Fave hobbit?


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Who would be your fave hobbit? Either in the books, or the movies?
Me i think Pippen is my fave in the books and the movies, i also love the actor who plays him, he's great( hes cute to!). I thnik my leats fave would be frodo, sorry to the frodo lovers but i hate him, in the movies,he is ok in the book.
Sam is my favorite hobbit in the bookshe's the real hero I think. I don't like Frodo in the movies either, but I liked him the books. In fact I liked all the characters in the books better than in the movies.
i havn't read the books yet...i'm going to soon though. so, in the movie, ummm.... beileve it or not, it was umm... i can't pick one. merry( idk if i spelled that right) and pippen
I liked them all in the books, and in the movie I would say Pippin. He's funny. My least fave in the movies is Frodo. I think he was good in the beginning, but toward the end he seemed very weak and really it was Sam who dragged him along ... he got so wimpy by the end.
puddle_glum19 said:
ya i dont know why i just cant stand frodo and sam.Or aragorn... but he's not a hobbit, but anyways.
LOL! You can't stand Frodo in the movies because he acts so weak and fey, it's not even funny. But Sam is good and Aragorn. If he were a hobbit, he would be my fave.
I loved Aragorn in the books, but I didn't fall for him in the movie. Viggo was good, but he wasn't everything I thought Aragorn would be in the movie.
You mean no one liked Lobelia and Otho . . . or the Gaffer . . . or Rose Cotton, who was a pillar of strength and love to wait for her beloved Samwise????

Pippen and Merry were no doubt the boys who refused to grow up until they had their adventures and were great leaders when they returned. Their antics both amused and chagrined the reader.

Frodo was so upper-class, something I could not identify with. If he had fallen into the furnace of Mount Doom, I probably wouldn't have felt much. He was always given preferential treatment. You know: the haves always get the better half. When the going got tough, he was the first one to want to lie down and give up. Perhaps one could blame the influence of the Ring, but when you read of his character, he was pretty much a loner and liked it that way. He never learned to be a team player in his youth, and when things got a little sticky, he just retreated into his own little world of protection under Bilbo's umbrella.

Sam had to be the strongest Hobbit of them all, a working man with two PhDs in the schools of hard knocks and common sense. He didn't know or undertand the word "quit." Miller Time happened when the work was done. He's my kind of guy, if you will.
Wallis said:
Frodo was so upper-class, something I could not identify with. If he had fallen into the furnace of Mount Doom, I probably wouldn't have felt much.
I probaly wouldn't have either, if that had happened in the movie I might have laughed, but if it had happend in the book I might fell different. Fordo is a much different charcter in the movie than in the book.
Yes Frodo doesn't seem like such a weakling and a whiner in the books. In the books, you know that every step is a struggle for him, but he is determined to go one. In the movies you get the idea that he isn't determined to do anything except keep anyone else from getting the ring, that's the only thing he ever seems bothered about.

Do you think (and I know it's not an allegory!!!) JRRT was spoofing the British aristocracy as high-minded but weak and fey, people who could only succeed in their high-mindedness on the backs of sturdy commoners who, while they couldn't grasp the intricacies of their high-minded ideas, at least believed in good and evil and wanted to fight on the right side?
I'm not much of an Anglophile. I've concentrated my studies on the East. So, I don't want to offend anyone out of my ignorance, but it does seem that the British do like to tweak the noses of the nobility, especially in their comedy.
I can't really decide. They're all so cute! hehe =D
Hm.. I think I have to say, Pippin. He's funny.

Faun Queen said:
my fave are sams kids! did You know that the are Saen Astens kids in real life!!
I didn't know that! That's cute.
In the book, Pippin... he's just an ordinary guy, trying to do his best, which is what I like about him. Oh, and he's funny :cool:

In the film... possibly Merry... but I ain't fans of any of em really... :eek: