
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
ooc: btw, L_A: Seamus Finnigan is sandy-haird; Harry, Neville, and Dean are black-haired, not Seamus.

ooc: Wow I'm such an idiot...and I'm late! AGAIN! :eek: ...I'll read the pages and edit this post...
EDIT: Yeah...I've read the pages...

ic: Mearad was running off to her next class. She looked at the timetable. Transfiguration was next. She didn't know anything about this school and she had no friends. How could she spend all the year alone and with no help? It was enough that all the slytherins hated her just because she was a gryffindor. She tried to find her way trough the crowd but bumped into someone. All her books fell and she immedtialy picked them up. "Sorry,sorry,sorry." she repeated. "No problem." she looked up and saw a red haired girl. She was in Gryffindor aswell. "Um I was wondering. Do you have any idea where I can get a map of this place? or at least can you tell me where the transfiguration class is? Please?" Maerad asked. "Don't worry you will get used to it after a while." the girl said. "But it's different! I have no friends! If I get lost I'm alone! Why did that stupid hat put me in Gryffindor!"
"Don't worry. Transfiguration class is on your left, just round this corner. You will find friends don't worry." "I will find friends???I?? It's like saying that I will meet Harry potter right this insta..." but she didn't continue because she bumped into a boy. The boy was...the harry...the Harry Potter... Maerad stood open mouthed. "I'll...I'll go to..." and she ran away. Luckily she found the classroom and was fortunate enough to find that the teacher wasn't there. She got in and a cat brushes against her feet. Maerad patted it and sat down. "Will you Mearad Seaver explain your absence?" a voice suddenly said. Maerad turned around slowly to see Professor McGonagall instead of the cat. "I...I...was...lost...professor." "How about a map Seaver?"
"...There is a map?" and the others giggled at Maerad's response. She was so embarresed and to top it all, there were the slytherins with them.
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ooc: No you aren't, L_A! :)

Shannon was sitting alone in the Ravenclaw Common Room, by the fire. She was gazing into it, thinking of her converstion and walk to class with Harry.
"Hey!" said a voice. It was Padma, Shannon saw when she looked up.
"Hi," replied Shannon.
"I heard that you walked to class with Potter," grinned Padma.
"Yeah," muttered Shannon. "I was lost, and he was going the same way as me."
"Right," said Padma, rolling her eyes and grinning.
"Oh, shut up!" snapped Shannon, giggling and hitting Padma with a scrap roll of parchment.
The next class Shannon had was Transfiguartion with Professor McGonagall. She gathered her things, and, this time, followed a girl she'd met the previous night named Arabesque DeLany. They were in the same dormitory, as they were both First Year Ravenclaws.
"Hey," said Shannon catching up with Arabesque breathlessly. "Wait up!"
"How are you?" asked Arabesque, turning her large, aqua eyes upon Shannon.
"Good. You?"
"Fine. You're very good at Charms," commented Arabesque musingly. "My brother Ayne couldn't even do that in his second year."
"Thanks," said Shannon, blushing. They reached the Transfiguration corridor, and got into line behind a Gryffindor first year. They had to wait to get into the class room, Shannon guessed.
"Do it again!"
"Alright..." Shannon smiled, put her bags down, and got out her quill and wand. She rolled up her sleeves, put the quill on the floor, and focused on it. "Wingardium Leviosa!" she said. Swish and flick, she thought as she said the words, doing the movements.
The quill rose steadily, and quickly, up off the floor. People - including passing-by older students - looked round at it as it went up above their heads -
"Oi!" said a sharp voice. Startled, Shannon spun round, and the quill hit the floor tip-down and the tip shattered.
A tall red-haired boy was walking toward her swiftly, carrying his bookbag in his hands. He had a smug expression, and wore glasses that flashed angrily as he walked toward her. He had freckles just like Ron's.
"Five points from Ravenclaw," he said, glancing at her badge. "No magic in the corridors - "
"Oh, give her a break, Percy!" said a voice from the other end of the corridor. Shannon looked that way and saw a girl - also with flaming-red hair and freckles - marching toward them. She looked like a third year, second at the least. She was pretty, very pretty, with brown eyes glinting angrily at the boy who'd taken points from Shannon.
"Ginny," said the boy sternly. "It is my duty as - "
"I don't care," said Ginny irritably, stopping next to Shannon. She was Gryffindor, Shannon saw the badge. "She's a first year, give her a break."
The boy bit his lip, glowered at Ginny, and stalked off. When he had rounded the corner, Ginny turned to Shannon.
"Sorry about him," she said. "He's my brother, Percy. He's Head Boy and a bit of an idiot." She smiled a bit.
Shannon giggled nervously. "Thanks. I wouldn't fancy loosing five points on my second day."
"I'm Ginny Weasley," the girl said, offering her hand. "Second year, Gryffindor."
"Ron's sister?" asked Shannon.
"Yeah, you know Ron?"
"I met him when my sister was introducing me to her friends the first night," shrugged Shannon.
"Your sister?" asked Ginny, cocking her head. "She's Gryffindor, too?"
"Yeah - Lavender Brown."
"Oh," said Ginny, nodding. "I haven't seen you round the Common Room at all, nor at the table in the Hall," she added, qestioningly.
"I'm Ravenclaw," said Shannon sheepisly, anger at the Sorting Hat stabbing yet again at her.
"Oh...well, see you round!" said Ginny. She waved cheerfully and walked away.
Professor McGonagall came out of her classroom then, and ushered them in. Shannon entered the room, feeling as though she'd made at least one more friend that day.
ooc: Who cares?? lol, I want him, he is MINE! (bad me, I have a bf!!) lol

