Glorious Food II (Please Don't Delete)

so he went home and when he returned the penguins where having tea and he didn't want to disturb them because it wasn't a nice thing to do so when the penguins...
The police arrived, shouted at the penguins and the elephant to be quiet and took out the handcuffs. But the wizards screamed: "I'm allergic to handcuffs! Don't do that!!!" So instead the police...
were attacked by a large angry penguin who was not happy about them taking his lightsabers
the penguin saw that the one she stepped on was HB, and because of her love for him she spend the next 573 years, 25 days, 8 hours, 36 minutes and 19 seconds crying about what she did :D . In the meanwhile HB managed to get to the safehouse, but an army of penguins followed him because they hated him because he made the other penguin cry. HB looked behind him and saw the penguins coming, and he decided to......
but before he could ask he had to bring something that would give the Can a happy mood, so he shot two ducks, and brought them to the Can, the Can was very pleased, and...:D
he was far away, so that the penguins couldn't come after him anymore. HB was so happy and started dancing, but it started raining. He ran inside an old inn, and saw..... :eek: :D

(Dernhelm, you changed you avvy back :D )