
angie_wade said:
If i understand it right, her signature is too big...
Well, i do not want 2 offend ya (it's the last thing i would do with someone on this forum), but... did u c urs?
Ya, i think it's just barely the right size. The size it can be is on a post by a mod
As there's some people here that aren't french, but just studying my language, i would like 2 know what France and french people represents 2 u, and what u've heard about us? Coz it seems that the relations between France and some countries ( i won't quote these countries) aren't very good, and i would like to know how France is percieved outta here.
I did French a level, finished it last June, and I've studied it for about 10 yrs coz i started young.. I was fairly fluent before I started on my gap year... not so sure now but it would probably come back if I practised... :p
angie_wade said:
As there's some people here that aren't french, but just studying my language, i would like 2 know what France and french people represents 2 u, and what u've heard about us? Coz it seems that the relations between France and some countries ( i won't quote these countries) aren't very good, and i would like to know how France is percieved outta here.

Je ne parle pas Francais bien!

Je suis j'ai je n'ai parlé pas francais bien
tu es tu as
il est il a
nous sommes nous avons
vous êtes vous avez
ils sont ils ont

In the Netherlands the VWO (pre-university-school) we have to learn French.
It is not very difficult to read, but talking in this language is very difficult.

Oh yes I do know some words like: la salle de bains, la voiture, la poisson, la/le? poison, le francais, les Pays-Bas, l'amour, les toilettes, la femme, le garcon, la boulangerie, là-bas, un-deux-trois, parler, appeller and so on.

But speaking it out and make sentences of that words is very difficult.

In the Netherlands they say you French guys, don't even want to speak English to the tourists, speaking English would make conversation much easier. But you look out to be able to speak English!!!
Heheh those are all very useful words :) especially if you want to ask directions (i e salle de bains) or buy a fish (i e poisson) :p

I do find with french, that they economise with words a lot... they seem to use thr same word for different things, one example i can think of is the word 'pourquoi', meaning 'why', actually translated it means 'for what'... there are many other examples i just can't think of them on the spot hehe
I can say the same thing with english like "forever" and "for ever". The only difference it's the space between words "pourquoi" means "why" and "pour quoi" means "for what".
Puzzle_the_Donky said:
In the Netherlands the VWO (pre-university-school) we have to learn French.
It is not very difficult to read, but talking in this language is very difficult.

But speaking it out and make sentences of that words is very difficult.

In the Netherlands they say you French guys, don't even want to speak English to the tourists, speaking English would make conversation much easier. But you look out to be able to speak English!!!
lol, thx.
Even for the french borns, french is very difficult (some people have spent their time, two or three years ago, to know how many french words a french teenager knows, and it seems to be about 500 words!). And if we have some difficulties to speak english with the tourist, well, mayB coz we're too lazy to try to think about using the bit of english we know. I say "we" coz i was in that kind of situation some weeks ago, b4 i was on this forum and talking 2 some great english speakers, lol... they'll probably recognize themselves if they read this, lol. I just would like 2 add that one of my friends asked me if i regret, sometimes, the hard times i had these last years, and i answered that sometimes it happens that i do, but i probably wouldn't b there and wouldn't know some great people, even though they're living very far away, or close to me, and these persons are, for me, one good reason to get through bad times (now, everything's right, going 2 Great Britain during the summer 2007. Probably go once again 2 Scotland, but after that... Any idea?). And, consedering all the things i've went throught, i do not mean by that there's a lot, no there was just some, but boys and girls can b very mean, and it can go very far, and sometimes it look just like hell, buts the acts, their causes and consequences have some impacts on life, sometimes bad, but for me it's good, i know who is my friend now, and this one is the best that i can find on the whole earth. Hopefully, she does not understand a lot of english, otherwise she would think i'm going to be depressed again (Non, Lisa, si tu lis a et que tu comprends, t'affole pas, c'est juste que j'ai recommencé a reprendre du service sur un certain bouquin... D'accord, affole toi, ou c'est moi qui vais devenir folle... KESKE JE RACONTE ENCORE MOI?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! je SUIS folle!).
i'm reading what i've just written, and if someone thinks that it does make any sense, just tell me. One of my friend tried 2 draw how my brain works, but i looked like a big chaos, lol.
Je parle français

Bonjour, tout le monde,

j'étudie le français plus que six ans dans mon lycée et à mon université. Le français est ma majeur et je veux bien aller en France, mais c'est difficile d'économiser de l'argent pour y aller.

Où habitez-vous en France? J'ai des amis francais, l'un à Metz et l'autre à Istres. Istres est près de Marseille.

Vous pouvez me contacter sur MSN Messenger; mon pseudo est Prodigious1One.
Prodigious1One said:
Où habitez-vous en France? J'ai des amis francais, l'un à Metz et l'autre à Istres. Istres est près de Marseille.
Je suis désolée, mais j'habite dans le Nord, près de Lille, dans une petite ville près de Roubaix-Tourcoing (qui sont toutes les deux des villes très connues dans le monde du textile), près de la frontière belge (ça peut expliquer certaines choses, lol). Donc, je vis très loin de tes amis, lol.
Moi aussi. J'habite à environs 30min de Paris mais à 10min de Dineyland.
Susan la Douce said:
Moi aussi. J'habite à environs 30min de Paris mais à 10min de Dineyland.
Mon cousin bosse a Paris. Dans les brigades d'interventions. Il en a marre, parce que sa copine vit ds le Nord, alors ils se voient pas souvent (en plus, elle est en 6e année de medecine, et comme elle a pas mal d'exams, autant dire qu'ils ne se voient presque jamais).
Disneyland Paris

Est-ce que vous aimez le Disneyland Paris? Je suis américain et j'ai visité seulement le DisneyWorld en Floride. Je l'aime et j'y veux visiter encore parce que ma famille n'y a pas été depuis l'été de 2000.

Quels autres parcs d'amusements en France aimez-vous? Je ne sais pas d'autres.

Il y a d'autres parcs d'attractions connus mais celui après Disney c'est le parc d'Astérix. Il est très bien, je dirais qu'il est même mieux mais c'est plus un parc avec des attractions d'eau. Sinon Disney c'est bien aussi mais j'aimerais beaucoup visité le DisneyWorld, il doit être génial !
Lol, ouais, c'est vrai que Disneyland à Paris est génial (j'ai fait la maison hantée plus de 8 fois, 7 quand j'avais huit ou neuf ans, et ladernière quand je devais avoir quatorze ans). Mais c'est vrai qu'il y a beaucoup d'attractions d'eau a Asterix. Autant dire que la plupart sont bondées en été, lol.
Est-ce que, a part des français, bien sur, certaines personnes ici sont déjà venues en France?
Is there other people that have ever been to France?