ic: Emmy and Callie were rushing to their next class, Care for Magical Creatures. The person that had been at the boats on their first night was the teacher, Emmy turned sheepish again. While Callie was very outgoing.
SpiritedWolf said:
ooc: Who cares?? lol, I want him, he is MINE! (bad me, I have a bf!!) lol

ic: Emmy and Callie were rushing to their next class, Care for Magical Creatures. The person that had been at the boats on their first night was the teacher, Emmy turned sheepish again. While Callie was very outgoing.
"wow" callie wispered to emmy " He's like a giant, he's huge" Callie seemed very interested about this teacher while emmy looked nervus about him.
SpiritFox_94 said:
"wow" callie wispered to emmy " He's like a giant, he's huge" Callie seemed very interested about this teacher while emmy looked nervus about him.
Hagrid came up to Emmy and asked "How r' u doin' toda'??" Emmy froze.
SpiritedWolf said:
Hagrid came up to Emmy and asked "How r' u doin' toda'??" Emmy froze.
"we're good" callie answered for both emmy and herself. "are you like a giant?"she asked cheerfully.
hagrid stared at her somwhat taken aback by the question. "odd question fur somone as young a' u to be askin' but I'm a 'alf giant"
"cool!" callie exclaimed she'd never met a giant even a half giant like him.
SpiritFox_94 said:
"we're good" callie answered for both emmy and herself. "are you like a giant?"she asked cheerfully.
hagrid stared at her somwhat taken aback by the question. "odd question fur somone as young a' u to be askin' but I'm a 'alf giant"
"cool!" callie exclaimed she'd never met a giant even a half giant like him.
Emmy was waiting for class to start, she wanted to talk to Callie, and not pay attention to the half-giant. Class started...
ooc: right then, Ravenclaw to DADA class!!

ic: Tabitha rolled her eyes as she passed by the drooling girls

ooc: sorry my posts are so short
ooc: I got permission to make a teacher for Defense against the Dark Arts (Since there always has to be a new teacher each year.) So that'll be my character for this RPG. Here is what I came up with...

Name: Professor Tine Oswald
Age: 43
Background: Former Auror and Head of Dementor control at Azkaban. He has one younger sister. His father was a dragon handler and was accidently killed when two Hungarian Horntails tried to escape, a week before Tine was to start school. Tine went to Durmstrang and after finishing his education he went into Muggle Relations for about half a year. Then during a mass dementor attack that happened that year, it was discovered that dementors had very little affect on Tine at all. He was then switched from Muggle relations to Auror training. He was put in charge of Dementor Control. After a couple years he was moved to an office at Azkaban and put in charge of everything that went on at the prison. After serving there for 5 years, he was moved back to London where he continued to run Azkaban from a Ministry office. Tine resigned from his post at the beginning of this year, but was kept on Ministry staff as head of Azkaban Prisoner transportation. Tine enjoyed attending Wizengamot trials and that's where he first met Albus Dumbledore, who later offered him the post of Defense against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts, because of his expierience as an Auror. Tine accepted and will continue to run Azkaban Prisoner Transportation at Hogwarts.
Lioness_Aslan said:
ooc: Wow I'm such an idiot...and I'm late! AGAIN! :eek: ...I'll read the pages and edit this post...
EDIT: Yeah...I've read the pages...

