
Emily was falling asleep in class all she can here is her friends talking she was in the middle of Tim and her friend ana " this clas is boaring what can I do to past time rely fist Oh I know a spell no then every one will know that I did it rats oh well I try to listen" she said to herself
Virago shook her hand.
"Nice meeting you. It's nice to have friends, sometimes I get lonely and-"
But she was cut short, immediately a storm of flapping wings and feathers flooded the great hall. The owls were late due to a really bad storm. An all black owl with white spots, landed in front of Virago and stuck it's leg out.
"Thanks Max." She said to it.
She untied the letter, and sighed when she read it. It read:

Dear Virago.
How's school? Draco given you much trouble? You give it back to him dear! Sorry we can't write much, tight situations.
Love you!
Mum and Dad.

She folded it up, and stuffed it in her pocket, gave Max some bread and stood up.
"Well Tabitha, I'm off to class, which one do you have?"
"Herbology" she said, glancing out the window at the rain. "I just hope our greenhouses aren't that far away"
"Let's see...I've had DADA, and Transfiguration, Potions later...yeah! Herbology is next, want to walk with me?"
"all right. my other friends I just made seem to have disappeared." she looked around hoping for a glance of Timothy or the other two
class was finely over she want to seat by her outher friends one was looking out side " what are you look out side for?" Emliy ask her
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Tabitha usually loved rain but this made her even happier. the other three she had met just seemed to be being polite. this Virago girl was actually being nice and friendly not just to be polite
Class was over.Tim walked down the stone steps to the great hall for lunch. He slipped through the doors and sat down alone.Turkey legs popped infront of him."Eww..gross" he said. He took out his wand (his wand looks exactly like Hermione's) and flicked it at the turkey. The turkey turned alive and ran out the door gobbling.He did it again and french fries and a burger popped infront of him."Not very wizardy fod but ohh well" he mutered eating a fri.He looked around and Draco and his gang had just entered the room. They slumped over to Timothy. "So..your a 1st year huh?" he asked scornfully. "I bet you dont know one spell" he laughed."Get lost Draco" he muttered."What?" he said "Respect me" he said and waved his wand at him. Timothy fell out of his chair and lid still..because Draco had set a Petrificus Totalus spell on him."MMMMMM" Timothy tried to say help. "MMMM"
Emily trun arond and saw tim with some one but who she want up to they she look at Tim " why hello Tim what you to ?" she said with a smile on her face
ic: Maerad was wondering off. She had half an hour free till it was time for potions. The weather was perfect. It was the usual rainy,gloomy day. She loved it when it was like that and she felt powerful. No one could make her feel sad. She walked around the school, with her potion books in her hands. Where could she go? There was no one she knew around. Her mind wondered off and imagined how it could be if she was in a fight with a great and evil wizard. She would throw a curse and then expeliarmus (sp?) and then... and then she bumped once again...into the same boy. It was Harry Potter once again. "Look where you're going!" the red haired boy who was standing by Harry said. Mearad was lucky that it was her favourite day because she was able to reply back. "That Prefect badge doesn't make you special." "Do you want me to give you Detenion?" he said. "And do you think I care? If you give me a detention,I'm sure that you will still be the one to break the records. Didn't YOU damage the whomping whillow? Wasn't it YOU the one who got that howler? Weren't you the one who was seen by muggles flying a car?" All these words rushed out of Maerad's mouth without thought. She was puzzled and the red haired boy was too. How come she knew everything about this boy? She never saw him before but it seemed that Harry didn't notice anything unusual because he immediatly replied back "and I was with him." "Yeah he was" the other one said. "And what do I care?" Maerad replied rudely. "Why do you think you're so special? You may be Harry Potter and I'm only a first year but that cannot mean that you can start bossing around. Maybe you're not the one who's supposed to kill Voldemort. Maybe it's someone else.You didn't survive on that day! It was the magic which survived not you! Now please MOVE." and she got on hurrying to the Dungeons. Maerad was angry. She hated when someone bossed around especially because he/she was popular. She could be popular if she wanted but she always kept the secret to herself.
Tabitha didn't understand a single word Professor Sprout said during Herbology, but she couldn't help smiling now that she had found a friend
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Emily like all way she think she knows every thing about spells she was in her class with her new friend the a owl flow in the class room she look up in saw it was hers " Oh lexrac what am I do with you every day you do this now sho" then her oql flo away
ElectricJello said:
ooc: I don't want to seem rude or anything, but I already have a character named Miley. But I guess we could have the same name.
ic: Miley R. Walked by just as the other Miley was being introduced. " Your name is Miley? My name is Miley too!!! That is soooo cool! And I thought it was an uncommon name." She said sitting next to Miley.
no! it is ok! i will change mine! ok, my name is now..................... Bridget, Bee for short. haha! thanx for telling me before it became pandimonium! :D ;)
Ana found Tim at the Ravenclaw table seeing Draco bothering him.
"Stop it you jerk!"Ana said pushing Draco away. "What are you going to do first year?"Draco looking at Ana. Cho came over to Draco. "What are you doing Draco?!"Cho said looking at him. "Nothing Cho"Draco said walking away.
"Thanks Cho"Ana said hugging her cousin.
"Hi Miley!" Bee said, as she watched Miley slide into the seat next to her.
Bee sat there quietly as she listened to each of them tell her their names.
"Hello Bridget. I am Ginny." she heard a very pretty girl with flaming red hair and emerald green eyes say as she shook her hand.
"Hey Bee. I am Harry." said a very cute boy with jet black hair, silver glasses, a brod grin on his face, and a peculiar scar on his forehead.
"Harry Potter?" she said eagerly, "I have heard of you!"
"Haven't we all." said a boy sitting next to him with the same characteristics the red haired girl Ginny had. "Hi. I am Ron."
"And you of course know me." Hermione said, grinning.
"how do you know Hermione, Bee?" Ron asked curiously.
"oh, um, I just keep seeing her all over the school and in the common room."
"So that's the fourth year me and Harry keep seeing you in the common room reading and talking too! How did you know who she was?" Ron asked, looking over at Harry intently.
"Hermione told me."
"why wasn't i ever included in this?" Ron asked bolth of them.
"you never asked." Hermione said looking down while she ate, "Harry did."
Almost no one could see but there was a boy sitting next to Ron just reading a book, A Guid To Transfiguration. Next to him there was a potion book, dada book, and a charms book.
"Hey! Conor!" Ron said, pulling the book out from infrotn of him. "aren't you going to introduce your self to Bee??"
"I think you just did for him." Bee said standing up and sticking her hand accross the table to shake hands with him. "Hi. I am Bridget. But you can call me Bee."
Mrs.Moseley~QueenofNarnia said:
"Hey! Conor!" Ron said, pulling the book out from infrotn of him. "aren't you going to introduce your self to Bee??"
"I think you just did for him." Bee said standing up and sticking her hand accross the table to shake hands with him. "Hi. I am Bridget. But you can call me Bee."
ic: "Oh, hi Bee, my name is Conor Weasly" shakes hands with Bee

ooc: Sorry Im new to TDL so I might get things confused. :D
ooc: hi and welcome! haha! lol! i thought you were talking to me! sorry! :D

ic: "very nice to meet you." she said sitting back down then noticing the time on Harry's watch. "sorry every one. i have to go to charms now. but, Hermione, can i sit with you all at dinner?"
"sure!" Hermione said, finally looking up from her almost empty plate. "i think we should go too Harry and Ron. Time for Transfiguration. see you Ginny. see you Conor. see you Bee."
"cya Hermione, Harry, and Ron." Bee said as she picked up her book and headed out of the great hall to transfiguration.