Harry Potter and the Dark Moon

occ: thanks sis

ic" Kathryn was watching Emily and Draco and saw harry looking at her and saying it was okay and that Emily was telling the truth

"Okay Harry i trust with what your saying,Harry if she is telling the truth Hermione and Ronald always seem to trust you and you are called the chosen one so i have no choice to believe you.

Emily if your uncle is not who we should be worried about what is yours and Draco's plan."

Kathryn said placing her wand behind her ear and standing with her hands on her hips.
Emily look over at her.
" you still need to be awes of him but not that much as the Darkcis," she said walking around the room t make sure she didn't lose her mind that everyone was disappearing.

Harry heald his wand in his hand.
" then lets try to fight this thing at once," he said with a smile.

Draco shook his head.
" Potter you think you can do anything you like don't you,?" he said crossing his arms.

Emily glared at Draco
" you two like to act like three yrea old now stop," she said walking over to Draco.
Harry Draco stop this now Emily is right she does have a point you and Draco do act like your three years old Now let us put our heads together this time i agree with harry we need to act at once.
Emily point her wand in the air.
" Aghlouptes," she said then a map came out of no werem
she took it and sat next to Draco.
" OK here we are let me think," she said makeing her wand have alittle light.

Harry came to look at the map.
" what do you think Emily can you show us how to fight this?," he ask with a smile on his face.

Draco laugh.
" you think she can do this well you right with out your help Potter," he said still having his arms cross.

Ron look at them with a frown.
" Harry I'm sceard I don't know if we should do this," he said rubbing his arm.

Emily laughh.
" Oh Ron don't be a baby and help us all right," she said not looking up.
kathryn smiled at ron reassuringly

Ron you can still help us even though your scared usually you are a valuable part of the team.

Ron: i know but i am still not sure.

Kathryn: Your his best mate right your space is right by his side

Ron: Right i have been with him all thru hogwarts

Emily i hope you know what your doing Kathryn said
She didn't look up.
" yes I know what I'm doing now hush," she said

Draco hook his arm into her.
" leave her alone she trying to think right now," he said with his nose wequeld up
Kathryn looked at harry Hermoine and Ron and rolled her eyes

Ron: Come on Draco don't look at us like that Come on harry Kathryn Hermione lets go do this ourself Slytherins would never work with us Gryfinndors or your Raven claws Kathryn we will get Luna and some others of the DA to help us.

Kathryn: Yes i know there has been a rivalry between Slytherins and Gryfinndors but Raven claws and Hufflepuffs i never knew they disliked us as well.
Emily point her wand at them.
" don't move," she said finely looking up,
she walk over to Kathlen.
" now not all Slytherins are rude like him do you want to fight this then stay," she said with a growl.
Kathryn stopped and turned around Harry spoke up his eyes met Kathryn's and Harry smiled.

Harry: Even though i don;t like Malfoy we would have a better chance if we stayed together cause we are the only ones here. Harry winced as the scar ached again.

Ron: I refuse to let these Slytherins boss us around we should go alone.

Kathryn: Looking at Hermione Ron and Harry she inclined her head in defeat
"Okay Malfoy Parkinson we will stay wtih you even though lke Ron and Harry i don't think much of it but we would have a better chance with them then us alone. I don't like being bossed by Slytherins either but Emily seems to have a better chance of fighting this guy.
Emily came by harry.
" are you all right Harry?," she ask holding his shoulders,
she look up at Kathlen.
" let have a talk," she said with a sigh.

Draco just snorted.
" Potter I think you think to muck," he said still having his arms cross.

Emily turn to him.
" you be quite at once Malfoy," she said with a growl then look back at Harry.
Cho♥Harry;1219861 said:
Emily came by harry.
" are you all right Harry?," she ask holding his shoulders,
she look up at Kathlen.
" let have a talk," she said with a sigh.

Draco just snorted.
" Potter I think you think to muck," he said still having his arms cross.

Emily turn to him.
" you be quite at once Malfoy," she said with a growl then look back at Harry.

Kathryn tapped Harry on the shoulder

"it will be okay my freind somthing is going on defintly when your scar hurts we will talk later "

Kathryn walks over with Emily and crosses her arms and glares at her

" Alright Emily what is it you want to talk about"
Kathryn looked at her freind then at Harry and the others.

Kathryn: Emily Very well we well ignore him but you got that right he is a pain. Kathryn said arms crossed defiantly as she shot draco a glare
Cho♥Harry;1219886 said:
She look back at Harry.
" I know Draco can be a pain but just ignore him right now all right?," she said crossing her arms.

''No! Malfoy`s always been a jerk to me and I won`t stand it,''yelled Harry. Draco just laughed. Harry yelled the freezing spell at Draco. Fred and George said,''Wicked Harry.''

ooc: I g2g.
Emily screamed.
" ah Draco," she said running over to him,
she look up at Harry.
" I know he been a Jerk to you but did you have to frez my boyfriend?," she said picking up Draco's head.