any of them, she had always been told she looked like her mother’s sister; she wondered what she looked like.​
“Cara,” a voice interrupted her thoughts, “are you alright?” She turned and looked at her brother, Jake.​
“Yes, I’m fine,” She quickly sat down between him and James, her other brother. Jake looked at their parents, his chocolate eyes wide, then Cara. He cleared his throat and looked at James nervously.​
“Cara,” James said as she looked at the table, “Jake and I are going to town after breakfast.” Cara stared at him, then her parents.​
“I’m not allowed to go, am I?” Her parents looked at each other. Her father shook his head, “no Cara, you can’t go. Your mother needs your help here.” Cara looked down at the table, she slowly stood up.​
“Where are you going?” Her mother asked.
“I’m not hungry,” Cara mumbled.
“Cara, don’t be mad,” Jake said, “it’s not that big of a deal.”​
“ ‘Don’t be mad’, why would I be mad?!” She half screamed. “I never, never, get to go to town, why would I be mad?!” She glared at her parents, “I’m 17, a year older than them! And they get to go everywhere, why am I never allowed to leave? Mother doesn’t need that much help!” Her parents exchanged glances; they knew eventually Cara would not want to stay home any longer.​
“Cara, darling, it’s not safe for a girl to go to town, it’s never been safe.” Cara looked down, her anger disappearing, “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, her face turning red with embarrassment. Cara looked up; she heard something, “what’s that?” Her father walked over the window. “Horses,” he said quietly.​
“Horses? Out here?” Jake wondered, “I wonder what they’re doing on here.” Cara’s father walked to the door, “we’ll know soon, they’re stopping.” He looked back at his wife and children, “stay inside.”​
Cara watched as her father opened the door and walked out. Jake walked over to the window, his brown wavy hair blowing in the wind. He looked out. “Ma! They’re knights from Narnia! See the crest on their shields?” His mother walked over to the window, to stand beside him. “Yes,” she said thoughtfully. She looked at her husband; he was talking to one of them. He looked back at the house and motioned for them to come out. “Come boys, Cara bring cakes for the knights, I’m sure they are famished.” Cara nodded and walked into the kitchen. She heard her mother and brothers go outside and the door close behind them. She grabbed three cakes, one for each knight, and went to the door. She could feel their eyes on her as soon as she opened the door. Cara walked out gracefully, like a dancer, keeping her eyes on the ground.​

Comments are appreciated
I LOVE IT!!!!! The only thing I have to say that's not so great is your use of commas. You use them a lot when you should be using a semi-colon. Ask yourself, could this be turned into two shorter sentances? If so, use a semi-colon. Other than that, it's great! I love your picture of Cara that you pose; it makes me want to know more! :D
Until I saw that the massacre was only a dream, I was thinking "This looks like it's going to be a mighty short story!"
I LOVE IT!!!!! The only thing I have to say that's not so great is your use of commas. You use them a lot when you should be using a semi-colon. Ask yourself, could this be turned into two shorter sentances? If so, use a semi-colon. Other than that, it's great! I love your picture of Cara that you pose; it makes me want to know more! :D
Thanks Nicki. I noticed the commas too, I'll fix it.
Until I saw that the massacre was only a dream, I was thinking "This looks like it's going to be a mighty short story!"

What happened in the prologue actually happened, the only thing that was a dreem was the first paragaph of the first chapter
Here's more

