New member
Hey, I'm only 12 years old! Give me a break!
Smog said:[I am not sure about *you* weirdoes, but I was just reading from my King James Bible (Not that blasted New King James version, I'm talking about the original 1611 version)]
What say you then? Dost thou profane the randomness of thine thread? Or dost thou speak ill against thine Administrator? May it never be! For neither shalt thou speak ill nor shalt thou profane thine forum as long as thou hast breath. Thine forum is random, and thou shalt post within its randomness forevermore. Post in the abundance and thou shalt have peace...
Tarkheena_Finduilas22 said:I am going to start talking like this around my family some time.
Dernhelm said:My full purpose...was... *shakes head* AHHH! I have no purpose here! It's all BC's doing; she it was who suckered me into being a duffer so long ago in "Random thread 2".