
Tabitha looked around, most of the other students had found someone to sit with already "Timothy, can I sit with you?" she asked
Name: Bridget(or Bee for short!) Phillips
Bio: born in France, but moved to England before she could talk. loves: art, quidditch, singing, boys, music, clothes, and transfiguration. has a crush on Harry. is a Gryffindor. hopes to become a keeper for the Gryffindor quidditch team. loves anything girly. also enjoys being sumwhat of a tomboy. has a pygmy puff named lilly who is light pink. has a barn owl named Hermia. loves to read. has lots of friends. always has a book with her. wants to become good friends with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. has a wand made of oak with a unicorn tail hair core.
Appearance: just below the shoulder length platnum blonde hair, has forgetmenot blue eyes, is very pretty, tall-ish.

ok, i think that that is enough! :D
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My name will be: Conor Weasly

Like all Weaslys I have red hair, I am in Griffindor, loves quidich, and hopes to be a chaser on the Grifindor quidich team.
"Hey Hermione." Bee said as she passed the table were she, Ron, Harry, and Ginny were sitting and noticed the empty seat next to Hermione. "can i sit here?"
"Hi Bridget!" said Hermione, turning from her conversation with Ginny, Ron, and Harry to look at her. "Sure you can! no one is sitting there!"
"thanks!" Miley said, putting her copy of Transfiguration year one down on the table and sliding onto the bench.
"Uh, Who is she?" Ron asked, dumbfounded.
"She is a first year named Bridget. or Bee for short." Harry answered before Hermione could.
"Wow!" Ron said, obviously surprised by her hieght. "you are almost as tall as the fourth years!"

ooc: ok, i have to go, if anyone is on!
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Mrs.Moseley~QueenofNarnia said:
"Hey Hermione." Miley said as she passed the table were she, Ron, Harry, and Ginny were sitting and noticed the empty seat next to Hermione. "can i sit here?"
"Hi Miley!" said Hermione, turning from her conversation with Ginny, Ron, and Harry to look at her. "Sure you can! no one is sitting there!"
"thanks!" Miley said, putting her copy of Transfiguration year one down on the table and sliding onto the bench.
"Uh, Who is she?" Ron asked, dumbfounded.
"She is a first year named Miley." Harry answered before Hermione could.
"Wow!" Ron said, obviously surprised by her hieght. "you are almost as tall as the fourth years!"

ooc: ok, i have to go, if anyone is on!
ooc: I don't want to seem rude or anything, but I already have a character named Miley. But I guess we could have the same name.
ic: Miley R. Walked by just as the other Miley was being introduced. " Your name is Miley? My name is Miley too!!! That is soooo cool! And I thought it was an uncommon name." She said sitting next to Miley.
At lunch in the great hall, Virago was stuffing herself. A the orphanage, she never ate so much in one meal, never. There were some empty seats to her left, and the last person she wanted to fill them, did. Draco Malfoy, and his gang. She gritted her teeth, and concentrated on her fork.
"Oh wasn't it awful today! Just awful...McGonnagall gave me detention, and so much homework! Torture! Torture!"
Under he breath Virago muttered.
"Serves you right...."
"What did you say?!"
Draco's face went from self pity, to anger.
"I said serves you right!" Virago yelled as she too jumped up.
Now the Slytherin table was all eyes on them. They stood almost eye to eye, Virago being a bit taller.
"Is that an insult?"
"Yes it is idiot. Don't you know an insult when you hear one?" Virago snapped.
Her pent up anger, was finnally having a chance to escape. Draco pulled his wand. Virago drew her's. An all black one, with a white star at the tip.
Now the table next to Slytherins was watching.
"You wanna dance pretty boy?" She said coldly as she glared.
Draco yelled a stunning spell, and Virago agiely dodged it to the right, and swung her right arm as hard as possible, and landed a crunching punch which sent Draco sprawling.
"Serves you right...traitor."
Immediately a flock of professers rushed up, and beagan criticizeing Virago, taking points away, and giving detention. She didn't care. She finnally got to do what she had been brooding on for years.
ooc: ooo oppurtunity waiting to happen. thanks Elashia :D

ic: Tabitha had been behind Virago when Malfoy had aimed the stunning spell and was now in the hospital wing :D
SweetieGirl said:
"I have that class too!Lets go!"Ana said walking away with Timothy. When she went into the class she saw Summer. "Summer I haven't see you since this morning!"Ana said looking at her. "Oh I had to go to the nurses
office because I fainted in Proffeser Sprout's class"Summer said rubbing her eyes. Ana then sat down by Summer and put her books down.

Tim sat down by Ana and took out hid books. He started at his questions from last class.He looked at Ana and smiled. He had a new friend
Virago was breathing hard, but she wasn't angry at the teachers. All in all, she lost fifty points, and detetniton every night for a week with Tine Oswald.
She stuffed her wand into her pocket with a jab, and accidently bumped Tabitha with her elbow. She spun around.
"Sorry mate."
She apologized in her Scot accent.
"Didn't mean to bump you. What are you doing here? Aren't you Ravenclaw, and us Slytherins are supposed to be some dieseas you can't touch?"
Virago wasn't trying to be mean, but it came out a little harsh.
"You can sit down if you want. Since Draco is out, his gang left with him, now there's room."
Virago sat down, not expecting Tabitha to take a seat next to her. She began eating her salad again.
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Tabitha considered for a minute, then sat down next to her. this was completely opposite what she had been told of Slytherins.
Virago jumped a little when the girl sat next to her.
What on earth is going on? She's sitting next to me, an orphan, a girl with a tendency to be violent. She just saw me knockout a boy, with one punch! Muggle style fighting...yet she want's to sit beside me. Am I dreaming?
Virago set down her fork, and faced the girl, and reached out her hand.
" 'ello, I'm Virago, what's your name?"
"My name is Tabitha Storm" why was she doing this? this girl didn't exactly seem very nice, yet Tabitha felt strangely like she was more than what she had just seen