Sorry for double post but these characters (one footed of course) should play the dufflepods. Check out the behind the scenes picture down there. What do you think?
Well, yeah, but that's not a cool silly idea!!
I think this is going somewhere!! Narnia only for animals!!!! Awesome!! What could be cuter that this? Maybe Narnia with babies..... but nah, animals is cool!!
Do you think they could find a way to combine animals, babies, and soap opera? I want to see how crazy the thing gets!!!Except that Peter and Susan aren't in VotDT.
We could also turn this into a massive soap opera style thing, with people falling helplessly in love with all the wrong people.
When Lucy ends up on the deck of the Dawn Treader for the first time, she says, "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
MR BOB: On Ramadu's island, when he comes in, Jiminy Cricket comes in, singing "When you wish upon a star..."
Reep interrupts him, "Um, Disney isn't a part of Disney anymore."
Jiminy: "Oh, sorry." Leaves red faced
More Caspian come-ons:
Star light, star brght, first star I see tonight!
You're so pretty, I may go blind staring at you!
Do you rise here often?
Caspian and R's daughter walk together hand in hand before leaving. Just before boarding the ship he starts singing:
'You are my lucky star, I saw you from a far..."
Another cheesy pick-up line
Caspian: "Did it hurt?"
R's daughter:"What?"
Caspian: Did it hurt?
R's daughetr ( confused): Did what hurt?
Caspian: When you fell from Heaven.
Oh, and one going off the long discussion about should R's daughetr or shouldn't se have a name:
Caspian" I lost my name, can I have yours?"
Boy, we could do a whole thread of cheesy star related pick-up liens between Caspian and R's daughter!
They could do anything to that movie!!!Wow. I never thought I'd see the day when we started discussing useless pick-up lines on Narniafans.