
ooc: oh! haha! sorry! lol! i am not accustum to the class schedule, as i am new to this thread. haha!

ic: Bee had just exited the great hall, when she saw her best friend Crissa walking to charms also.
"Hey Crissa." Bee said as she caught up with her.
"Hello Bee." Crissa said, turning her head and smiling at her.
"Crissa, i just saw the cutest boy."
"Who was it?"
"Harry." Bee said as she opened the charms door and sat down at the nearest table to the front of the room and to Flitwick's desk.
Mrs.Moseley~QueenofNarnia said:
ooc: oh! haha! sorry! lol! i am not accustum to the class schedule, as i am new to this thread. haha!

ic: Bee had just exited the great hall, when she saw her best friend Crissa walking to charms also.
"Hey Crissa." Bee said as she caught up with her.
"Hello Bee." Crissa said, turning her head and smiling at her.
"Crissa, i just saw the cutest boy."
"Who was it?"
"Harry." Bee said as she opened the charms door and sat down at the nearest table to the front of the room and to Flitwick's desk.
ooc: I'm new to this thread also so I just wanted to know if you're in Grifindor or not.

ic: Conor follows Bee to Charms.

ooc: I've got to go. Bye. :D
SweetieGirl said:
Ana found Tim at the Ravenclaw table seeing Draco bothering him.
"Stop it you jerk!"Ana said pushing Draco away. "What are you going to do first year?"Draco looking at Ana. Cho came over to Draco. "What are you doing Draco?!"Cho said looking at him. "Nothing Cho"Draco said walking away.
"Thanks Cho"Ana said hugging her cousin.

Uhm...I think you missed it, but Draco is in the hospital wing. My character punched him really hard, and knocked him out, so he can't bother people for a little while.

I am now controling Draco Malfoy and his family. They have a diffrent story then what's written in the books, and you'll find it out soon enough. Draco is a first year, ok?


Virago understood a lot about Herbology. Next to DADA, and potions, it was her best subject. She did her best to help Tabitha, who was getting mean looks shot at her from Ravenclaws, for sitting next to a Slytherin.
"Tabitha, you have to do it like this....see? It's easier to cut them when you hold it like this, instead of this."
When the lesson was over, they were given homework to do. They had to write a paper on five diffrent herbs for healing the common cold.
A they trudged out Virago told Tabitha something.
"I've got potions next, not right now though, in about an hour. We've got it with Gryffindor. I'm going to the library to do some research, so I'll seeya!"
With that, Virago went running to the library.
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Tabitha watched Virago go and wondered what the rest of the Ravenclaws would say to her. there was no reason for them to be upset really. but they did seem to hate the Slytherins with a passion
Virago stayed in the libarary for about 1/2 hour, and got the Herbology paper done. She cheked it over for spelling mistakes, and finding none, she folded the paper and put in her bag, scooped up her stuff, and walked to Potions.
She arrived ten minutes early, and Snape was setting out his stuff. She quietly got a seat, and neatly laid out her book, paper, and quill.
"Good afternoon Swaroviski."
"Afternoon Professor."
"Quite a stunt you pulled this morning."
Virago gulped.
"Aye Sir."
"You should learn to control that anger if you want to be succesful."
"Aye Professor."
Snape didn't say anything more, so Virago busied herself with some doodleing on her paper.
Emily was in her class room trying to get every thing ready for class she was in there before every one else then she saw a girl and a boy walking in the class room she walk up to them "hello my name is Emily what is yours?"she ask bee and the boy.
Tabitha had only just looked down at her schedule and realized that she had to be at her History of Magic class. "great, late for another class. at least this one isn't quite as important from what I hear"
Virago looked at her doodles, and pulled out her wand. She whispered something, and her drawings came to life. A dog, cat, lion, eagle, snake, and dolphin. They were fighting and playing, she started smiling.
At ten till, the Gryffindor's came in. Some looking scared, others lost, and some worn out. At five till the Slyhtherins came in, looking like buffoons, laughing and gigling, and making tons of noise as they sat down. Snape rapped on his desk with his wand.
"Today's lesson shall begin."
they weren't kidding about how boring History of Magic is. doodling had never been so fun compared to what she was supposed to be doing
Snape was really hard on the Gryffindors, and almost made one little boy start crying. Virago gritted her teeth, and continued listening to Snape. He was explaning the uses of certain roots, and what they will do if picked at diffrent times of the year, and diffrent times of day, and how useful the blood of a Unicorn is, but it also leaves a terrible curse. For homework, they were supposed to memorize the 10 main methods of stirring, explain their usefulness, and or harm.
When he dissmissed class, Virago and the rest of the Slytherins headed to their dormitories to drop off their stuff, and then headed to the Great Hall for dinner.
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OOc: Ok I lve in Gryffindor just letting every one know

