Finally!!!a College Rp!!!

" Im doing ok....Im really hot right now after my dance class...but still good...and yea family is doing good. My sister-in-law just had a baby for Im going up in a few days to see how she is doing. I just have to finish me exams.How about you?"she turned to the waiter and asked for something then focused her attention on Jadie.
ooc: *shakes head*
Tsukyomi you RPG get a girl in any RPG!!!

ic: Skyla came out of her dorm and put on her ipod.
She walked to Starbucks and just study her notes.
She was listening to 'Whatever Will be Will Be'by Vanessa Hudgens.
"Whatever Will Be Will Be..."she sang along as she sat on a couch in Starbucks.
" Im doing ok....Im really hot right now after my dance class...but still good...and yea family is doing good. My sister-in-law just had a baby for Im going up in a few days to see how she is doing. I just have to finish me exams.How about you?"she turned to the waiter and asked for something then focused her attention on Jadie.

ic: "Good/ Whatcha been doing besides dance?"
She laughed"heaps and heaps of school....I have been leading a girls Bible study though every Thursday night....but other than that..nope. How about you?"
Skyla was walking to her cousin's dorm and knocked on Hojo's door instead because when her friend told her her Dorm number she said the wrong one.
INSTEAD SKYLA KNOCKED ON HOJO'S DORM. "Where is Jamie?"but it was the wrong dorm.
Skyla was walking to her cousin's dorm and knocked on Hojo's door instead because when her friend told her her Dorm number she said the wrong one.
INSTEAD SKYLA KNOCKED ON HOJO'S DORM. "Where is Jamie?"but it was the wrong dorm.

Hojo got up, lit a cigarette, and opened the door. "Wrong number..."