She stopped beside her mother; they were still watching her.
“We have cakes for you sires,” her mama said. She gently nudged Cara forward; she slowly walked towards the knight closest to her.
“M’lord,” she said quietly, she offered him one of the cakes.
“Thank ya ma’am,” he said, taking the cake. Cara curtsied and walked over to the next knight, still looking at the ground. She stopped in front of the next knight.​
“Well aren’t you a pretty little thing;” her reached down to take a cake, but brushed Cara’s cheek with his fingers instead. Cara dropped the cakes; she was jerked away from him by her arm. She stumbled into Jake’s arms. James stepped in front of them, “you keep your hands off my sister, you dog,” he spat. Jake pushed Cara behind him. “Get in the house;” he whispered. Cara nodded and slipped into the house. She grabbed her black boots and pulled them on, then glanced out the window; the knights drew their swords.​
“You will pay for that, scum;” the one that had touched her said. Cara touched her cheek, no one had touched her like that before; she didn’t like it. She glanced out the window again; her father was pushing her mother towards the door. Cara looked at the door as it opened; her mother walked in.​
“Cara, get your cloak,” she choked; on the verge of tears. Cara stared at her dumbly for a moment. “Now Cara!” Her mother grabbed a sack off the table; she started putting bread and dried meet in it. Cara reached for her green cloak. “Not that one; the black one.” Cara looked at her mother, confused.​
“But mama, the black one is too heavy, it’s not cold.” Her mother sighed, exasperated. “Cara, for once just do what I tell you, please.” Cara nodded and ran back to her room. Her mother quickly opened a secret compartment in the floor, under a rug. She pulled out a carved wooden box, inlayed with gold. She glanced up quickly to make sure no one was watching; she shoved it into the sack and tied it shut. She stood up at Cara ran into the room, holding her cloak. They both jumped at the sound of swords clanging together.​
“Come with me, quickly.” Cara’s mother grabbed her arm and half dragged her to the back of the house. She opened the door and looked out, “it’s safe.” She looked back at Cara, her eyes full of love, “go.” Cara stood, gapping at her mother, “mama! I can’t just leave.” Her mother looked towards the front of the house; something that sounded like a body hit the door. Her mother looked back at her, “Cara, you must go.” She handed her the sack, “take this; there’s enough food to last you till you get to a city, and some money.” She looked up at her daughter’s face, tears ran down her cheeks. She hugged Cara quickly, “don’t cry darling, I love you.” She stepped back, “don’t stop till you can no long run.” They heard the front door splinter; Cara knew that her father and brothers were dead. Her mother pushed her out the door and closed it. Cara stood numbly for a moment; a scream pierced the air, her mother. Cara clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming; she dashed into the woods.​
Cara was about to collapse when she finally stopped; her legs had started to shake. She sank to the ground, physically and emotionally exhausted. She looked into a pool of water beside her; her face was tear streaked, her normally smooth hair was tangled and knotted. She splashed water on her face and lay down on the damp grass; she used her sack for a pillow and pulled her cloak around her. Her eyes closed, she drifted off into a dream free slumber.​
Here's more

Chapter 2​

Cara slowly opened her eyes. She wasn’t on damp grass in the forest any more; she was on a couch, in a house. She looked around as she sat up. There was a book shelf into of her, absolutely full of books. To her right there was a table with a painting of a very odd looking man; to her left was a fire place. The flames seemed to dance before her eyes as the flames licked the logs with burning tongue. She ran her fingers through her hair as she looked around the rest of the room.​
“You’re awake!” Cara jumped up and turned around. There was a man standing there; with out a shirt and he had the legs of a goat, not those of a man. She stared at him, her mouth hanging open. He smiled and stepped towards her; she stepped back. His expression changed from happiness to bewilderment.​
“It’s quite alright, I won’t hurt you.” He walked over and sat in a chair across from the couch she had been on. He nodded to the couch, “sit.” Cara sat obediently; he pored something into one of the cups and handed it to her. She took it and at is as he sipped his.​
“It’s tea,” he said finally. Cara looked at him, then back at the cup.​
“I found you in the wood this morning; what were you doing out there all alone?” Cara didn’t answer; she just stared at her cup. She heard him sigh but didn’t look up. “Let’s start with something easier,” he said, “my name is Tumnus.”​
Cara slowly looked up at him, “my mama taught me to never talk to strangers.”​
Tumnus smiled, “your mother is a very wise person, but I can promise that I won’t hurt you.” Cara looked around the room, avoiding his gaze.​
"What…what are you?” She finally asked.​
Tumnus took another sip of tea before answering, “I am a faun.” He looked at her, “surely you’re heard of fauns.”​
Cara nodded, “yes, but only in legend, I didn’t know they were real.”​
Tumnus smiled as she stood up, “I am quite real.” Cara smiled slightly.​
"Where am I?” She asked quietly. Tumnus looked back at her from the book shelf, “you, my dear, are in Narnia.” Narnia, Cara thought, why does that sound so familiar? She watched as he walked past the door, his feet clicked on the stone, to a little side room. She saw him pick up an umbrella; he walked back to the door and opened it.​
“Where, where are you going?” Cara asked, a slight quiver in her voice.​
“To get some berries for breakfast,” he said, picking up a basket.​
“Cara,” she said suddenly. Tumnus looked back at her, confused. “My name,” she said quietly, “is Cara.”​
Tumnus smiled, “well, Miss Cara, I will be back shortly with breakfast.” Cara smiled, “thank you, for bringing me here.” He nodded slightly and walked out, closing the door behind him. Cara yawned, she was still exhausted. She lay back down and closed her eyes.​
A few hours later Cara woke to two people talking. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up; her eyes focused on two people. Tumnus and a girl that looked a few years younger than herself; Tumnus’ eyes shifted from the girl to Cara, he smiled brightly. “You’re awake, good.” He looked back at the girl, the girl looked at Cara. She was beautiful; she had long brown hair and bright blue eyes.​
“Cara,” Tumnus said, “this is Lucy, Qu…” Lucy cut him off with a sharp glare. Cara stared at her, Lucy stared back.​
Very good oxford girl.
I like it a lot.:)

Thanks, btw, you can call me Tess.

