
Ana came into Cho's room and said "Cho,did you ever go on that date with harry?". Cho said "I didn't....i'm already going out with Jaden"Cho said looking at Ana. Ana then sighed.
Tim was on his way to his next class. He walked by himself past the great hall, up the stairs, through 4 halls and up 2 more flights of stairs. He then came to the charms classroom door. "My first charms lesson" he said smiling.
Tim entered the door and sat down in the 3rd row up. He took out his wand and the feather he needed for this class. "Now class" said Proffeser Flitwick in a squeaky tone. "We will be working on the wingardium Leviosa spell today" repat after me without wands ffirst. "Wingardium Leviosa" he said. The class repeated. Once more with more force. he said. "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA" the class repeated very loudly."You may start" said P.F. Tim held his wand. "W-inga-rd-uim levio-sa" tim said very studderly. The feather just lay there. "Wingardium Leviosa" tim said loudly. The feather began to rise swiftly up into the air with Tim guiding it. "Well done Mr.Hodder" said P.F smiling. Tim smiled and layed it back down with a reverse of his wand rythem. They spent the rest of the class floating heavier objects and Tim got all of them perfectly. The class exited the room. It was lunchtime. "Mr.Hodder" squeaked P.F. Tim walked over to his proffesers desk. "I am very proud of you today, you have shown powerful magic at a first class, we will have a meeting with Proffeser Dumbldore tommorow on your strength of magic" Flitwick smiled and dissapeared from the room with a flash of light. Tim smiled and was very pleased to go to a meeting with the headmaster. He left the classroom and continued to lunch. Down all those stairs again. He moaned and continued down.
SweetieGirl said:
Ana was walking on the same stairs as Tim but was looking at her books while she was walking and bumped into Tim.

Tim fell down. 'Ughh" he moaned. He helped Ana up. 'Are you okay" he said apoligizing.Tim picked up her boks and handed them to her.
SweetieGirl said:
"I'm fine"Ana said getting up. "I have to go"Ana said leaving.

Tim felt awkward. " uh okay" he said watching her leave.Tim came to the potrait that led to Ravenclaw. "password" asked the potrait. 'UHH...oh right , pig snout" he said. The potrait swung open and he climbed through the hole.
Ana forgot that she need to get something from her dorm. She headed to the door and said"Pig Snout"and teh door opened and she headed to her rooma nd got her necklace her mother gave her. She walked into the main room of
the Ravenlcaw house and sat down for a bit until she had to talk to Harry about Cho.
young wolf said:
"It's something you would drink... I dont know its just a drink."

Emily look at him then drink it " If I die on this it well be your fult" she started to laugh " you know I'm just jokeing right?" she then took outher sip and made a funny noice
Name:pyralis Edana
Age:14(year 4)
Bio:Joseph Granger's girlfriend(joseph's Hermione Grangers cousin),I love makeing spells.

Appearance:Brown hair,and brown eyes,British,
ooc: Well, everyone seems to be the Grangers or Weasleys, don't they?
The three girls left the Common Room, and as they left, Cho's cousin Ana came back in. Ana was in Shannon's dorm, and she smiled at the girl as they passed.
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
ooc: Well, everyone seems to be the Grangers or Weasleys, don't they?
The three girls left the Common Room, and as they left, Cho's cousin Ana came back in. Ana was in Shannon's dorm, and she smiled at the girl as they passed.
ooc: Yes they do...It's kinda strange. Well I think that I would want to be known for who I am not for my brother or cousin etc. but well that's just a bit of my blabbering :p
ic: Maerad had woken up in the morning with a start. She thought she heard someone shouting but maybe she was still dreaming. She got up,put on her clothes and went down to the common room.There was no one as usual and she went for breakfast. Maerad ate up some things uncomfortably. It was strange to not having company with her all the time. She was used to being all the time with her muggle friends but she had to stop thinking because it was time for her to go to charms. Professor Flitwick thought them the Wingardium Leviosa Spell. Her feather flew on her fourth try. Maerad got out and headed to the library. She spent her 30 minutes searching through books and trying to find something interesting. As she was looking around she noticed a door. It was just like in jail but instead it had books in it. Maerad peered through and found out that it was open. She got in and found a book called : "What really happened to the boy who lived?". Seems interesting she thought and she took the book with her. It was potions and Maerad re read the lines for about 4 times till she put in the ingredients. Her potion was turning a bright purple and snape came her way. "Could you kindly explain what this is Miss. Seaver?" "Umm...the potion?" "Well then could you explain how come it's purple when it's supposed to be blue?" Maerad became bright red. "I...I don't know sir." "Tell me. Have you read the intructions carefully?" he said. "I think so." Maerad said, still bright red. "'Think' is not enough Seaver. Look at the fourth line and read it out loud." "Well it says Stir the potion 5 times in an anticlockwise way." Maerad suddenly realised her mistake. She had turned it about 7 times instead of five. "Oh." "Your Oh is going to cost you 5 points from Gryffindor." Snape said again. Maerad's embarresment was beginning to turn into hate. Then to top it all Snape told her to start all over again and even stay behind till her potion was ready. She was angry now. "I am not going to do your potion wether you like it or not." Snape quickly turned around as he heard her. "What did you just say?" "I am not going to do your potion. Would you like me to say it louder sir?" Maerad could hear the giggling but she didn't care. It wasn't fair the way he treated all the gryffindors. "MISS. SEAVER YOU WILL STAY BEHIND FOR DETENTION! AND DON'T YOU DARE DISOBEY ME ONCE AGAIN! UNDERSTAND?" "I don't understand but I will only stay in detention for the sake of all the gryffindors attending your lessons." "DETENTION, Miss Seaver and dare you say more!"
Maerad picked up her books and sat on the nearest chair. All the other students went away. "I'm not going to give you lines Seaver. Stand up!" and she stood up. "Go and clean all the cupboards and you won't leave till I say so!" Maerad cleaned everywhere without saying a word. "I'm finished" she said at last. Snape looked up from his book. "Go and don't you even dare to speak to me like that again. Understand?" "Yes" Maerad said but was immediatly sorry for the "Yes" that she had told him.
Tabitha was happy to be going to her next class with Virago. she was just so happy they walked there without saying much.

