
Emmy had finally gotten out of the plants grasp, thanks to Prof. Sprout. By then it was time for dinner, Harry had left her a note saying that they would talk after dinner.
Bee slid into the seat acccross from Harry and Ron who were engaged in a conversation about quidditch.
"hey Harry. Hey Ron. Hey Ginny." Bee said smiling as she sat piling food onto her plate.
"Hey Bee." Ron said stopping their conversation and starting to dish up his dinner also.
"Hey Bee." Ginny said who was already eating.
"Hey Bee." Harry said happily.
Conor started chowing down a piece of chicken.

Conor: "Ron how did you like the howler?"

Ron: "Verry funny Conor!"
Conor laughed alittle

Conor: "Here Emily, have alittle Butter Beer. Conor said passing a golet full of butter beer, that he made with Paraverto earlier.
young wolf said:
Conor started chowing down a piece of chicken.

Conor: "Ron how did you like the howler?"

Ron: "Verry funny Conor!"
Conor laughed alittle

Conor: "Here Emily, have alittle Butter Beer. Conor said passing a golet full of butter beer, that he made with Paraverto earlier.
Emmy came up to Harry, since she noticed that he was finnishe eating. "You wanted to talk to me?" she smiled weakly. Hey said yeah. Then they went to the room of requirements. He walked past it three times muttering something. Then a door appeared. They walked in.
"*sigh* I don't know, he seems to hate all of them! I'm thinking its because Slytherins don't like Griffindors, so he doesn't like us or something. Weird!"
"Snape is a... Oh hi Ron :eek: "

Ron: "Conor what are you doing in here alone with a girl?"

Conor: "Just talking"

Ron: "Yeah right. :rolleyes: I'm righting to mum...

Conor: "What? Why?"
Before he could finish Ron was gone...

young wolf said:
"Snape is a... Oh hi Ron :eek: "

Ron: "Conor what are you doing in here alone with a girl?"

Conor: "Just talking"

Ron: "Yeah right. :rolleyes: I'm righting to mum...

Conor: "What? Why?"
Before he could finish Ron was gone...

"Is that your lovely brother?" Miley joked.
"So, you were saying? Snape is a... you could fit just about any nasty word in there!"
"Snape is a nasty rotten... Oh hi Percey. :eek:

Percey: "5 points from Grifindor for insulting a teacher. Conor what are you doing with a girl alone?"

Conor: "Just talking and did Ron tell you about this?"

Percey: "No. Good bye."
