Fan-Fic, a different side of the heroes of Narnia

I had finals to study for! Sorry guys. But I'm done know, so I have a lot more free time.

Cara looked at him for a minute then pulled her hand away and stood up. “You need to rest,” she mumbled heading to the door. “Cara,” she called from the bed. She stopped and looked back at him. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, I promise, you’re safe here.” She nodded slowly then opened the door and walked out. Edmund was waiting for here.
Lucy and Susan walked down the hall towards the library; Peter would need something to read while he was stuck in bed. “You don’t like her do you?” Lucy asked Susan as they walked down into the library. “Who?’ Susan asked picking up a book. “Cara,” Lucy said, “why don’t you like her?” Susan flipped though the book, “I don’t trust her.” Lucy frowned, “why? Ed likes her.” Susan looked at Lucy, “I know, that’s why I don’t trust her. What if this is all just an act.” Lucy rolled her eyes, “Susan, she is not trying to steal our brother.” Susan grabbed another book, “I warned you, don’t say I didn’t later,” she said. “Let’s go, two books is enough.” Lucy sighed, she started to followed Susan when she saw a paper in the corner, she picked it up then ran after her sister.
Ed smiled down at Cara, “you ok?” she nodded slowly, “yeah, I’m fine.” Ed frowned, she didn’t look fine. “Are you sure?” he asked quietly. She nodded again, “yeah, could we go for a walk?” He smiled again, “yeah.” They walked down the hall and out into the garden. Ed wanted to ask her what Peter wanted, but if she wanted him to know, she would tell him. Cara wrapped her arms around herself as they walked. “Cold?” Ed asked looking at her. She nodded slightly. He took his coat off and draped it across her shoulders. “Better?” he asked looking down at him. “Yeah,” she whispered looking up at him. He slowly leaned closer, his eyes never leaving hers.​
Cara looked away, “maybe we should go back in,” she suggested. “Ok,” Ed said quietly. Take it slow, she has a lot on her mind, don’t push her, he told himself. She looked at him and smiled slightly then turned and started walking back. He followed her, wondering what Peter had wanted. They walked silently for a few minutes till they reached Cara’s door. Ed stopped and looked down at her, “good night Cara.” She smiled up at him, “good night.” They looked at each other for an awkward moment then Cara suddenly kissed him. “’Night,” she opened her door and stepped in and closed the door before Edmund could say anything.
Edmund stood in the hall for a few minutes after Cara closed her door smiling. He walked down the hall to his room grinning, she liked him. He had to tell someone, he went to Lucy’s door and knocked. A few minutes later it slowly opened. Lucy looked at him oddly, “why are you grinning?”​

I know its not a lot, I will try to write more tomorrow.
Nice update!! But I think you have an obsession with cliffhangers. That one wasn't that bad but my question is what will Lucy think, and even worse what will Susan think!
“I have a secret to tell you,” Ed said. Lucy’s eyes narrowed, “do I want to know?” He laughed, “yes.” Lucy rolled her eyes and let him into her room.

I know its not much, I'll try to write more tomorrow
Ed walked over and sat on the couch. “All right, spill,” Lucy said sitting down. Ed grinned again, “Cara kissed me.” Lucy stared at him, unable to believe her ears. “What? When? Why?” Ed chuckled slightly, “when, just a few minutes ago, and why, because she likes me.” Lucy stood up, “wow, that’s…great.” She walked over to the window. How would this affect Peter? She’d seen the way he looked at Cara. Lucy took a deep breath and looked back at Ed, “that really is great.” She forced a smile but Ed didn’t seem to notice. “I know! Isn’t it amazing?” He jumped up, “I mean, she likes me, me!” He shook his head, grinning. Lucy nodded, “yeah, it is amazing.” Ed hugged her quickly, “I better go, you look really tired.” He said, noticing for the first time how tired Lucy looked. Lucy nodded, “I’ll see you in the morning.” Ed grinned one more time then walked out. Lucy sat down on her bed; all she wanted was for Peter to be happy again. But would that mean Ed wouldn’t be?​