
young wolf said:
"I will Prof. Live-o

Prof Waglefrot: " every good conor and Emily I have see you being studying your spells"

EmilY: " Sir If I may can I try said thing esle?"

Prof. Waglfrot. " why yes Emily you can but you can't do it today because now it's time to go all right students Plese study heard now I'll see you tomorrow"

EmilY: "all right see you tomorrow Prof. Waglefrot" saying good bye to him same time walking with Cornor " well I gald thats over with aren't you?"
Emily and Conor get to potions.

Prof. Snape: "Can anyone tell me how to make the potion for uncomon poisons?"

Conor: Aparently you can't Prof."

Prof. Snape: " Now why do you say that Mr. Weasly?

Conor: "Because you asked how to make the potion."

Prof. Snape: Smart guy are we... 10 points from Grifindor. I want all of you to collect the following ingreatiants... assfadel, wog tree bark, and a horn of a unicorn. *EVIL SMILE*
Miley laughed smiled and laughed silently at what Conor had just said. When he sat down and when snape had his back turned she quickly passed a note to him. It said " Good one!"
Ana sat down at the Ravenclaw table and her owl,Harpie
,gave her a little box that had a little note that said:
Ana darling please take this gift because you'll need some courage in your first year at Hogwarts
-Your Gradma Rebecca

Ana opened it and there was a little pendant that was sapphire and it had
a symbol of Ravenclaw and it said her name Ana. Ana then wrote a letter back and it said:
Thanks Granda Rebecca! I'll see you in the summer!
-Your grandaughter Ana

"Thanks Harpie!"Ana said while her owl left.
Emmy was in herbology and was really bored. She saw a big flowery looking plant. It grabbed her and tied her up. "HEL..." the plant had covered her mouth and nose.
Tabitha smiled at Miley. Virago wasn't in the class with her but she still had a friend
young wolf said:
Emily and Conor get to potions.

Prof. Snape: "Can anyone tell me how to make the potion for uncomon poisons?"

Conor: Aparently you can't Prof."

Prof. Snape: " Now why do you say that Mr. Weasly?

Conor: "Because you asked how to make the potion."

Prof. Snape: Smart guy are we... 10 points from Grifindor. I want all of you to collect the following ingreatiants... assfadel, wog tree bark, and a horn of a unicorn. *EVIL SMILE*

