
SpiritFox_94 said:
"Hufflepuff." callie replied "you?"
"Me too!" Emmy replied, they checked their scedules and they had all the same classes. When charms was over, they could taka a break. They went back to the common room.

ooc: Srz if my posts are slow, I'm doing homework too.
Hey Guys can i join???

Name: Timothy Hodder
Description: Looks exactly like William Mosely during the Narnia Movie
Background: Has a mother,father, 2 sisters in London England and lives in a house like Harry Potter's.Only one in the family that is a wizard.
SpiritFox_94 said:
ooc: it's okay SW.

Ic: this is great! I had this horrible feeling I wouldn't have any friends, I'm not that great of a witch you see.
"I did either, you see I'm a Black, and my mum was a human, I don't know anyone like that, I didn't even know that I was a witch."

ooc: Sure you can Join!
ooc-okay then

ic-Ana was walking to her next class when she bumped into a boy named
Timothy Hodder and her books fell. "Sorry...."Ana said picking up her books.
SpiritedWolf said:
"What are half-bloods and pure bloods???"
"oh! a half-blood is somone who has one parent thats a wizard or witch and a nother who was just a normal human. a pure blood is somone who's parents are both wizards and witches. Most pure bloods only have pure blood friends but I'm not like that.
SpiritFox_94 said:
"oh! a half-blood is somone who has one parent thats a wizard or witch and a nother who was just a normal human. a pure blood is somone who's parents are both wizards and witches. Most pure bloods only have pure blood friends but I'm not like that.
"I understand now! I didn't think anyone would be like that! Hey wanna do something fun??!! We should us the incendio charm on some tiles on the floor, then when someone steps on them, they will get unsoled shoes!!!"

ooc: had to bring up Siriuses recklesness somehow!
Emmy and Callie went out into the hallways and every once and a while when some older students came along, would use incendio on the floor tile they were about to step onto. One time they did it to a kid with a lightening bolt scar on his forhead, who they later found out to be Harry Potter.

Harry: "Hey what was that for??"

Emmy: "What was what for???!"

Harry: "You just burned my shoes!!!!"

Emmy: "No I didn't! She did, this time" *both girls giggle*
Harry: Well if you do that again, I might have to have Sirius Black go after you!

Emmy: Black?? Who's that??

Harry: My godf... a murderous villan

Emmy: Really?? Strange because my last name is Black, and I never knew my father! Do you think he could be my dad??

Harry: Your a Black???!!!!!

Emmy: Yes, why?

Harry: I need to speak with you later. *runs to class*

Emmy: That was weird :confused: Oh well *incendio!*
"oh my...I rememberd somthing sirius black was harry potters godfather....that boy was harry potter! I TALKED TO HARRY POTTER!!!!!!"*is reall happy*