ic: Mearad was running off to her next class. She looked at the timetable. Transfiguration was next. She didn't know anything about this school and she had no friends. How could she spend all the year alone and with no help? It was enough that all the slytherins hated her just because she was a gryffindor. She tried to find her way trough the crowd but bumped into someone. All her books fell and she immedtialy picked them up. "Sorry,sorry,sorry." she repeated. "No problem." she looked up and saw a red haired girl. She was in Gryffindor aswell. "Um I was wondering. Do you have any idea where I can get a map of this place? or at least can you tell me where the transfiguration class is? Please?" Maerad asked. "Don't worry you will get used to it after a while." the girl said. "But it's different! I have no friends! If I get lost I'm alone! Why did that stupid hat put me in Gryffindor!"
"Don't worry. Transfiguration class is on your left, just round this corner. You will find friends don't worry." "I will find friends???I?? It's like saying that I will meet Harry potter right this insta..." but she didn't continue because she bumped into a boy. The boy was...the harry...the Harry Potter... Maerad stood open mouthed. "I'll...I'll go to..." and she ran away. Luckily she found the classroom and was fortunate enough to find that the teacher wasn't there. She got in and a cat brushes against her feet. Maerad patted it and sat down. "Will you Mearad Seaver explain your absence?" a voice suddenly said. Maerad turned around slowly to see Professor McGonagall instead of the cat. "I...I...was...lost...professor." "How about a map Seaver?"
"...There is a map?" and the others giggled at Maerad's response. She was so embarresed and to top it all, there were the slytherins with them.

Miley came in late after Maerad. "Sorry I'm late Professor. I don't really have a good excuse for being late, I was just slow I guess." she said, then took her seat next to Maerad. "Hi, I'm Miley. Whats your name?"
Professor McGonagall faced the class, her mouth a thin line.
"Transfiguration," she began, her Scottish accent trilling on the 'r's. "Is an exciting, dangerous subject all students are required to take throughout their time here at Hogwarts.
"Transfiguration is a subject one must pass in order to achieve many careers after Hogwarts, from becoming an Auror to a joke-shop owner," continued Professor McGonagall, pacing up the row of desks. "It is one of the most difficult subjects tought at Hogwarts, and a valuble one at that."
She cleared her throat. "Now. The magic I will teach you this year is much more basic than what you will be learning in the next seven years. Please take out your wands. Miss Brown, please pass out these."
Shannon stood and went to the professor, who handed her a small box of matchsticks. She handed out one to each student.
When she got back to her seat, Professor McGonagall instructed them on how to preform the spell, and what the effect should be.
She turned her own matchstick into a needle and back again.
"The words you will use must be precise," said McGonagall. "Professor Flitwick should have lectured you already on how the pronunciation is crucial to preforming a spell. Please begin."
By the end of the lesson, Shannon felt extremley pleased. She was one of the three who had managed to turn her matchstick silver, and hers even gave her a little prick of blood with its barley-dull tip.
Emily was runing so fast no one can she her go by she was so late for class she never ever late for any thing at all she all way on time for what ever when ever there is she all ways was a good good and the smaries in her family like her coin hermine she was finely in her clss hopelf her teacher didn't knowties she was late for class she put her books down and want to her sit her teacher Professor Oswald was at his desk and was reading his book she sighed
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ooc: Just so you know, I'll be refering to my Character as both "Tine" and "Professor Oswald"...

Professor Oswald was sitting at his classroom, a cup of steaming mint tea on the desk in front of him... Beside the cup of tea lay an unopened letter from the Ministry of Magic marked "Important!" and "Urgent"... Tine however was re-reading "Magical Me" By Gildorey Lockhart, ignoring the letter completely... "Just stuff from work... It could wait" He decided... It was about ten minutes before his first class was supposed to start and he was taking to relax and get used to his new job... He had be forced to make an emergency trip to Azkaban yesterday and had arrived at Hogwarts late the previous evening after the feast was long over... He had been greeted on his arrival by Professor Flitwick who ushered him to the headmaster's office... Dumbledore had greeted him warmly and after a cup of hot chocolate and a few cookies later, Tine had gone to his office to get some much needed sleep...

Tine ran his fingers through his light brown hair that had begun to turn grey... He had slept late that morning and a house elf had brought his breakfast up to him... He had spent the rest of the morning preparing for his first lesson... Professor Oswald glanced at the clock again... Five more minutes... Just then Emily came through the door breathing hard... Tine looked up from his book as Emily quickly sat down at a desk... Tine folded the page of his book and set it aside... he put his feet up on his desk and looked at Emily... One of his drak green eyes (The left one) was stuck permemently looking slightly off to one side...

"Thankfully for you, Class hasn't started yet..." Professor Oswald said with a half smile... "You still have five minutes..." He continued indicating the clock on the wall... "But I guess it's never too early to take the roll..." He opened the lefthand drawer of his desk and pulled out a list of names... His eyebrows knit as he glanced over the list then he spoke again to Emily, "Could you kindly tell me what your name is? I don't want to have to go through all these names to find the correct one..."
Machiathemarshwiggle said:
ooc: Just so you know, I'll be refering to my Character as both "Tine" and "Professor Oswald"...