ooc: in honor of Elashia\Fender Stratocaster\Jood who just left the forum. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Lioness_Aslan said:
ooc: Yes they do...It's kinda strange. Well I think that I would want to be known for who I am not for my brother or cousin etc. but well that's just a bit of my blabbering :p
ic: Maerad had woken up in the morning with a start. She thought she heard someone shouting but maybe she was still dreaming. She got up,put on her clothes and went down to the common room.There was no one as usual and she went for breakfast. Maerad ate up some things uncomfortably. It was strange to not having company with her all the time. She was used to being all the time with her muggle friends but she had to stop thinking because it was time for her to go to charms. Professor Flitwick thought them the Wingardium Leviosa Spell. Her feather flew on her fourth try. Maerad got out and headed to the library. She spent her 30 minutes searching through books and trying to find something interesting. As she was looking around she noticed a door. It was just like in jail but instead it had books in it. Maerad peered through and found out that it was open. She got in and found a book called : "What really happened to the boy who lived?". Seems interesting she thought and she took the book with her. It was potions and Maerad re read the lines for about 4 times till she put in the ingredients. Her potion was turning a bright purple and snape came her way. "Could you kindly explain what this is Miss. Seaver?" "Umm...the potion?" "Well then could you explain how come it's purple when it's supposed to be blue?" Maerad became bright red. "I...I don't know sir." "Tell me. Have you read the intructions carefully?" he said. "I think so." Maerad said, still bright red. "'Think' is not enough Seaver. Look at the fourth line and read it out loud." "Well it says Stir the potion 5 times in an anticlockwise way." Maerad suddenly realised her mistake. She had turned it about 7 times instead of five. "Oh." "Your Oh is going to cost you 5 points from Gryffindor." Snape said again. Maerad's embarresment was beginning to turn into hate. Then to top it all Snape told her to start all over again and even stay behind till her potion was ready. She was angry now. "I am not going to do your potion wether you like it or not." Snape quickly turned around as he heard her. "What did you just say?" "I am not going to do your potion. Would you like me to say it louder sir?" Maerad could hear the giggling but she didn't care. It wasn't fair the way he treated all the gryffindors. "MISS. SEAVER YOU WILL STAY BEHIND FOR DETENTION! AND DON'T YOU DARE DISOBEY ME ONCE AGAIN! UNDERSTAND?" "I don't understand but I will only stay in detention for the sake of all the gryffindors attending your lessons." "DETENTION, Miss Seaver and dare you say more!"
Maerad picked up her books and sat on the nearest chair. All the other students went away. "I'm not going to give you lines Seaver. Stand up!" and she stood up. "Go and clean all the cupboards and you won't leave till I say so!" Maerad cleaned everywhere without saying a word. "I'm finished" she said at last. Snape looked up from his book. "Go and don't you even dare to speak to me like that again. Understand?" "Yes" Maerad said but was immediatly sorry for the "Yes" that she had told him.

ooc: LoL yeah...I mean, my character's sister is Lavender, but she isn't really much of a main character except for in HBP, so...:)

Shannon saw Ginny on her way to Potions. They chatted for a few moments before they had to dash off; Percy seemed to have developed a dislike for Shannon and was appearing whenever she was late for class or something.
When Shannon confinded into Padma about this, Padma told Parvati who told Lavender who told Ron, who confronted Percy with Ginny and the two of them told off Percy for being rude to a first year. He hadn't so much as glanced at Shannon since.
And it was in that Potions class that Shannon was struck with the thought that she barely knew any other first years, except for the other four girls in her dormitory. But she didn't even know them well.
Ginny was a second year; Lavender, Parvati, Padma, Ron, Harry and Hermione were third years; Cho was a fourth year. All her friends at Hogwarts were middle-year students, as Lavender said.
All her friends were older than she was by more than a few months.
young wolf said:
Connor: "Not sure."
They all went in.

OOc: Ok your the teacher this time

Ic: Emily and Conor was in the green house she started to scerm but she didn't went every one to know what she was sceming about
Kin Tsuchi said:
OOc: Ok your the teacher this time

Ic: Emily and Conor was in the green house she started to scerm but she didn't went every one to know what she was sceming about

Connor: "What are you screaming about?"