
Hermionne: "You have to go one, two, three, Paraverto and on one two and three you have to tap the piece of parchment."

Conor did it on his first try.
Emily onpen the book " Ok I know I'm start and stuff but this isn't makeing any since to me right now I'm gald you are here cos" she said with a other sigh
ooc: hi! sorry! i had to go and do something real quick! but i am back now! :D

"ok! thanx Hermione!" Bee said as she whipped out her wand and came and stood next to her. "i needed the practice!"
ok. i can do this. Bee thought. just concentrate. one. two. three!
"PARAVERTO!" Bee said, very enthusiastically.
"yay!" Bee said excitedly. she hoped that Hermione would stop doing homework long enough to have dinner with them. Bee turned and climbed through the portrait hole. excited about her hopefully new friend and to eat dinner with Harry.
Emily and Coror was at the table she got and want to got her food " Oh what do you went I can get for if you went me to?" she said starting to blush