
Timothy sat down in charms class and whipped out his wand with the white handle and black upperpart. "Now class" squeaked Proffeser Flitwick. "While I go out to Proffeser Dumbledores office for a minute I want all of you to practise the Alohomora spell on your locked chests." Proffeser Flitwick then dissapeared with a loud crack. 'alohomara" the class urputed wih the spell..there wands were flicking everywhere. Timothy rolled his eyes. Its like this he said in his mind. "ALOHOMORA" he shouted over everyone. Everyone looked over at him and then his chest opened. A likerish wand floated out. "Thats the prize" shouted a brown haired boy."I love likerish wands". He then went mad with the spell to try to get it to open. The case then blew up and the likerish wand was just ashes. The boy broke down and started to cry so Timothy gave his likerish wand to him. The boy was then very satisfied. And more importantly he stopped making a fool of himself. Timothy laughed and took out his book to copy down the terms.'Lets see" wondered Timothy. "Okay the first term is Alohomora. Well i just did the spell so it shouldnt be too hard" Timothy started to mark downh the terms.
after class she walk to her other cals she love this one because there not thing big and scary there Charm she saw tim there sitting down with some thing black in his hand " Hi Tim what you have there?" she said with a smile Conor was sitting right by her
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The White Dragon said:
after class she walk to her other cals she love this one because there not thing big and scary there Charm she saw tim there sitting down with some thing black in his hand " Hi Tim what you have there?" she said with a smile Conor was sitting right by her

"Oh its part of my wand" he said smiling showing her the rest of the handle which was white."So, what have you been up too" he asked
King Of Narbithia said:
"Oh its part of my wand" he said smiling showing her the rest of the handle which was white."So, what have you been up too" he asked

" trying to not scar mostly and hanging around how about you?" she ask with a smile
The White Dragon said:
Emily was right by him " Yea I hope so to and I hope I won't see any thing scary ether" she said with a sigh
"Yeah" He said with a sigh. "We're first years, we souldn't be near anything dangerous"
Timothy walked slowly down the dungean halls. A black greasy figure walked slowly towards him. It was Proffeser Snape. He scowled at him as he passed.He then yelled "WHY DIDNT YOU COME TO CLASS TODAY BOY?". "What?" he asked. "Im going to Transfiguration now and its only 1st period. "WE HAD A 4:00 AM CLASS SO WE COULD CATCH THE BATS FOR THEIR FANGS FOR OUR POTIONS YOU IMBISUL" he roared. "See me in my office 2nd half of lunch". Proffeser Snape then walked on and turned to his office door and slammed it shut in Timothys face. Timothy scowled at him and continiued to Transfiguration. He passed a long corridor with a large statue of a snake eyeing him strangly. Timothy then climbed the stone steps and left the leaky dungeons of Hogwarts. He came to the entrance hall where malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were hanging out. Malfoy got up from the staircase right before Timothy was going into the hall where Transfiguration was held."Hey first year" he said approaching him. Timothy looked up at Malfoy. He quickly took out his wand but hid it behind his cloak so Malfoy wouldnt see."So, your still picking on 12 year old eh Malfoy" Timothy said with a meer grin. "What did you say" Malfoy said taking his wand out. "Petrificus To...". But Malfoy couldnt finish because Proffeser Flitwick walked by. "DRACO" he said very squeaky. Malfoy quickly lowered his wand. "10 points from Sytherin" Proffeser Flitwick then took him off. Timothy then looked at Crabbe and Goyle. They both cracked their knuckles and started after him. Timothy dashed down halls and up three flights of stairs. Crabbe and Goyle were on his trail so he dived into a broom closet and shut the door quick. He ran down the 3 stairs in the broom coubard and then came to a tiny cral space where a window looked over the lake. It was a strange broom closet. But then something was engraved in the wall. He eyed it. It read: Horcrux Club.and two boys names from slytherin as well as two girls were also engraved by it. Oh no. He said. These people are still in Hogwarts! He then looked up at the ceiling. A desk was hung up in the ceiling. Timothy pulled it down as well as four chairs. "THIS IS A SECRET CLUBHOUSE FOR VOLDEMORTS TEEN FOLLOWERS" Timothy screamed and dashed out the door. He ran down the hall and just made it before the bell. He slipped behind the Transfiguration classroom door.
OOC: I need some one to talk to because Young wolf stop comeing on here