ic: Class was over finly it was time for dinner she seat her books down and get her food to eat at the Gryffindor table she was seating by herself then her cozin came over and sat by her.

Hoirminey: "HEllo Emily what you doing satting by your self?"

Emily: " well I thought I can do my home work so I get be done with it early so I can injoy my time" she said with a amile on her face then her cuzin left
Tabitha woke up on the way down to the Great Hall and realized that History of Magic was over. she looked around in search of Virago. hopefully her potions class had been better than Tabitha's had been. she arrived late and even though she actually knew what Snape was talking about he still ignored her
ooc: Sorry, my post is so long... :eek: Since it's dinner time at Hogwarts I had to fit a whole class into one post... :D

Professor Oswald was sitting with his feet up on his desk, watching the students as they came into the room and seated themselves at their desks... It was the last class before dinner and he wanted to get it done soon... He waited until they had all taken their books out and the room had quieted down... Then he got to his feet and came around to the front of his desk...

"Good afternoon all... My name is Tine Oswald and I will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for this year... but I probably won't be next year, considering your previous history with Defense against the Dark Arts teachers, I'll most likely come to some sort of gruesome and untimely end, before the end of year feast... So we all have that to look forward to..." Tine smiled and sat down on the top of the desk and surveyed the room...

"While we are in this classroom, you may refer to me as either Professor Tine or Professor Oswald, It doesn't matter to me.... Outside this class room you may call me as whatever you wish.... Although if you where to call me something insulting, you might want to check to make sure I'm not standing behind you when you say it... I've found quite a few interesting hexes I've been wanting to try out... I also have a few rules you will follow in my classroom, or else you'll find yourself in detention faster then you can say "Hippogriff".... First: I'm the teacher; you are the students... Which means when I'm talking... You aren't... and when I ask questions, you answer... Very simple rule... should be easy to follow.. Second: I do not tolorate students with quick tounges or tempers or those that are disrepectfull towards teachers or their fellow students... So kindly check your bad attitudes and habits at the door before you enter... You may pick them up again after you leave if you wish.... Third: I expect all of you complete any of your homework assignments and hand them in to me, ON TIME! Those that don't will find themselves staying the next period after class spending time doing the hiomework... Oh, I would like to remind you that I'm not afraid to give detentions or deduct house points in this class and anyone who I believe is behaving improperly will recieve proper punishment... I think that about covers it... We will now begin class... Will everyone please get out their books..." Tine took a pear out of the bowl of fruit that sat on his desk and took a bite out of it while he rumaged through his briefcase looking for his copy of the book... "Please turn in your books, to chapter six, section D, which can be found on page 730..." Tine took another bite out of his pear and getting off of the desk, walked over to one of the windows, shut the shutters and latched them.... "Now today we will be talking about Lethifolds..." He continued moving over to the next window and shutting it as well... "Now does anyone by chance know what exactly a Lethifold is?" No one answered, "Well, that doesn't suprise me... Lethifolds are not a creature you'd normally hear about, unless you were unfortunate enough to come in contact with one..." Tine reached the last window and shut it, then walked back to his desk...

