Fan-Fic, a different side of the heroes of Narnia

Here's more, sorry it took so long, I've been sick

Over the next few weeks Cara and Edmund became inseparable. Its seemed the he was the only person she trusted. Peter slowly healed and did more work than ever, hardly seeing anyone but Lucy. Susan slowly forgot her prejudice against Cara, they started talking and became friends. Lucy spent most of her free time making sure Peter ate properly and watching over him. She hated seeing him like this, he never had super with the rest of them, he always worked, and he was gone for days at a time. And today Lucy was in his room trying to talk him out of going to the Lone Islands for a few days.
“Please Peter, don’t go,” Lucy begged as she took the clothes out of his bag he had just put in.
Peter sighed, “Lu, I have to, you know that.” He walked over and put the clothes back in. “You can come with me if you want.”
Lucy’s eyes widened, “really? I can come with you?”
Peter nodded, “sure, why not.” He finished packing and picked his bag up. “We sail in an hour, if you want to go you better pack.”
Lucy nodded, grinning, “I’ll be ready.” She jumped and ran out of his room; an idea forming in her head.
Peter stared after her, he had seen that look on her face before, and it meant trouble. He sighed and walked out of his room.
An hour quickly passed. Peter stood on the dock waiting for Lucy. He heard footsteps coming behind him. “We were about to leave without y…” he said as he turned around, he trailed off as he saw the girl standing before him holding a bag was not his sister but Cara. He stared at her for a minute.
“Cara,” he said regaining his composure. “Is that Lucy’s bag?”​
Sorry that this has taken so long. Life got a little crazy.

"No, its mine.” Cara walked closer. “Lucy said that you could use some company and I’ve never been on a ship so she said I could come.” She nibbled on her bottom lip slightly. “Is that alright? You’re majesty.”
Peter smiled softly, “you may come, but on one condition. You call me Peter.”
Cara nodded, “alright…Peter.”
He smiled and took her bag from her, his fingers brushed against hers. He swallowed and turned, walking onto the ship. “I’ll show you to your cabin.” Cara fallowed him, unaware that everyone was staring at her as Peter led her to his cabin.
Peter pushed the door open, there was a small wood desk on the right, against the wall, the bed was in the center, and a small wood chest was at the end of the bed. “Its not the best accommodations…”
“Its perfect,” Cara said, walking in to the room. Peter followed her in and set her bag on the floor. “I will be on deck if you need anything. We will set sail in a few minutes.” Peter smiled slightly then walked out, closing the door behind him.
Peter made his way back to the deck and stood at the helm, looking out over the ocean. How could Lucy do this to him? This was going to be a very, very, long trip.​
Cara stayed in her cabin until she had unpacked all of her clothes and changed into dark blue pants and a loose white blouse. Lucy and Susan had lent her clothes for her journey. Susan seemed more than happy to lend her the clothes, maybe that was her way of getting rid of Cara.

Cara pulled her hair up then walked out of the cabin. She closed the door after her and headed up to the deck. It looked like they had just left the dock. Lucy was standing on it waving. Cara ran to the edge of the boat and waved back. She was stuck her now. On the boat, with all these sailors she did not know, and Peter. The one person she was still terrified of. But she still couldn’t help but feel safer than she had in Cair Paravel. Maybe it was because she knew the man that had killed her family could not hurt her now.​