
Emily was try to not full asleep in clas

Prof. Magonigal slam her hand on her dask

Emly: "what huh what happen?"

Prof. Magonigal: "did you hear what I said ?"

Emily:" Yes ma'm"

Prof. Magonigal: "good do you know the answer?"

Emliy: "no ma'a"

Prof. Magonigal: "Ok dose any one knows the answer of this quation?"

Emliy looks at Conor " help I think she get me falling asleep" she wisperd to him
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Prof. Magonigal: "If no one knows then I will assign all of you homework. Findout the incantation, practice it, and in two days your assignement is due. Class dismissed early. Conor and Emily you two stay in after class, i need to speak with you two."

Everyone except Conor and Emily: "ooooooooooooooooooooooo"
everyone left.

Conor: "You need to speak with us Prof."

Prof. Magonigal: Yes. You two are my best students...

Conor: So?

Prof. Magonigal: So the incantation is Paraverto. Just a little hint.
young wolf said:
Prof. Magonigal: "If no one knows then I will assign all of you homework. Findout the incantation, practice it, and in two days your assignement is due. Class dismissed early. Conor and Emily you two stay in after class, i need to speak with you two."

Everyone except Conor and Emily: "ooooooooooooooooooooooo"
everyone left.

Conor: "You need to speak with us Prof."

Prof. Magonigal: Yes. You two are my best students...

Conor: So?

Prof. Magonigal: So the incantation is Paraverto. Just a little hint.

Emily look at conor and said to Prof. Magonigal: is that all Ma'a?" she said to her
Kin Tsuchi said:
" Ok let look up my thing now let go to the liabery or is to late?" she said to him the same time letting out a brath
"It's not to late, we have the rest of the day to look up the thing." They rush off to the library
young wolf said:
"It's not to late, we have the rest of the day to look up the thing." They rush off to the library

" I'm gald you are helping me out I don't have much guys friends here Ok you go left and I go right " she said while she was going to the books

OOC: Ok I have to live now so I see you guys tomorro ok
Conor instead went up to the domoetery to find Ron.
Conor: "Ron can you help me and Emily find something that she needs to find? She is in the library right now."

Ron: "Okay..."
They rush down to the library.
Tabitha felt she had had enough schoolwork for a week already. she just wanted to get back to the common room and sleep. or better yet, go outside
"Oh juts looking at a charms book"Ana said closing it and putting it in her bag.
"Uh..I have to go to the bathroom"Ana said walking away.
On the way back from dinner, Virago got ahead of the group, and in the portrait before anyone. She rushed up the stairs, threw on her pajamas, and colapsed in bed. She pretended she was asleep when the girls came in. After they fell asleep, Virago just laid there, looking up at the ceiling.
My very first day. I survived. Goodnight Mum and Dad....wherever you are....
Tabitha sat waiting up in her bed. her roomate was around here somewhere. she had only seen a glance of her since by the time Tabitha had come in the night before she was asleep the mysterious person was gone before she woke up in the morning
Tim walked into the great hall and sat down and began to study. He tried a couple spells to bring a plant back to life. "Healium" he said pointing at the dead plant. The plant grew into a beautiful rose. He checked Number two off his sheet and continued onto the next spell on the plant. He was supposed to turn the rose into a lily. "Whats the spell" he said flicking through his spell book. He found it. "Turnia" he said with a flick. The rose turned a yellow shade and then the rose became a lily. He checked number 3 off his list and continued. His owl (looks exactly like Hedwig) came fluttering down with mail."Thanks Frost" he said petting the owl. The note was from his mother. It read this:

Dear Timothy,

I hope your first week at Hogwarts was delightfull so far.
Who is your favorite teacher? Well I look forward to hearing
from you again dear. Oh and in the pack is a crystal ball.
It was hard to get since I am a muggel. But I got it for you!
Turns out your Uncle Rinu is a wizard like yourself. Well I have
to go now.

