
~Narnia 4 ever~ said:
Je m'excuse. Je n'ecrit beaucoup cettes jours parce que j'ai beaucoup des devoirs :( . Ils (les professeurs) pense que nous (moi et ma classe) sommes tres intelligent et nous peut faisons beaucoup de devoirs parce que nous sommes en immersion. Oui, nous sommes intelligent, ;) , mais je n'aime pas les devoirs.

Sorry I haven't been on much these past few days. I've had a ton of homework. :( They (the teachers) think we're (my class and I) are very smart because we're in immersion and that we can do alot of homework because we're in immersion. Ya, we're smart, ;) , but I don't like the homework.

lol, je comprends. C'est comme les profs qui veulent faire aller leurs élèves au théatre un vendredi à 20h30, voir une pièce de 2 h30 la veille d'un DS d'histoire sur la politique de 1850 à 1914... Contente de me lever rien que pour ça! Surtout que la moitié de la classe ne sera pas là, et que je suis en vacances dans 3 h et demie!!! J'espère que mon père n'oubliera pas de venir me chercher, parcequ'il fait froid et je suis trop claquée pour revenir à pied, lol. Et après ça, ils disent tous dans ma famille que les litteraires ne travaillent jamais?! Je suis la seule à travailler aujourd'hui, comme d'habitude!!!
Ils sont tous en train de dormir en ce moment, et cet aprèm ils vont me dire que je ne travaillent jamais... C'EST INJUSTE!!!!!

lol, i understand. It's like when teachers wants to make their pupils go to the theater a friday evening at 8.30PM, to see a 2.30 h play, the day before a history test on politics during 1850 and 1914... I'm happy 2 wake up just for that, especially coz half of my class won't b there, and i'll b on holydays in 3.30 hours!!! I just hope my dad won't forget to take me back from school, coz it's cold outside, and i'm too tired to get back home myself by walking, lol. And after that, they all say in my family that people studying Literature in France never work?! I'm the only one who work on saturday moring in my family... They're all sleeping by now, and they'll made me be the one who's never working... THAT'S UNFAIR!!!!!

Yeah, i got up on the wrong side of the bed today... It'll be better this afternoon, just got 2 catch up an old friend who has something to do since 3 weeks and she hadn't started yet... Ain't that right, Lisa? (if u don't understand what i'm talking about, it's all right, just a few people can understand who i'm talking about)...
bonjour! je m'appelle Christelle
my major is french, but this is my first year of learning french.
I can speak English and Chinese very well. But I jsut a beginning learner of French. So far, J'adore le fran§ais :)
anyone is interested in chinese?!
Krijst3lle said:
bonjour! je m'appelle Christelle
my major is french, but this is my first year of learning french.
I can speak English and Chinese very well. But I jsut a beginning learner of French. So far, J'adore le fran§ais :)
anyone is interested in chinese?!
First year in French? at least u can spell correctly appelle, coz i've always a little problem with spelling that word, lol (sometimes i write it apelle or appele, and that does not exist in french... Luckily, my french teacher isn't there :D and i'm supposed to be a student in litterature! I'm scarying myself sometimes!). If u need help in french, PM me.
Bonjour à tous !!

Et bien, ça fait plaisir de voir un topic ou l'on discute un brin français. ^^

J'imagine sans probleme comme le français ne doit pas être une langue facile à apprendre pour nos amis anglo-saxons et germanophones.

Mais bon, comme on dit, patience est mère de toutes les vertues. :)

mais je pense qu'ils n'avaient pas encore entendu parler de la Star Academy

Lol, c'est clair que là sur le coup, ce n'est pas le meillleur exemple pour promouvoir notre langue. :D

Hi all !!

Well, i can easily imagine how the french must be hard to study for english and german speakers.

But hey, like we said in France : the patience is the mother of all the vertues.
castel said:
Lol, c'est clair que là sur le coup, ce n'est pas le meillleur exemple pour promouvoir notre langue. :D
surtout qu'ils ont pas compris au bout de 5 saisons que les gens en avaient marre, lol... Et ils en font une 6e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mon dieu!!!!!!!!!!!! Quand vont-ils comprendre que ça marche pas?

yeah, and they didn't even understand after 5 seasons of Star Ac' that we got bored of it, lol... And they want to broadcast another one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! When will they understand that it does not work?
angie_wade said:
First year in French? at least u can spell correctly appelle, coz i've always a little problem with spelling that word, lol (sometimes i write it apelle or appele, and that does not exist in french... Luckily, my french teacher isn't there :D and i'm supposed to be a student in litterature! I'm scarying myself sometimes!). If u need help in french, PM me.

