"Hidden Dreamer" (my songs and poems)

i would love to hear you sing ur songs... the last song you wrote hit home for me.. its how i was feeling a few weeks before... :(

but in a good note, i love your writings! you're so talented and amazing, you always have me in awe with ur works ! cant wait for more.. hehe you know me ;) !
Christine~Pevensie said:
i would love to hear you sing ur songs... the last song you wrote hit home for me.. its how i was feeling a few weeks before... :(

but in a good note, i love your writings! you're so talented and amazing, you always have me in awe with ur works ! cant wait for more.. hehe you know me ;) !
You are too kind... seriously. I don't deserv any of this... You should see Unseen_Dreams' work. She has REAL talent as an artist. SHE is the friend I was talking about who can sing so well. I would love to sing my songs but it's hard to find the PERFECT melody you know!
Again thank you...
you guys really don't have to keep commenting. I just... feel like venting sometimes... you know?
thanks. I don't usually write that much but... I don't know... things have been changing lately. School was like crashing head on into a brick wall! I am afraid of loding time to write and sing new songs just for fun... to work on my stories and things of the sorts. But I will try!
Thank you for your comments!
(composed online for my forum friends)

When rain comes down like curtains drawn
And memories of springtime gone
Would overtake my self control
And plunge in darkness deep my soul,
Between the worlds of pain and dreams
That netherworld where nothing seems
So real as hope, so free of guile
Invites me in to stay a while;
The wardrobe beckons me once more
To open wide its wooden door
And plunge with joy through fur and pine
To see the frosty lantern shine
To touch the lion's silky mane
And feel my heart renewed again

-- John Burkitt
WillsGirl said:
You are too kind... seriously. I don't deserv any of this... You should see Unseen_Dreams' work. She has REAL talent as an artist. SHE is the friend I was talking about who can sing so well. I would love to sing my songs but it's hard to find the PERFECT melody you know!
Again thank you...
you guys really don't have to keep commenting. I just... feel like venting sometimes... you know?

i love your songs!!!! they're so good!!!! dont under estimate your gift!!!!! where can i find Unseen_Dreams work? i like to read songs, i like to see what other people write so i can improve my songs.
I can't give out that information as the permission has not been given to me but I'm sure if you all PM Unseen_Dreams and tell her just how much you want to see her beautiful lyrics she might concent!
thats VERY good! haha tell me if you like this one..(copywrited)

Pure Intention

is it something else i cannot hide?
or am i hidden till i confide
wait for myself to die
or wait for my pride to fly
do i wait?
or decend?
there is no running away..

what you want of me
is something i can't explain
will i let it go
or will i be running away
i will not hid
you'll see me fight
until the final da
will you let me go?
will they see?
or am i still unknown

watch me wanting life
when im finally taken away
wounded in my heart
and in my soul
still can't explain
am i here?
or am i gone?
this pain is unknown to me


cry for anyone else
i'll cry for you
i'd die for you
don't leave me standing here
cuz im still one person
i'm still someone

(chorus 2x)

*any comments on that would be greatly appriciated! :D
I don't want to discourage or offend. I think it's pretty darn good but it's a tad choppy and a little confusing.
But I still think it's pretty good.
thank you! i appriciate that really. we were working on that today actually at the studio..i guess with "choppiness"..but mainly tempo. but thank you really, the more comments the better :)
I think it's cool that you have a band Mar.

I have this opportunity to go record a demo CD and so my voice coach and my mom and I are probably going to go over some of my songs and write them out with the notes and everything so I can have my own original work on a cd!!!
I'm SO excited this is the perfect thing to boost my spirits. Last night I was totally blessed with this sudden overwhelming confidence and with a few imspired lines I wrote this new song!!!

Passion and Drive (COPYRIGHTED)

I’ve got Passion, I’ve got drive!
No more running, I won’t hide.
I’ve found determination,
I’m gonna storm the nation!

Do you see this smile?
It was gone for a while,
But now I have reassurance,
And now I’ve got endurance,
Is this the new me?
When did I break free?

I’m here, I’m back!
I’m not hiding behind the mask.
Do you see my happiness?
I found a way to clean the mess!

Do you see this smile?
It was gone for a while,
But now I have reassurance,
And now I’ve got endurance,
Is this the new me?
When did I break free?

This is supernatural,
I can feel the call!
Something’s here inside of me…
Oh the things I see!

Do you see this smile?
It was gone for a while,
But now I have reassurance,
And now I’ve got endurance,
I have broken free!
This is the new me!!!

I’m not the same anymore
Something’s different from before!
This joy that’s deep inside.
It’s for me, I know it’s mine!

Do you see this smile?
It was gone for a while,
But now I have reassurance,
And now I’ve got endurance,
I have broken free!
This is the new me!!!

I’m letting go of everything else now,
It’s not that hard, I just know how!
Something here is changing me,
Something inside is taking me.
I’m not frightened,
I’ve been enlightened.

Do you see this smile?
It was gone for a while,
But now I have reassurance,
And now I’ve got endurance,
I have broken free!
This is the new me!!!

Look at this change
It feels so strange.
Don’t be worried,
I’m still me,
But better than before,
I couldn’t ask for more.

Do you see this smile?
It was gone for a while,
But now I have reassurance,
And now I’ve got endurance,
I have broken free!
This is the new me!!!
HAHA great!!!! thats soo good! i want your CD when it comes out!!! i like your song also! we got great news today too! we are proabably gonna go on tour with barlowgirl! heres another song..its about someone dieing..

The Life I Own
-Pure Intention-

When I see you in my sleep
When there's no sense of a dream
When you're gone from this life
Will you be by my side?

I seem to be lost
Is this what life costs?
Will I find the right time
To be found in this life

Can you see me when I'm under your feet?
Will I lie down my life to breath?
Will you know the words I can't repeat?
In this life I own still under defeat

When I laugh behind my tears
Still waiting over fears
I'll always feel hurt
When I see your ston in the dirt

When I cry for life's pain
When you see me run away
You will never forget
The prayers that I said


Will you know me when I come to you?
Will you say "I knew I'd hold you soon"
Will you call my name and cry with me?
Will I come to you and never leave
Never leave

Barlow girl is Christian right? Are you guys a Christian band? I like your name.
I don't have to come up with a name... I get to use my own! LOL
yes they are. welll aaa yeah i guess you can..we like to call it posotive message. cuz we dont want to be labeled christan if we dont have to. cuz then some people will auotomaticlly not listen to it. did you like the song? tell me what you think..
I like it... I especially like the brisge.
So how old are you gus? (The band) Is it all guys, all girls, a mix? How many of each?
I know that's random but now I'm curious.
Maybe I will see you guys on tour.
Do you personally know Barlowgirl?
well its four of us..me and my sister, and our two really good friends (who are sisters) and the ages are 15, 13, (me), 14, and 12..gina is 12 she wrote the song you just read, shes AMAZING. and no we do not know barlowgirl personally..have you heard of Pure Fashion?

heres the site: www.pureintention.net..(its not that good!)
Texas... the good 'ole Lone Star state... the funny thing is... people always think we ALL have these podunk accents and love country music. But I don't have an accent and I HATE country music. (Sorry, but I do...)
LOL what state do YOU live in?