"In short, a Lethifold is a creature that looks like a black cloak and sufficates it's victims by smothering them while they sleep..." One of the students near the front gave a small gasp, "Yes, not exactly the sort of creature you'd want as a pet is it?" Tine said with a half-smile... "Lethifolds are found only in tropical regions of the world and are primarily nocternal, and only attack at night... You won't usualy hear of any Lethifold attacks because they are difficult to trace, due to the fact that after their prey is dead they are..." Tine paused think of how to phrase it tastefully... "Well, lets just say" he said finally, "That Lethifolds would win any pumpkin eating contest beacuse they can eat and digest large things very quickly leaving no trace of them whatsoever and so whatever they eat seems to just disappear..." Tine finished his pear and sat down ontop of his desk again, "Now beacuse I know we all are anxiously waiting for dinner, myself included, I have decided to cut class short for today and release you early... You may clear your desks" The students began to put their books, parchment and quills back into their bags when they had finished, Tine continued, "Your homework for next time is to read the chapter on Lethifolds and also look up the spell called, "The Patronus charm" and be prepared to give an explanation of what the Patronus charm does and how you work it..." Tine took a look at the clock, "Alright we still have fifteen minutes until dinner, so either go back to your common rooms or straight to the great hall... Don't bother any of the other classes or I won't let class out early again this year... Is that clear..." the students nodded, "Very good... You may go... class is dismissed..." The students all go up talking to one another and heading out the door... Professor Oswald gathered his things and soon followed them...
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Emily was still eating her dinner ther she saw a men comeing by it was Professor Oswald she went to him to say hellow to him " Hellow sir I don't think you remeber me I'm Emile the one you talking to in your class room I was the one who was five min early Sir" she said to him with a smile
ooc: your posts are ridiculously long Machia...

ic: Tabitha saw that Virago was surrounded by Slytherins again. she'd have to try to talk to her after dinner
ooc:I'm late...as usual.
ic: Maerad hated Potions as much as she hated spiders. It was so confusing! Why did they have to memorise all that stuff? Why was it that she never got anything right? She wondered if she would survive a whole year. Is there a single thing that she was good at? Oh yeah...bumping...she had just bumped into another girl. "Sorry." she said and continued walking. She had some more free time and decided to get her DADA books and go out to explore a bit outside. Maerad repeated the password to the fat lady and the portrait made way for Maerad to get in. Inside there was Harry Potter staring at the fire. He immediatly turned around as he heard footsteps. "Oh it's you." he said in a sad voice. "No need to be so desperate. I'm Gryffindor and you will have to see me every day. Wether you like it or not." she placed her books on the nearest desk. She decided to forget what had happened in the morning. "Something wrong Potter?" "I've been thinking about what you said. Maybe I'm not the chosen one. Maybe I'm doing everything wrong." he said, still staring at the flames. "Well it's all my fault actually. When I'm angry I say stupid things. Don't think about something that I said. I'm not important. Nobody thinks I am, so don't worry about me. I'm just like a ghost; I have passed through a lot of experiences but I'm invisible." Maerad said even though she wasn't sure if he was listening. The flames seemed much more interesting to him. "Bye." "Wait! What's your name? and...how did you know about Ron? and all those things?" "Well I'm Maerad and I told you. I say stupid things when I'm angry. I need to go get my books. I've got Defence against the Dark Arts right now." and she trotted off upstairs to find her books.
Hey all, I sent a message to thread creator, we're going to be working on an offcial scheldule, ok?

Virago walked to dinner behind the rest of the Slytherins who were laughing, and telling jokes, and not letting her be a part. When they got to the Hall she broke off, and chose a corner of the bench, and began filling her plate, not paying attention. She was scanning the room for Tabitha.
Fender Stratocaster said:
Hey all, I sent a message to thread creator, we're going to be working on an offcial scheldule, ok?

Virago walked to dinner behind the rest of the Slytherins who were laughing, and telling jokes, and not letting her be a part. When they got to the Hall she broke off, and chose a corner of the bench, and began filling her plate, not paying attention. She was scanning the room for Tabitha.
ooc: A time table? That would be cool :D