Here's a little more

Lucy smiled, “it’s a pleasure to meet to you Cara.” Cara smiled back, not sure what to say. Lucy suddenly jumped up. “I have a wonderful idea,” she looked at Cara, “Tumnus was going to come visit me, why don’t you come too.” Tumnus nodded, “that is a wonderful idea,” he looked at Cara, waiting for her answer.​
“Thank you for the invation ma’am, but you don’t even know me.” Cara said as she finally sipped her cold tea. Lucy waved her hand slightly, “that doesn’t matter, I love meeting new people and you are a friend of Mr. Tumnus’, that’s good enough for me.” Cara looked at Tumnus, she could tell he wanted her to say yes. “Then I guess I’ll go.” Lucy grinned, “wonderful, we’ll leave as soon as your ready.” Tumnus nodded, he picked something up off the floor, it was Cara’s cloak and sack. “I thought I’d lost them,” Cara said, taking them from him. “No, I brought them with you.” He looked at Lucy, “I think we’re ready.” Lucy smiled and opened the door and walked out. Cara followed her and Tumnus, she saw two horses. “Can you ride?” Lucy asked Cara. Cara nodded, “yes,” she walked over to the hours closest to her. “Well, then get on,” Lucy said as she got on her hours. Cara gracfuly got up; she looked back at Tumnus, “aren’t you riding?” He laughed slightly, “I’ll walk.”​
A few hours later a palce came into view. Cara looked at Lucy, who had finally stopped asking questions. “That’s your house?” Lucy nodded, “yes, I’ll race you.” She galloped across the field, Cara galloped after her, having more fun than she had in years. She slowed when she saw Lucy slow; she followed her to what looked like a stable. “We made it,” Lucy said as she dismounted. “You’re a very good rider, Cara.” Cara smiled slightly, “thank you.” She dismounted, just as gracefully as she had mounted. “Come on,” Lucy said walked towards a door. “Shouldn’t we wait for Mr. Tumnus?” Cara asked. Lucy smiled, “he’s already in, and you look exhausted.” Cara smiled slightly, “I am still very tired.” Lucy grabbed her hand,” come on then.” She ran into the palace, pulling Cara with her. They stopped in front of a wood carved door, “this is your room.” She opened the door and walked in, Cara followed her. The room was bigger than her house. “Wow,” she said quietly. Lucy smiled, “You can rest for a while, I’ll come get you when its time for dinner.” Cara smiled, “thank you.” Lucy grinned, it seemed like she was always smiling. She walked out and closed the door behind her. Cara looked around the room quickly, she was to tired to care about how fancy it was, she walked over to the bed and flopped down on it, she was asleep instantly.​
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goody!!! cause it is your turn, you know. :p

I know. :p


Cara slowly opened her eyes; someone was knocking on a door. She opened her eyes and sat up, it was her door. “Come in,” she said quietly. She looked around as the door opened; she saw her sack and cloak on the floor. She smiled and looked up. It was Lucy.​
“Did I wake you?” She asked as she walked in. Cara shook her head. Lucy smiled, “good. Someone is coming that I want you to meet.”​
“Ok,” Cara said slowly, she ran her fingers through her hair. Lucy laughed slightly, “you look fine Cara.” Cara smiled, slightly embarrassed, she looked up as she shadow fell on the door, Tumnus walked in. He smiled brightly and stepped into the room. Cara heard footsteps outside the door. A man stopped at the door and looked in, he was very handsome, with blond hair and blue eyes. He was tall and well muscled, but Cara noticed something else. Her face turned white, there was a crest on his shirt, the dame crest that had been on the shields of the people who had killed her family. Cara screamed and jumped out of the bed. She ran and hid behind it. Lucy looked startled, “maybe you should come back later.” Cara heard someone move, “yeah.” Some one said, she assumed it was the man. She heard the door close.​
The man walked into the hall and stood still, confused. A younger man with dark hair and eyes walked toward him. “What was that noise? I heard someone scream.” He looked back at the door, “it was the girl Lucy brought back, she screamed when she saw me.” The younger man laughed, “I would to, have you looked in a mirror lately.”​