Emily was walking to class then she booped in to Tim " Oh sorry I wasn't watching were I was going" she look up " Oh hey tim wich class are you going?" she said with a smile looking back and seeing Conor runing be hind her
Name: Nickki Bones (Susan's Bones little sis.
Age: 11
Personality: Hyper,talkitve,smart, she can be calm.
Face and Hair: Blonde hair, light tan face. Brown eyes.
( I know i'm late but..............)

As Nicki walked down the street of Diagon Alley a girl about a year older bumped into her. "Sorry" The girl said. "It's alright." Nicki said. "By the way, I'm Ginny Weasly." "Nicki Bones." "Oh... You're Susan Bones's sister." Nicki nodded. The girls heard a Ginny's name being called. "Gotta go. Maby I'll see you on the train." Ginny said. "See you." Nicki said.
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Susan and Nicki walked up to the train station. Then Susan said "You can wander the train and meet some people." Susan ran to her friend Hannnah. She gave a little wave and ran off. Nicki got on the train and began searching for Ginny.
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When Nicki got to the end of the train, she saw Ginny sitting with a boy that look just looked just like her. Ginny also was sitting with a boy with messy jet black hair. He also had glasses. He made her heart flutter. There was a girl with bushy brown hair. Nicki muster up courage and knocked on the door. "Hi, Nicki, come in." Ginnny said smiling. "Ron, Hermoine, Harry, this is Nickki Bones. Susan's sister." Nicki smiled. When the train got to the station, the five departed.
Professor McGonagall explained about houses to the first years then they enetered the Great Hall. "Bones,Nicki." Nicki got up and sat on the stool. The Sorting Hat paused for a moment and shouted " Gryffindor" Nicki saw the sadness flash though Susan's face. Her heart did flips when she saw Harry clapping and cheering.

Well what do you think so far?
When Nicki woke up she looked at her list of classes. Tranfiguration (Spelling?) was first. She put on a skirt and a sweater. Nicki grabbed her books and went to the Great Hall to eat breakfast. People were leaving as Nicki came in. 'Great, I slept in again.' Nicki thought. She grabbed two pieces of toast and ran to Tranfiguration. When Nicki got there she saw a cat and a lot of students writing. Only a few looked up. The cat turned into Professor McGonagall. Nicki gulped. She knew she was late. " Where have you been? " Professor McGonagall asked. " I got lost." Nicki said turning a deep red. Some kids were starting to stare. " I expect you to be on time next time. I'll let you since it's your first day." Nicki shighed. She took a seat a empty desk. It was in the back of the room. She began to work on the assiment ( spelling?).
After class Nicki went to lunch. While she was eating she heard her sister laugh loudly. Nicki sighed. 'Why can't I be more like Susan?' Nicki thought. 'She has so many friends. I have no friends in my grade. My only friends are Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Harry.' She blushed when she thought Harry's name. :eek: A single tear slipped down her face. Nicki didn't care, nor did anyone else.
Eimly was with Harry walking around for awhile talking about class she look around for Cornor she was kinda likeing him but she didn't want to tell him yet while they were walking she spoted her Cousin she walk up to her " oh I think Ron likes you" she said with a giggle.
Hermoine look at her cusin.
" now Emily stop joking around like that he dosen't like me if he dose he well tell me himself," she told her with her arms cross.

Emily rolles her eyes and went on looking for conor.
" if I was a young boy were well I be?," she ask herself going to the libaray.