
ooc: my charictar has the most hugest like obsessive crush on ron weasly ever K.

ic: um.............no reason really I just saw him once...he's friends with harry potter isn't he...does that mean you know harry potter too!?
Emily Owl came in the window " Laxrac what are you here silly little bird Oh I see you have a note for me thing time " she gradd the Note and it side Emily Granger you have an tell tomorrow night to make a spell tomorrow night she look at conor "can you help me with it?"
SpiritFox_94 said:
ooc: my charictar has the most hugest like obsessive crush on ron weasly ever K.

ic: um.............no reason really I just saw him once...he's friends with harry potter isn't he...does that mean you know harry potter too!?

ooc: My sis is Emmy (Spiritedwolf) she called Ron first.

ic: "Yeah I know Harry Potter, hes come to the burrow before.
Kin Tsuchi said:
Emily Owl came in the window " Laxrac what are you here silly little bird Oh I see you have a note for me thing time " she gradd the Note and it side Emily Granger you have an tell tomorrow night to make a spell tomorrow night she look at conor "can you help me with it?"

"Help you with what, what does the note say?
young wolf said:
ooc: My sis is Emmy (Spiritedwolf) she called Ron first.

ic: "Yeah I know Harry Potter, hes come to the burrow before.

ooc: callie still likes him but ron doesn't like her, cause she's annoying :p
BTW callie called ron when I was in third grade seriously.

Ic: "thats so cool I wish ?I knew people as cool as ron and harry."
young wolf said:
"Ok now that I know almost all the facts what spell is is?" Conor asked.

" well Ok think it is a drak spell I realy don't know " she still had her spell on her ear " I know to do is body spell help!"
"Ok, I'll go up to the domitory and see if Ro...
WE HAVE TO GO TO TRANCEFIGURATION NOW OR WE'LL BE LATE!!!! :eek:" Conor and Emily start to run.
young wolf said:
"Ok, I'll go up to the domitory and see if Ro...
WE HAVE TO GO TO TRANCEFIGURATION NOW OR WE'LL BE LATE!!!! :eek:" Conor and Emily start to run.

"Lets go I never ever late for class I know short cute follow me" they want thou a room and then they were at there class
Fender Stratocaster said:
Virago quickly shoved her food down, and ran outside and sat down beside Tabitha.
"How was your day today? I dunno if you'll like Potions or not, I thought it was fun."

oh I've already been to potions. I was late so Snape of course docked a few points off Ravenclaw :rolleyes:
Prof. Magonigal: "Can anyone anyone tell me the proper incantation to turn a piece of parchment into a goblet?"

Conor raised his hand

Prof. Magonigal: "Yes Mr. Weasly?"

Conor: I thought we were learning how to turn a animal into a golet, not a piece of parchment?

Prof. Magonigal: "Cange of plans. Now Mr. Weasly can you tell me the proper incantation?"

Conor: "No Ma'am."

Prof. Magonigal: "Can anyone els tell me the proper incantation to turn a piece of parchment into a goblet?