Professor Oswald was sitting at his classroom, a cup of steaming mint tea on the desk in front of him... Beside the cup of tea lay an unopened letter from the Ministry of Magic marked "Important!" and "Urgent"... Tine however was re-reading "Magical Me" By Gildorey Lockhart, ignoring the letter completely... "Just stuff from work... It could wait" He decided... It was about ten minutes before his first class was supposed to start and he was taking to relax and get used to his new job... He had be forced to make an emergency trip to Azkaban yesterday and had arrived at Hogwarts late the previous evening after the feast was long over... He had been greeted on his arrival by Professor Flitwick who ushered him to the headmaster's office... Dumbledore had greeted him warmly and after a cup of hot chocolate and a few cookies later, Tine had gone to his office to get some much needed sleep...

Tine ran his fingers through his light brown hair that had begun to turn grey... He had slept late that morning and a house elf had brought his breakfast up to him... He had spent the rest of the morning preparing for his first lesson... Professor Oswald glanced at the clock again... Five more minutes... Just then Emily came through the door breathing hard... Tine looked up from his book as Emily quickly sat down at a desk... Tine folded the page of his book and set it aside... he put his feet up on his desk and looked at Emily... One of his drak green eyes (The left one) was stuck permemently looking slightly off to one side...

"Thankfully for you, Class hasn't started yet..." Professor Oswald said with a half smile... "You still have five minutes..." He continued indicating the clock on the wall... "But I guess it's never too early to take the roll..." He opened the lefthand drawer of his desk and pulled out a list of names... His eyebrows knit as he glanced over the list then he spoke again to Emily, "Could you kindly tell me what your name is? I don't want to have to go through all these names to find the correct one..."

Emily Look up to him "oh my name is Emily Granger One of the cuzins Of hermione Sir" she said with a small brath
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Lioness_Aslan said:
ooc: Wow I'm such an idiot...and I'm late! AGAIN! :eek: ...I'll read the pages and edit this post...
EDIT: Yeah...I've read the pages...

ic: Mearad was running off to her next class. She looked at the timetable. Transfiguration was next. She didn't know anything about this school and she had no friends. How could she spend all the year alone and with no help? It was enough that all the slytherins hated her just because she was a gryffindor. She tried to find her way trough the crowd but bumped into someone. All her books fell and she immedtialy picked them up. "Sorry,sorry,sorry." she repeated. "No problem." she looked up and saw a red haired girl. She was in Gryffindor aswell. "Um I was wondering. Do you have any idea where I can get a map of this place? or at least can you tell me where the transfiguration class is? Please?" Maerad asked. "Don't worry you will get used to it after a while." the girl said. "But it's different! I have no friends! If I get lost I'm alone! Why did that stupid hat put me in Gryffindor!"
"Don't worry. Transfiguration class is on your left, just round this corner. You will find friends don't worry." "I will find friends???I?? It's like saying that I will meet Harry potter right this insta..." but she didn't continue because she bumped into a boy. The boy was...the harry...the Harry Potter... Maerad stood open mouthed. "I'll...I'll go to..." and she ran away. Luckily she found the classroom and was fortunate enough to find that the teacher wasn't there. She got in and a cat brushes against her feet. Maerad patted it and sat down. "Will you Mearad Seaver explain your absence?" a voice suddenly said. Maerad turned around slowly to see Professor McGonagall instead of the cat. "I...I...was...lost...professor." "How about a map Seaver?"
"...There is a map?" and the others giggled at Maerad's response. She was so embarresed and to top it all, there were the slytherins with them.

Virago was one of the gigling Slytherins. It was a comical response and rather random, she liked that kind.
McGonagal shot them reproving looks, and they sobered up, everyone but Malfoy and his cronies, they elbowed eachother, and made rude gestures when the Prof. had her back turned. Virago rolled her eyes, and concentrated on the spell she was supposed to learn.
Tabitha wondered how in the world they could be late for so many classes in one day. at least she had arrived at DADA on time. the first one she did arrive on time for.
ic: "Hi.I'm Maerad, Maerad Seaver." she told the girl sitting next to her. Maerad stared at the matchstick infront of her. She wasn't sure she could turn it into a needle and indeed she couldn't. The only thing she could manage was turn the matchstick into a peice of tin . She heard McGonagall repeating "Concentrate" for at least a hundred times. She couldn't concentrate. She was never good at that.
Emily was gald she was five mins erly she just sat down and waite when the class starts she took out her books and just dole in them all she can do is just wait when five mins was up most every one was in the class she saw her new friend lizzy she came and seat by her .

Emily: "Hi Lizzy were is your bother I thought he be the fist one and here?"

Lizzy:" Oh i don't know I thought he would be here to"
Tabitha was trying to listen to the teacher. but her mind was rather wandering. she wasn't used to sitting in classes listening. she studied better by herself