Merci beaucoup!
I glad that I have somebody to ask when I have question:)
I spell it correct because we had a lot of quiz :( I don't like it, but it's quit helpful. really? you're supposed to study litterature? for some people it's quite fun, but some people just want how to speak that language might feel bored because you might have to study a lot of classic poem or articles which is very ordinary.(I'm not sure whether you have to study as much ordinary as much us in your country)
Krijst3lle said:
Merci beaucoup!
I glad that I have somebody to ask when I have question:)
I spell it correct because we had a lot of quiz :( I don't like it, but it's quit helpful. really? you're supposed to study litterature? for some people it's quite fun, but some people just want how to speak that language might feel bored because you might have to study a lot of classic poem or articles which is very ordinary.(I'm not sure whether you have to study as much ordinary as much us in your country)

yeah, we do have a lot of poems, extracts or novels and stuff like that to study. I thought it would be boring, coz i wanted to do litterature as there was 7 hours of english per week, and i wasn't very good in math or economics. But it's quite fun, coz we talk about everything in class... But now, after the holydays, i'll have to study poems :(
I'm learning French right now - I love it! It's such a beautiful language! I, being from western Canada, was able to visit Quebec in the summer (Montreal and Quebec City to be exact) and it was wonderful! I really got a chance to practice speaking the language.
Coucou tout le monde !

Je suis également française et j'habite à Paris.
Moi aussi j'ai pris spécialité anglais. C'est la langue la plus cool du monde ( avec le français).

I'm french too and I live in Paris.
I take english speciality in my high school. It's the best language of the world (with french). I hope to speak perfectly this language.
Susan la Douce said:
Je suis également française et j'habite à Paris.
Moi aussi j'ai pris spécialité anglais. C'est la langue la plus cool du monde ( avec le français).

I'm french too and I live in Paris.
I take english speciality in my high school. It's the best language of the world (with french). I hope to speak perfectly this language.
Je suis tout a fait d'accord, lol. L'anglais est la meilleure langue du monde. Tu es en quelle classe Susan la douce? Moi, je suis en premiere, j'ai redouble ma seconde (je ne peut pas mettre d'accents, je suis en pologne et y'en a pas sur les claviers, lol)

I totally agree with ya. English is the best. Which grade are you in, Susan la douce? I'm in premiere (last year before level A), and i've repeated my seconde (can't use the accents, i'm in poland and there's none on the keyboard)
Je suis en terminal et moi aussi j'ai redoublé ma seconde. Au moins, on a un point en commun, lol. Qu'est-ce que tu fais en Pologne ? T'es en vacances ?

I'm in terminal and I repeat my second too. We have a thing in common, lol. What do you do in Poland ? You are in holidays ?
~Narnia 4 ever~ said:
Je n'ecrit pas beaucoup les jours passe. JE N'AIME PAS LES DEVOIRS!!!!!

I have not written much these past days. I HATE HOMEWORK!!!!!
King-Aslan said:
salut, moi aussi je parle le francais, en fait je parle le francais ,l'anglais et l'arabe et un peu l'espagnole, je suis en premier aussi

C'est cool tu es trilingue !! J'aimerais aussi parler plusieurs langues. Tout d'abord l'anglais, ensuite l'italien, le russe et le japonais.
Susan la Douce said:
Je suis en terminal et moi aussi j'ai redoublé ma seconde. Au moins, on a un point en commun, lol. Qu'est-ce que tu fais en Pologne ? T'es en vacances ?

I'm in terminal and I repeat my second too. We have a thing in common, lol. What do you do in Poland ? You are in holidays ?

nan, pa vraiment, lol, chuis chez ma corres depuis hier, paskavant g t en lituanie, et on se marre bien, lol.
No, not really, lol, i'm at my correspondant's since yesterday, coz b4 i was in lituania, and we're having gr8 times, lol.