Glorious Food II (Please Don't Delete)

lieke said:
but then he realized that you should sing a song before eating such a bad-tasting boot, so he started to sing a song called....
Come on Baby..
If not your Crazy!
Join the fun!
Come on now, run! :D

He then commenced with the boot but remembered one key ingredient he forgot...
PIE (mplf) :eek:
Meese wanted some PIE (mplf) so he went to the people of the PIE (mplf) and asked for some.... it went like this:
Meese: can i have some pie?
PotP (people of the PIE (mplf)): some what?
Meese: pie!
PotP: what?
Meese: PIE
PotP: dude, it's PIE (mplf)
Meese: fine, can i have some PIE (mplf)
PotP: why?
Meese: to put into this boot *shows boot*

the PotP got really angry at Meese so they formed a mob that chased him out of the city, until....
lieke said:
PIE (mplf) :eek:
Meese wanted some PIE (mplf) so he went to the people of the PIE (mplf) and asked for some.... it went like this:
Meese: can i have some pie?
PotP (people of the PIE (mplf)): some what?
Meese: pie!
PotP: what?
Meese: PIE
PotP: dude, it's PIE (mplf)
Meese: fine, can i have some PIE (mplf)
PotP: why?
Meese: to put into this boot *shows boot*

the PotP got really angry at Meese so they formed a mob that chased him out of the city, until....

The 'Save the Boots' foundation found him, and then chased him out of that city..until...
both the "save the boot" foundation and the people of the PIE (mplf) formed a mob and chased Meese out of the city, until....

(this can go on for hours :p )
Saruman the White arrived, looking as grumpy as ever! And sniveling next to him were two of his companions, Gríma and Gollum, who both...
Saruman said:
Saruman the White arrived, looking as grumpy as ever! And sniveling next to him were two of his companions, Gríma and Gollum, who both...
We're wearing frilly pink tutu's that had 'Princess' spelled out in glitter all over them. They actually looked quite pleased with themselves...
But Saruman looked mad! Then the PotP and the 'Save the Boots' foundation chased Meese and Saruman and his companions out of the city... :p
Saruman said:
Saruman the White arrived, looking as grumpy as ever! And sniveling next to him were two of his companions, Gríma and Gollum, who both...
tssk tssk Curumo, everyone knows that Smeagol/Gollum is my companion :p

but Saruman used his evil powers to destroy the boot. Meese was so sad that his food was gone, he stopped running and the "save the boot" foundation got closer and closer until....
The great Wizard smiled nastily, and opened up a manhole. All the members of the foundation fell far down below the city, into the sewers, and the manhole cover shut with a CLANG. But just then...
Saruman said:
The great Wizard smiled nastily, and opened up a manhole. All the members of the foundation fell far down below the city, into the sewers, and the manhole cover shut with a CLANG. But just then...
Harold the Pig farmer, or, the farmer formally known as Harold the grapes, pickles and pigeons farmer came and ran over the wizard with his farmer powers...
and Harold the Pig farmer, formally known as Harold the grapes, pickles and pigeons farmer (:p) stopped to take a closer look. He saw the can clan worshipping the Trash Can and he thought: "that's cool, i'll participate" he started to worship the Trash Can, but after a while Meese came back and.....
lieke said:
and Harold the Pig farmer, formally known as Harold the grapes, pickles and pigeons farmer (:p) stopped to take a closer look. He saw the can clan worshipping the Trash Can and he thought: "that's cool, i'll participate" he started to worship the Trash Can, but after a while Meese came back and.....
They decided to ahve a rumble. Many bought tickets to the show. harold the Pig Farmer, formally known as Harold the Pigeon farmer, formally known as the Pickle farmer, formally known as the Grape Farmer vs. Meese formally known as Moose. The fight started and Meese used his boot eating powers to diminish Harold..or so he thought..because as soon as he started doing his victory dance harold summoned...
Elizabeth Swan, who strode on the scene, head held up high, wearing her purple dress, demanding all to bow before her! It was then that Will Moseley and Skandar Keynes came in, and bowed before her like she commanded, but at that moment in time...
Saruman said:
Elizabeth Swan, who strode on the scene, head held up high, wearing her purple dress, demanding all to bow before her! It was then that Will Moseley and Skandar Keynes came in, and bowed before her like she commanded, but at that moment in time...
A mob of girls formed, and they chased Elizabeth out of the city. They cornered her and attacked her....all that was found afterwards was...
a large box, the box was found on a island, where the order of the Can happened to be searching for the Trash Can:D they found it and discovered.....