Emily was listing to Prof.Snape then trun to Conor "what do we have to do agin I don't get it at all oh well lets get some thing to eat I'm hungery I can eat a uncomon right now" with a laugh
ooc: And once again I'm late... will I ever stop saying this??
ic: Maerad yawned. The glitterring sun was shining through the curtains. She looked at the time. It was seven o'clock. A bit strange for the sun to show up that early. She put on her school robes and looked around. Badger was curled up, still asleep in an armchair. She realised that she knew no one who slept in her same room. Maerad looked at her timetable. She had Herbology first thing. So she put her things in the bag and went downstairs,to the common room. The common room was deserted so she went downstairs for breakfast. As soon as she saw Harry on the far end of the table she remembered about noon. Maerad got up and went to the green room where the other first year Gryffindors were queing outside. A rather chubby woman came and opened up the doors. Everyone flooded in and Maerad stood near a girl she had never seen before. The lesson passed and Maerad couldn't understand anything. Why was it that she was a failure in all the subjects? It wasn't like that in the muggle school she went before. Potions passed, once again Snape had reduced points from Gryffindor just because someone offended him. He was right. It was already mid day and Maerad was already feeling sleepy. She remembered about her meeting in the Quidditch Pitch. Mearad ran and ran and finally saw a figure in the Quidditch Pitch. It was Harry. "Sorry. Snape's given us more Homework and everyone's doing the same. Oh and I'm not good at anything." she put her bag down. Harry looked at her. "So?" she asked. "I'm supposed to see you flying. Where's your broom?" he asked. "Have you ever read the rules? First years aren't supposed to have their own brooms." "Alright. Accio Broom." few minutes passed and a broom came flying their way. It stopped infront of Harry. "So come on. Show me what you can do. Do you even know how to lift it from the ground?"
"Well. Let me show you. Professor" she put the broom to the ground and shouted "UP!" The broom stuck to her hand like duct tape. "See." Maerad grabbed hold of the broom tighter and jumped on it. She began to fly slowly up and up until she came to a halt. Harry looked up and said "So. Is that all you can do?" "Well if only I had something to do." Harry walked away. Maerad looked down. "Hey! Where are you going?? Wait!" She waited and saw later that Harry had come out carrying a box. "If Angelina sees me she's going to kill me." he said. "What are you doing?" Maerad asked curiously. He opened the box and Maerad saw Quidditch things. Harry opened up a little compartment and took out something shiny. It was the golden snitch. "Well let's see what you can do." Harry said. He threw the snitch and immediatly it went running everywhere. Maerad closed her eyes. She used her ears. She could hear it away,coming nearer, a buzzing sound. She suddenly opened her eyes and darted to her left. Harry saw her coming down. "What wrong? Already given up?" he said mockingly. Maerad proudly got off the broom. "Well let's say I don't only use my eyes." and she handed him something round; the golden snitch. "What??! Im...Im..Impossible! You coul...no,no. Impossible!"
"Don't worry I won't take your place. I'll just be invisible. I don't even like Quidditch at all! I have to go now. I've got another lesson and I've got to take these books to the library. Bye." and she hopped off.
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Emliy and conor was with the others of there group Emily was trying not to look at him while she was eating all she can think of what she can do after they ate then her Owl came over " hey boy what are you up to you what is this? thank you now shoe"

The letter said

Dear Emm,

How you been I miss you so much I wish you are here right now
Well your big bother is comeing home next summer I hope you come home soon

While Emily and Conor where eating an owl came flying in and landed, with a crash, right infront of Conor.

Conor: "What are you doing here Pit Finger? Oh you have a... What is that?" Conor opend the letter.

"RONALD WEASLY HOW DARE YOU CAST A CURSE AT YOUR OWN FATH... Oh you aren't Ron. Well then wrap me up and give me to Ron."
Conor did as thette said but he didn't give it to Ron yet. Conor wrights a letter to his mom saying...

Dear Mom,

I got the letter you sent to Ron. Pit Finger gave it to me not Ron. How are you doing? Wright back soon.

Your Son,
Conor Weasly

Conor: "Oh hi Ron I have a letter for you."

Ron: "Oh thanks Conor. Who is it from?"

Conor: "Mum."
Ron opened the letter...


Conor: "Oh yeah it's a howler. *laugh*:p*laugh*:p
young wolf said:
While Emily and Conor where eating an owl came flying in and landed, with a crash, right infront of Conor.

Conor: "What are you doing here Pit Finger? Oh you have a... What is that?" Conor opend the letter.

"RONALD WEASLY HOW DARE YOU CAST A CURSE AT YOUR OWN FATH... Oh you aren't Ron. Well then wrap me up and give me to Ron."
Conor did as thette said but he didn't give it to Ron yet. Conor wrights a letter to his mom saying...

Dear Mom,

I got the letter you sent to Ron. Pit Finger gave it to me not Ron. How are you doing? Wright back soon.

Your Son,
Conor Weasly

Conor: "Oh hi Ron I have a letter for you."

Ron: "Oh thanks Conor. Who is it from?"

Conor: "Mum."
Ron opened the letter...


Conor: "Oh yeah it's a howler. *laugh*:p*laugh*:p

Emily want up to Ron

Emily: "What do you do?"

Ron: " some to make my father mad I have to go now you you late ok Conor"

Emily: " Oh ok Se you soon ok?"

Emily want back by Coror " well what do you went to do now we have all day to do some?" she look at him with a smile